Stool with constipation, feces of green, black, white, light, species - soft, thin, ribbon-like plasticine

Modern man often suffers from an intestinal disorder. At the same time, his stool changes and there is a violation of defecation. There are many reasons for this change. Worst of all, when there is a green constipation. The change in the shade of feces indicates serious disorders occurring in the body.

To answer the question why constipation appeared and green feces are not so simple. To understand the reasons it is necessary to take tests. Only after this the doctor will be able to say with certainty why the chair has changed.

The simplest explanation is that green constipation has appeared, the use of products filled with dyes. Such products include sweets and some drinks. Sometimes constipation and green stools appear after excessive intake of medications, including antibiotics.

Babies have constipation of green color, occurs after a power change. The kid does not immediately correctly digest new food, it causes an intestinal distress and a change in the consistency of the stool. If the delay of defecation lasts more than 4 days, please visit a pediatrician. This is necessary in order to confirm the absence of a serious disease, or vice versa, in a timely manner to identify it.

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When constipation and green stool in an adult causes severe pain and bloating, you should visit a gastroenterologist. If the disease is not diagnosed in time, the treatment will have to be performed promptly.

Do not delay with treatment, as disturbance of the stool can be life-threatening. Self-medication is also not recommended in cases where the following manifestations are present:

  • Green feces contain impurities of blood;
  • Severe spasms appear;
  • Appears offensive odor.

If the diagnosis shows that constipation and feces of green are caused by a change of foods in the diet, it is enough to change your menu and drink more liquid.

Stool changes with constipation

Fecal masses may have a different shade. By changing the shade, you can in some cases understand what caused the change. Should be pricked up if there were black feces and constipation. Most often, the dark color of the stools is given by digested blood. Constipation and black stools may occur with the following ailments:

  • Cirrhosis;
  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • Cancer of the stomach or rectum.

A black or green stool after constipation causes fear in patients. Sometimes this problem occurs when using strong antibiotics, which are prescribed to treat certain diseases. A patient must necessarily follow a bed rest and a strict diet.

White feces and constipation can occur with liver or bile duct disease. When the shade of feces changes to white, it should be recalled what was used in the last 24 hours and whether any diagnostics were performed. Constipation with light feces occurs after an X-ray study, where barium sulfate is used. Also, a light stool appears after consuming funds from diarrhea. If you overdo with the dosage, then there will be constipation, as a side effect.

It is also bad if the color of the stool with constipation has changed in pregnant women. Constipation in itself sometimes causes pain. If you do not begin to fight in time to delay the defecation, the probability of a miscarriage increases. Worst of all, if the chair is black or green. This manifestation indicates bleeding or a serious ailment. Urgently, you need to undergo a checkup so that the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

Shade changes may be accompanied by:

  • Elevated temperature;
  • Vertigo;
  • The meteorism;
  • Bloating.

In addition to color changes, the chair can have various shapes, which also need to be paid attention.

Types of stool with constipation

With constipation, feces can be of various types. There are times when its form changes. Sometimes there is a constipation of fine feces. If this change occurs, additional symptoms should be noted:

  • Slime appeared in the bowel movements;
  • Bloody streaks;
  • Despite constipation, the stool became slightly more common.

Similar symptoms occur in diseases such as hemorrhoids and polyps of the rectum. In most cases, these diseases do not manifest themselves for a long time. The first symptoms are constipation and thin feces. Do not worry too much, because such an ailment is easily eliminated. It is enough to undergo a course of therapy and the stool is normalized, and all the symptoms will be gone. The only thing worth worrying about is the delay in treatment. Over time, there is cancer of the rectum.

There is one more type of pathology, in which ribbon-like feces appear. A similar form will appear if you do not get rid of the polyps that appeared in the gut. The patient has constipation with a ribbon-like stool and severe pain. Timely diagnosis and treatment will eliminate polyps and stool disruption. With neglected forms, from problems with defecation and the causes of its appearance, only surgical intervention saves.

In rare cases, the patient manifests constipation and a soft stool. The main cause of this manifestation is irritable bowel syndrome. When a patient has an ailment, the defecation is delayed for several days. As soon as the bowel can be emptied, solid feces change to diarrhea, so a soft stool appears.

In a similar disease, the patient can feel:

  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • Bloating;
  • Flatulence;
  • Intestinal motility disorder.

If a patient experiences constipation with soft feces, you need to make a diet and use the medications that the specialist will appoint. Such a disease can cause a lot of trouble for the patient. It is difficult to cope with such a disease on its own, as constipations appear, but the feces are mild, so with laxatives you need to be careful.

Another problem in infants is the appearance of emptying resembling clay. The digestive system of the baby has not yet adapted to drinking milk or a mixture. Therefore, in some cases, constipation and feces may appear as clay. It is necessary to observe the baby, since in some cases, the problem lies not in nutrition, but in the defeat of the body by dysbiosis. In this case, the feces acquire a green tint.

First of all, add more liquid so that the stool is not so thick. In the future, you need to observe the color changes, which will make it clear what caused the violation. It is also recommended that the baby do a tummy massage.

In case of severe emptying, use glycerin suppositories. The drug will start in 5 minutes. Thanks to candles, the chair is normalized.

In the event that the emptying delay is not too long, you can give the child Dufalac. Such a drug is safe for the child's body, but is able to act effectively.

The most extreme case is an enema. It can be done if the child experiences pain and a strong delay in bowel movements. It is also recommended to visit a pediatrician who will perform an examination and will prescribe the correct treatment.

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