Therapeutic diet № 1, 2, 5 and dietary recommendations for peptic ulcer disease

Now dietary recommendations for peptic ulcer are not so strict, as the disease is studied deeper. However, the importance of nutrition in the therapy of the disease plays a special role. It is worth considering the fact that one of the reasons for the appearance or exacerbation of the disease is the error in nutrition. The food system consists of 15 main tables. For patients with digestive system disorders, the first five treatment diets were developed. Patients need to know what diet is in the stomach ulcer. The menu for exacerbation and remission has features. But there are general principles in the diet of patients:

  • patients should receive physiologically proper nutrition;
  • the affected organ must have a chemical, thermal and physical shade;
  • patients strictly must comply with the rhythm of nutrition.

Food for exacerbation of

Peptic ulcer during exacerbation should be gentle in all respects. Patients should not eat food above 600C or less than 150C.All dishes should be mechanically sparing the stomach. It is recommended to eat foods in a liquid or mushy form. With exacerbation, everything that can excite secretion is excluded. Contraindicated:

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  • drinks with carbon dioxide;
  • alcohol;
  • tea;
  • spices;
  • sharp and fried;
  • bread;
  • garnishes from vegetables;
  • all boiled broths( including vegetables);
  • coffee;
  • canned food.

Patients are prescribed a therapeutic diet number 1 for a stomach ulcer. Recipes depend on the variety: 1a, 1b, 1. Diet 1a with peptic ulcer of the stomach from the moment of exacerbation should be strict. Patients in this period are allowed mucous soups, which are prepared from cereals. Kashi( can not be made from wheat) just rubbed. Patients can steam omelettes, steam curd soufflé.From drinks recommend jelly from sweet fruit, milk, dog rose.

The main principles of nutrition during an exacerbation are:

  • to take food at certain hours in fractional portions;
  • daily intake of salt 6 g;
  • daily norm of carbohydrates - 200 g, proteins - 100 g, fat - no more than 90 g;
  • dishes are steam and frayed.

Diet when the clinical picture of

subsides After treatment of the stomach ulcer, the treatment and diet change. The patient's diet is expanded by the introduction of bread crumbs, milk soups. Mucous soups are replaced with cereals and mashed. All other products that are contraindicated in case of exacerbation can not be taken. When the clinical picture subsides, the patient's diet becomes diverse from the moment of exacerbation. You can:

  • yesterday's white bread;
  • sometimes baked pies;
  • vermicelli;
  • puree from vegetables;
  • fruit sauces;
  • vegetable juices;
  • greens;
  • dry biscuits;
  • boiled meat cooked with a piece.

Such a diet table with an ulcer excludes spices, rough food, spicy food, fatty and fried foods. Patients can not be legumes, radish, spicy sauces, since the treatment of peptic ulcer disease continues. The diet has the same principles: fractional regime, boiled and mashed food. It is allowed to increase salt intake to 10g and carbohydrates to 400g.

Ration during remission

During remission, a diet for patients with gastric ulcer is full. Power is not less than four times. Food that irritates the mucous membrane is limited. You can not overload the stomach with food. With persistent remission, nutrition is close to that of healthy people. However, the diet practically excludes:

  • garlic without heat treatment;
  • tomatoes;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

Diet in the treatment of gastric ulcers virtually eliminates sorrel and consumption of oranges. It shows include strawberries, juice of cabbage and potatoes, celery, cherries, blueberries, bananas. Switch to a varied diet should only be with the permission of the doctor. In some patients, milk intensifies pain and leads to a worsening of the disease. If after the milk there is discomfort, it is excluded.

Features of cooking

Diet therapy for gastric ulcer can be approximately the following:

  • first breakfast - egg, milk;
  • second breakfast - jelly;
  • lunch: jelly, slimy soup, steam souffle;
  • snack: omelet, dog rose;
  • dinner: mucous porridge, curd souffle;
  • before going to bed: rose hips or milk.

Mucous soups can be prepared with egg-milk dressing. To cook it, you have to stir a raw egg and pour in hot milk. The mixture is warmed until it thickens. She is filled with soup. The oil is put in the ready-made dish. Depending on the number of the diet for peptic ulcer, the menu changes.

Menu with remission:

  • first breakfast: scrambled eggs, cereal, milk;
  • second breakfast: kissel;
  • lunch: milk soup, steam cutlets( can be souffle), jelly;
  • afternoon snack: dog rose, cracker;
  • dinner: steamed fish cutlets with biscuit, jelly;
  • at night: milk.

A glowing diet with a stomach ulcer does not mean that the patient's dishes should be fresh and tasteless. To fish or meat souffle it is possible to prepare milk or sour cream sauce. For their preparation, a little flour is dried in a frying pan and poured hot milk or sour cream. During remission, porridge is boiled in milk with water or soups-puree on a milk-and-egg dressing.

Diet 1 table with ulcer resolves consumption of stewed vegetables in milk, boiled tongue, vegetable side dishes with canned peas, beet salad with sour cream. Diet 2 with gastric ulcer is recommended for a gradual transition to a healthy diet. It provides the body with all the necessary elements and vitamins, but at the same time relieves the gastrointestinal tract and improves peristalsis. Food has a gentle mechanical and thermal effect on the mucosa. During remission, meals are reduced to 5 times. Frying is possible only in a dry frying pan. The dishes are allowed on low-fat broth, mushroom broths, beetroot.

Diet 5 is prescribed when the ulcer is in the scarring stage. The composition of the diet virtually eliminates foods high in cholesterol, essential oils and oxalic acid, as well as fried foods. If the patient has an ulcer, table 5 improves well-being, energy recovery increases. Along with diet therapy, patients are advised to use mineral water therapy. The water is picked up by the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease.

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