Artichokes: benefit and harm

Many different unique plants grow in nature. Some of them are used in medicine, cooking. Among these plants should be noted artichoke. It is not often that artichokes can be found on our table, the benefits and harms of which we shall consider today. This plant has been known to us since ancient times and it is used in various fields.

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Multiple description

Artichoke is a very unusual plant. Outwardly it resembles an incompletely opened bud of plants of the family of astroids or a green cone. This perennial bush is the parent of the thistle and milk thistle. At a height of 2 m. At the very top of the bush is a kind of basket.

Although it is a heat-loving plant, it can easily tolerate temperature changes and may suffer faint frosts. Harvest begins to collect when the fruits reach a smaller chicken egg in size.

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Completely the whole plant has useful properties, however, in cooking, fruits are used that resemble an underserved walnut to taste. But the medicine uses more leaves and rhizomes. Pharmaceuticals prepare various extracts, extracts, etc.

Important! It is possible to store the fruit only a week after collection, otherwise it completely loses its flavor and useful properties.

There are more than 140 plant species in the world, however, only 40 of them have special value. One of the famous varieties is considered to be the artichoke petioled white giant.

What is included in the

The plant contains a large number of nutrients, compounds, micro- and macro elements, as well as vitamins. The main ones are shown in the table.

chemical composition Title


Vitamin A and PP
Ascorbic acid





In addition to the above elements, the composition includes cynarine, inuin, proteins, flavonoids, tannins, and a lot of fiber and carbohydrates.

Thanks to all the components of the plant, it has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. In addition, it is a dietary fetus due to low calorie content.

What is the use of artichoke for the body

To date, the composition and properties of artichoke are fully studied and its usefulness for the organism is proved.

Maintenance of the cardiovascular system

Artichoke leaves contain the elements necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. They are taken in order to prevent ischemia, atherosclerosis and other pathologies that disrupt the proper functioning of the heart.

Improves blood circulation

With the help of this plant, vascular walls are strengthened, blood circulation is normalized. Blood easily circulates through the capillaries and reaches all organs. It has a positive effect on the bones and helps to cope with osteoporosis.

Important! The plant helps lower the amount of cholesterol. Contained in the artichoke substances, promote the dissolution of cholesterol and the release of toxic substances.

Digestion and weight normalization

Fleshy artichoke leaves contain a lot of fiber, insulin, polysaccharide. With their help, the work of the intestines is stimulated. They contribute to the normalization of microflora and purification from poisonous substances.

  1. And also the plant contains substances that contribute to the separation of bile. This property helps to process heavy food.
  2. Due to the ability to stimulate the breakdown of fats and normalize metabolism, this plant is used in some diets to reduce body weight.
  3. The leaves, stems and baskets of the plant contain compounds characterized by a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, they are recommended for use in inflammatory processes in the intestine and stomach.

Benefits for the liver

Thanks to hepatoprotective properties, thistle oil is widely used for the treatment of many liver diseases. And this plant is the relative of the milk thistle. For this reason, the artichoke and milk thistle for the liver have a beneficial effect. It is used for fatty degeneration, hepatitis and other various pathologies of this organ.

Important! The liver and the healthy people are regularly subjected to stress, so the reception of artichokes contributes to its maintenance.

Benefits of the plant in diabetes mellitus

The basket leaflets contain insulin, which is so necessary for diabetics. It regulates the amount of glucose and is useful in all types of diabetes.

Strengthens immunity and reduces intoxication

Vitamin-mineral composition of artichoke causes its use in maintaining immunity. And also this plant helps to eliminate toxins, increases hemoglobin, reduces the risk of infection.

Benefits for men

There are essential oils in the leaves of the plant, creating an excellent aphrodisiac aroma that helps in the intimate sphere.

Important! In addition, this plant, helps improve eyesight, has a strengthening effect on the enamel of the teeth, the condition of nails and hair.

Contraindications and harm of artichoke

Having become acquainted with the health benefits of artichoke, we will consider whether there are contraindications to this plant. It should be noted that in some cases, the use of this plant can do some harm.

Acceptance of artichoke is contraindicated in people suffering from the following diseases:

  • different gastric infections: reduced acidity, gastritis, cholelithiasis, etc.;
  • hypotension;
  • pathology of the bladder and urogenital system, as the plant contains polyphenol.

It is not recommended to take this plant to children under 3 years old, pregnant women, and breast-feeding mothers. Because the components of the plant can deny the negative effects on the fetus and the baby, and the chemical properties interfere with the normal excretion of breast milk.

Individual plant intolerance is rare.

Important! It is forbidden to use opened artichokes with brown petals. Such fruits are toxic.

Common recipes

How to take a plant with benefit? Food should not only be tasty, but also useful. To fill the body with various useful substances, it is recommended to prepare meals with the addition of artichoke, although once a week.

Salad from artichoke

To prepare a salad, you need 200 g of fresh fruits of the plant, Peking cabbage, pomegranate juice, chicken breast, boiled and steamed and 2 tbsp.l.of linseed oil.

Artichoke fruits should be kept above the steam for 3 minutes. Cabbage leaves gently pick up small pieces and add a few spoons of pomegranate juice to them. Top with slices of brisket and cooled artichoke. They fill everything with linseed oil.

Cocktail from artichoke

To maintain immunity and normalize the processes in the body, it is recommended to drink a therapeutic cocktail. For preparation, it is necessary to grind the fruits of the plant in a blender.

  1. 50 ml of the obtained mass are mixed with 15 ml of ginger tea and 50 ml of birch juice.
  2. The received cocktail to insist 25 min.
  3. Eat better in the morning, on an empty stomach, adding 0.5 teaspoon of honey.

Artichoke extracts benefit and harm

Thanks to the rich content of vitamins and nutrients, artichokes from Vietnam in the extracts are famous all over the world.

It is used in the following cases:

  • of the bile duct and organ itself;
  • to restore the functionality of the liver after treatment with certain medications or performed surgical interventions;
  • for blood purification.

Extract effectively affects the lowering of sugar, regulates metabolism, neutralizes inflammation, soothes nerves.

Despite its useful properties, the extract has a number of contraindications:

  • renal failure in chronic form;
  • cholelithiasis and duct obstruction;
  • individual intolerance of the agent;
  • pathology of the liver and kidney.

In addition, the intake of hoods in children is prohibited.
If you take medicine for the above diseases, it will harm the body.

Artichoke extract benefits and harm to health

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of atherosclerosis, dyspepsia, hepatitis in a chronic form.

Artichoke in tablets is recommended to be taken with meals, 4 times a day for 1 tablet. The course of treatment is one month. Then you need to take a break for a month.

Important! Artichoke extract is contraindicated in pathologies of the liver and biliary tract.

With this plant, you can improve the look and feel of your health.

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