Lineks with intestinal dysbacteriosis - what course of treatment, how much to drink( take), does it help?

Linex is a relatively new drug, which is used to treat and prevent dysbiosis in patients. The test of the facility in the hospital showed its effectiveness and harmless in regulating the biological balance in the intestinal microflora. Lineks is used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis of all kinds. In addition, it can also be used if the disturbance of the microflora is caused by the use of antibiotic agents.

Each capsule contains several million living microorganisms, normally making up the intestinal microflora. If you take Lineks for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, the microorganisms in the capsule begin to colonize the intestinal cavity, which helps in the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. This culture of bacteria acquires resistance, due to a certain type of microflora, which is resistant to antibiotic agents. Along with this, it is possible to receive funds during the period of antibiotic therapy.

The course of Linex for dysbiosis

To drink Lineks with dysbacteriosis is necessary in case of symptoms:

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  • Diarrhea.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Constipation.
  • of Flatulence.
  • Nausea.
  • Belching.
  • Vomiting.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.

This drug helps in the rapid elimination of symptoms, which significantly improves the quality of life.

The results, which were obtained during a large number of examinations, showed that this medication is a drug with a high harmlessness for the body. If you follow the course of treatment with this drug, then allergic reactions may begin to develop, and, therefore, you should immediately stop taking this medication. In addition, therapy with this drug alters the activity of digestive processes. So, the appearance of flatulence and diarrhea is possible. The manifestation of such symptoms is caused by changes in food processing in patients with dysbacteriosis.

How long does this state last? Undesirable manifestations of Linex do not last long, and during normalization microflora disappears. When conducting a course of treatment with a drug, it is necessary to reduce the intake of sour-milk products and food, which is difficult to digest. Lineks is taken with dysbacteriosis in the period of bearing and lactation. It is also allowed to take the drug to young children, in particular, babies. Thus, it is possible to prescribe the drug to people of any age category.

How is dysbiosis treated with Linex?

No need to drink Lineks without medical advice, because it will not help, as there will be no proper dosage. Before starting a course of treatment, it is worth consulting with a specialist who can determine how long it takes to take this medication, and will also have to sow the stool, which gives a more complete picture of the course of the disease.

How much should I drink Linex for dysbacteriosis:

  • Adults inside a couple of capsules several times a day when drinking enough water.
  • Breast and children under 2 years of age, one capsule several times a day.
  • Children from 2 to 12 years - one - two capsules several times a day.

It should be noted that Lineks can be drunk in the case of prevention of intestinal dysbiosis, which is not uncommon in young children. How much to use the drug in this case, the specialist must decide in accordance with the age category.

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