Borovaja uterus tincture - the instruction on application

Uterus of a hog( an ortilia lopsided) - it has been used for many centuries to treat various pathologies. The plant is considered female, because it helps to get pregnant, get rid of inflammation and tumors of various origin. But it is also useful for men borovaya uterus tincture, the instructions for use describe all the rules of admission, contraindications.

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    The useful tincture of the hog uterus

    The plant contains vitamins, microelements, arbutin, flavonoids. The herb helps to eliminate foci of inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms, pain, strengthen the protective functions of the body, improve the outflow of urine. Preparations based on it are used in the treatment of the organs of the urino-genital and digestive system, medicines increase the likelihood of conception.

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    Important! Useful properties of ortilia are recognized as official and non-traditional medicine. Many gynecologists include this herb in complex therapy.

    Ortilia - application in gynecology:

    • elimination of hormonal imbalance, restoration of normal menstrual cycle;
    • elimination of fungal and viral pathologies;
    • adhesions, chronic inflammatory diseases of appendages;
    • fibroids, uterine fibroids, to prevent the occurrence of tumors of any etiology;
    • internal bleeding;
    • infertility treatment, improvement of sperm activity.

    You can use the decoction of ortilia during pregnancy, if it occurs as a result of taking grass - this will help avoid miscarriage and premature birth, cope with the manifestations of severe toxemia, get rid of infection in the organs of the genitourinary system and severe swelling. Grass does not harm the fetus, with proper administration there are no side effects.

    The use of medicines from ortilia is also advisable for kidney diseases, cystitis, pathological processes in the liver, cardiovascular problems. The herb helps to improve state of health in gastritis, colitis, cholelithiasis, diabetes, inflammation of the prostate, radiculitis, rheumatism.

    Various medicines are prepared from the uterus of the hog on water and alcohol basis.

    1. Tincture or grass which is better? With the independent brewing of the ortilia, it is possible to calculate the dosage incorrectly, which will lead to a lack of therapeutic effect, or intoxication. If there are no contraindications for the use of drugs with ethanol, it is better to use tincture.
    2. What is the best tincture or decoction? With pathologies of a chronic nature, it is better to use tincture, since it contains more useful substances. For every 12 months of the disease, you need to drink 200 ml of alcohol extract. The price of alcohol solution is 130-230 rubles.

    The uterine hog has many healing properties, but there are contraindications to it - allergy, lactation period, problems with blood coagulability. If obstruction of the uterine tubes, the ortilia can provoke an ectopic pregnancy. Reception of medicines based on the uterus of the hog can not be combined with oral contraceptives.

    How to make a tincture

    For medicinal purposes it is better to use a tincture of pharmacy ortilia. But if there is only grass available, then you can prepare the medicine yourself.

    How to make a vodka tincture:

    1. Grind 50 g of ortilia, place the powder in a container of dark glass.
    2. Pour the herb 500 ml of high-quality vodka or diluted with medical alcohol.
    3. Remove the container in a dark and warm room for 20-30 days.
    4. Mix the contents thoroughly every day.
    5. Filter, the precipitate is well pressed - it contains the maximum amount of useful substances.

    This recipe for home-made alcohol extract is universal, suitable for getting rid of many diseases.

    Important! Before beginning treatment with ortilia, an analysis should be made to determine the level of hormones. The grass reduces the synthesis of estrogen - with a small amount of this hormone it is necessary to take it exclusively in the second phase of the female cycle.

    How to drink tincture for conception

    In the instructions for use, it is indicated that treatment with ortilia is one of the most effective and safe ways to get rid of infertility.

    How to take the tincture to get pregnant?15 minutes before the meal three times a day to use 35 drops of medicine. Duration of treatment - 6 months. After 21 days of therapy, you need to take a break for a week. To take with infertility, alcohol extract follows both partners at the same time.

    Important! To drink tincture on vodka ortilia follows and for the prevention of female diseases. The duration of the preventive course is 21-28 days, it needs to be done annually for several years.

    How to take a tincture with various female diseases

    Ortilia effectively helps with many serious pathologies, but its main purpose is the treatment of female diseases.

    Important! Alcohol tincture should be started immediately after the monthly excreta ceases. During the menstruation, you should not use medicines with ortilia.

    Tincture of the hog uterus in endometriosis, how to take? Drink a solution of 15 drops for 35 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Long-term therapy allows to avoid surgical intervention. To enhance the effect, you must additionally make a syringing decoction of the ortilia.

    Treatment tincture of mastopathy allows you to eliminate hormonal imbalance, improve the condition after 2-3 months. Within 28 days, you need to drink 10 drops of alcohol solution ortilia 3 times a day for 40 minutes before each meal.

    Can cause monthly ortilia? The grass is used to eliminate amenorrhea, the course should not be stopped even after the appearance of a positive result. Drink an alcoholic solution of 35 drops three times a day after 2 hours after a meal for three weeks, take a breather for 4 days, continue the course. The duration of taking the tincture is 4-6 months.

    How is alcoholic extract of ortilia taken when fibroids are fibroids? The medicine should be drunk 30 drops before breakfast, at lunch, before bedtime. The duration of the course is 25 days, it can be continued after 12 days.

    In the ovarian cyst, the ortilia promotes resorption of adhesions and neoplasms. Use 30-40 drops of alcohol solution 3-4 times a day for 21 days. Repeat the course should be, after 4 weeks.

    Effective tincture of the hog uterus in varicose uterus - dilute in 55-60 ml of water 30 drops of the solution, drink 35 minutes before the start of each meal.

    How to take a tincture in the presence of inflammatory processes in the appendages? This disease at the initial stage often occurs without any special signs, so women turn to doctors at the start of the disease form. In addition to medicines, during the treatment should drink 30-40 drops of alcohol solution ortilia three times a day, previously dissolving the drug in 120 ml of water. The duration of therapy depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process.

    Important! Against the background of taking an ortilia, migraine attacks, nausea, fatigue can occur. Often observed changes in the duration of the female cycle, allocation during menstruation can become more abundant or scarce, shifting the day of ovulation.

    Borovoy tincture for men

    In the instructions for use, you can find recommendations for the treatment of pathologies with the hog chaff in the stronger sex. The use of ortilia for men is an improvement in the potency and quality of sperm, an improvement in well-being with adenoma, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, restoration of liver function.

    Men can take alcohol extract with prostatitis - 35 drops of medicine three times a day for an hour before a meal. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology. This scheme of treatment is also suitable for the elimination of infertility.

    Uterine borax contains substances that help improve the outflow of urine, eliminate pathogenic microflora. Therefore, alcohol extract of ortilia is recommended for use in prostate adenoma - dissolve in 5 ml of water 5 ml of alcoholic chemical extract, drink 40 minutes before each meal. For a complete cure, 450-500 ml of a medicinal solution is required.

    Tincture from the hog uterus and red brush

    The correct use of the drug, in which these two herbs are combined, will help get rid of the most complex and rare pathologies. Tincture activates the functions of the ovaries, helps to bear the child, if pregnancy is accompanied by complications, it is used in the treatment of infertility in persons of any gender.

    To prepare an alcohol extract, mix 35 grams of each herb, and pour 700 ml of vodka into the raw material. Mixture to insist in the darkened room for 2 weeks, drain. How to drink tincture? Take the medicine you need three times a day for 5 ml. The duration of therapy is 14 days, the course can be repeated in 1-2 weeks, but no more than four times.

    Uterus Borovaya is a universal natural remedy that helps to get rid of various diseases. But you need to use it in conjunction with medications, before beginning treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

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