Analysis of feces for intestinal dysbiosis, how to take, where to pass to a biochemical study, a fence, rules for collection of faeces, how to store?

If the occurrence of a dysbiosis is suspected, it will be necessary to hand over the analysis of feces: general and biochemical. The most complete is the biochemical examination. Both of these techniques reveal the state of the intestinal microflora, and provide a detailed picture. Analysis of feces for dysbiosis is an investigation of the intestinal microflora. How to collect feces for examination for dysbiosis? How to store and deliver it?

Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis is prescribed in the case of:

  • Presence of prolonged inflammatory diseases.
  • The occurrence of frequent allergic reactions.
  • After acute intestinal infection.
  • Uncontrolled use of antibiotics and medicines.
  • Immunodeficiency and so on.

Bacteriological analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis

To establish a complete clinical picture of the disturbance of normal intestinal microflora, the passage of bacterial analysis for dysbiosis is prescribed. It is this coprogram that makes it possible to determine the exact number of bacteria. Thanks to such methods of research on dysbacteriosis, as a coprogram, the quantitative and qualitative ratio of bacteria in the stool of the patient is effectively revealed.

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The coprogram and the delivery of blood provide an opportunity to identify pathological processes at the earliest stage, which gives the opportunity to designate effective therapy of dysbacteriosis and close monitoring of the course of the disease.

Coprogram for dysbacteriosis is assigned in the case of:

  • Disorders of intestinal functions.
  • A large number of malfunctions in bowel activity, flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen.
  • If you experience frequent painful sensations.
  • Prevalence of nausea and / or heartburn.
  • With prolonged use of antibiotics.

Biochemical analysis of feces for

dysbacteriosis This study of feces provides an opportunity to assess gastrointestinal activity, and is also used for differential diagnosis with various diseases.

In accordance with the results of biochemical analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis, it is possible to select a treatment to normalize the quantitative and qualitative bacterial composition in the intestinal cavity.

The method of biochemical research for dysbiosis is a gas-liquid chromatographic examination. This biochemical technique is based on the process of separation of complex mixtures into the simplest substances, taking into account their aggregate state. When collecting evening feces for dysbiosis in humans, it is possible to detect volatile acids, which indicate a change in the intestinal microflora.

This survey is one of the simplest diagnostic options, thanks to which it is possible to determine the nature of the disease.

The advantages of this technique are obvious:

  • Saves a lot of time. So such surveys are prepared quickly and with the addition of an unexplored region of the parietal microflora.
  • Presence of high sensitivity index.
  • Slightly limited time in the provision of material for examination. So, it is allowed to take the analysis for a half-day.

Preparation for analysis for dysbiosis

Before collecting material in case of suspected dysbiosis, training is required. For a few days, you must observe proper nutrition with the exception of spicy and acidic foods. You can not drink alcoholic beverages. In addition, the taking of drugs is canceled or suspended so that they do not affect the result. It is worth noting that such an aspect of preparing the collection of material for dysbiosis should be discussed with a specialist. The drugs that can affect the results of the tests include: antidiarrheal agents, antibiotics, curative and cleansing enemas, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the event that you have recently been outside the country, then you should inform a specialist about this, as the emergence of a dysbacteriosis along with parasite infection, and, therefore, will require a completely different preparation. For research on dysbiosis, feces that are in contact with cleaning agents will not work.

Where to hand over a feces on a dysbacteriosis?

To properly choose a laboratory, you should consult a specialist who will tell you where to put the feces for dysbiosis.

The timing of the bacteriological analysis will be more than a week, after which the result is given to the patient. Biochemical research will take about 4 days.

How to collect feces for dysbiosis?

Many do not know how to collect evening feces in order to pass it for dysbiosis, so patients should read the following rules:

  • The stool should be natural, not caused by laxatives and other means.
  • The stool must be sterile and tightly closed with a lid. Predominantly special containers with a spoon are given out in the laboratory.
  • Before the act of defecation the bladder is completely emptied. The feces should not get into the toilet, so you need a pot or a towel. The pot should be clean and doused with boiling water several times, the towel can be processed with a hot iron.
  • The collection of feces for dysbiosis comes from different places. If there is blood or mucus in the stool, then these areas must be taken away. After this, it is required to close the container tightly.
  • If a bacteriological analysis is required, then it is necessary to hand over feces with blood for two hours. It is allowed to store the collection no more than 4 hours. In the case of biochemical analysis, it is allowed to store feces with blood in the refrigerator for half a day while they can be frozen.

Rules of feces removal for delivery on a dysbacteriosis are simple enough. The fundamental point is that if you follow all the rules for collecting material, then you will have the opportunity to get a really accurate result.

Thus, the diagnosis of intestinal microflora disorders is not a big problem, just like the prescribed treatment, consisting of taking pro and prebiotics. It is worth remembering that you do not need to self-medicate and self-diagnose, otherwise it will lead to a lot of problems and deterioration of health.

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