How to determine the intestinal dysbacteriosis, how to identify, check, recognize, recognize, is it?

Is it safe to determine the intestinal dysbiosis? To my great regret, there is no way to reliably know the dysbacteriosis. However, in some cases, you need to think about its availability.

There are a few of the most common ways to find out whether a given disease is in a patient or not. This is the appearance of symptoms that allow us to recognize whether a violation of the intestinal microflora has begun.

What causes can serve for the emergence of dysbiosis, and how to check for the presence of the disease? To them it is possible to carry:

  • Reception of antibiotics.
  • Postponed gastrointestinal infection.
  • Presence of parasites.
  • Effects of cleansing the body with enemas, sorbents and specialized teas.
  • Periodic use of laxative.
  • Compliance with rigid diets.

These are the most common reasons for thinking about getting tested for dysbiosis.

How to determine the intestinal dysbacteriosis?

It should be noted immediately that there is no direct relationship between the degree of the disease and the severity of clinical manifestations, by which it is possible to determine the disease. A patient can go to a medical institution to recognize a dysbacteriosis, even if there is a slight violation of the intestinal microflora, but with a large number of symptoms. And it happens on the contrary, when a strong course of the disease is accompanied by a minimal symptomatology, which does not allow to verify reliably the presence of intestinal dysbiosis.

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So, in order to reveal a dysbacteriosis, it is worth paying attention to:

  • Presence of changes in the stool. This symptom is very characteristic and allows you to make a definition of the disease. In this case, everything changes: the number of acts of defecation per day, the consistency state, color, odor. Diarrhea or constipation may occur, and in some cases they alternate. The feces can become sheep or cork. The smell becomes putrefactive and sour. There is the appearance of mucus.
  • Bloating. Can be accompanied with increased intestinal peristalsis, flatulence or belching.
  • Painful sensations. This sign also helps to determine the dysbacteriosis. Pain can wear blunt aching or sharp cramping.

Intestinal symptoms are the main ways to help identify the disease, however, are by no means unique. The appearance of the disease may indicate such symptoms, which allows to determine the dysbacteriosis:

  • Failures in violations of other departments of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of nausea, heaviness in the stomach, unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, loss of appetite, frequent eruption - all these are symptoms that determine dysbacteriosis.
  • Dryness, arrests at the corners of the lips, peeling and itching of the skin - these symptoms, which help in determining the disease, are a consequence of vitamin deficiency. Deterioration of overall health - insomnia, rapid fatigue, the onset of headaches. Such manifestations, which will help to detect the presence of the disease, are caused by the general intoxication of the body, due to the intensification of putrefactive and fermenting processes.

It is also worth paying attention to this fact, which will help determine the dysbacteriosis - it is a smell from the mouth. Not in all cases it is a sign of diseases of the oral cavity. In addition, on the tongue from the sides begins to appear plaque, allowing to recognize the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In women, you can determine dysbiosis, the emergence of thrush.

How to identify a dysbacteriosis?

How to check the presence of a violation of intestinal microflora? It's quite simple: you need to pass the analysis to bacteriological culture. In this case, it will be determined which indicator of the qualitative and quantitative composition of microorganisms in the intestinal cavity. It is worth noting that the definition of the disease using this analysis, provides for several nuances. So, the caloric mass should be submitted to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after the fence was made. The analysis will last 7 days. Provided is not always accurate data, because of what is not always possible to accurately determine the presence of pathogenic microflora.

Along with this, there is also biochemical analysis of feces, which helps to determine intestinal dysbiosis. It is carried out much faster, and provides the specialist more accurate data, on the basis of which he will be able to make more correct treatment.

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