Can I have pancakes with gastritis?

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Such a diagnosis, like gastritis, makes anyone think about the question, but what can he eat right now, because the stomach is weakened by the inflammatory process and not any food is suitable. Patients always ask questions on this topic. In occasion of pancakes he appeared repeatedly. The reason for it is that this dish is still quite heavy for the inflamed mucous.

But if you take into account the fact that pancakes are prepared in different ways, then for people suffering from such a disease as gastritis, you can choose the appropriate version of this dish. The main thing is to remember that their use is categorically prohibited during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

At a time when the patient has passed the disease into the stage of remission, the diet is allowed to include this dish once a week during 2 breakfasts. Only it should be noted that pancakes with gastritis should be prepared from a light dough and not fry in vegetable oil, and bake in the oven. In addition, once a patient is strictly prohibited yeast dough, make it necessary fresh.

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There are several variants of fresh dietary test recipes for this batch, loved by almost everyone. Usually it is prepared on water or skimmed yogurt with low acidity and add no more than 1 egg. This greatly facilitates the structure of the dough and makes pancakes baked from it, an affordable dish for patients with gastritis.

Very good option for people suffering from this inflammatory disease of the stomach, will be diet pancakes in the oven. Their huge advantage lies in the fact that:

  • They do not need to be fried in vegetable oil, which is not recommended for gastritis;
  • Flour for them is buckwheat, not wheat, which is very good for the digestive organ;
  • There are opportunities to add to the dough rubbed not sour fruit.

Recipe for pancakes in the oven for gastritis

For the test, you need half a glass of oat bran and buckwheat flour, 2 teaspoons of sugar, ¾ cup of water or kefir, 1 egg, 1 tbsp.spoon is growing.oils, salt to add quite a bit.

Of these ingredients, the batter is kneaded. If desired, you can add rubbed fruit to it. At this time, the oven warms up. The dough is poured on a lightly oiled form or frying pan with a very thin layer and put into it for 5 minutes.

To the table, these baked products are served in a cooled form with honey or low-fat yoghurt. And do not worry that they will cause an exacerbation of gastritis. The only thing is that they need to be consumed in small quantities, to give the stomach to work without straining.

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