How and what is better to treat a stomach ulcer?

Due to its prevalence, the treatment of peptic ulcer has acquired a lot of myths. How to treat an ulcer in fact?

If you also wondered how to properly treat a stomach ulcer, the following aspects should be considered. First, you can not start to fight the disease without confirming its presence and not understanding the causes of its occurrence. Differential analysis of stomach diseases is carried out with the use of such a method of research as esophagogastroduodenoscopy( FGDS).Thanks to this procedure, the doctor through visualization can examine the gastric mucosa, and if necessary, immediately carry out a biopsy. Sometimes an x-ray or ultrasound is prescribed. The duration of such a not very pleasant, but very informative procedure, like a gastroscopy, is no more than 5 minutes.

And only after the diagnosis is confirmed by the results of the conducted studies and the cause of the disease is established, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases, the doctor can decide how to treat a stomach ulcer in a particular patient.

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How is a stomach ulcer treated - yesterday and today?

For a very long time, doctors believed that the disease provoked stress, poor nutrition, adverse ecology and a change in the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, the intended therapy should basically normalize the acid medium in the stomach by taking special medications and transferring the patient to a diet( table number 1).

However, a few years ago it was possible to establish that the blame is all one small bacterium - Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of the disease in more than 95% of cases. This discovery led to cardinal changes in the principles of therapy for patients with peptic ulcer. How to treat a patient from Helicobacter pylori? Now, in order to help the patient recover, in addition to drugs that envelop the stomach and reduce its acidity, it is necessary to prescribe a weekly course of antibiotics( Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole).If this did not work, a second course of drug therapy with a drug such as tetracycline is prescribed. Immediately appoint tetracycline is not recommended because of the high risk of developing various complications.

How to treat a stomach ulcer at home?

Drug therapy does not last long, and as soon as it copes with its main task - the destruction of the pathogen, the patient is canceled taking antibiotics. However, this does not mean that conservative treatment has come to an end. This is just the beginning of a journey that can last several years.

First and foremost, the doctor should explain to the patient the seriousness of the situation and inform him that although it is no longer necessary to take medication and not to eat, but to observe a strict diet and change the diet for the next couple of years, it is still necessary.

Nutrition patient - this is an important part of the recovery of the mucosa of his stomach, both with folk and with drug treatment. In the case of surgical intervention, proper nutrition is of the greatest importance and influence on successful recovery. To begin with, the patient will have to restructure his daily routine so that food intake is frequent( 6 times a day), but the volume of consumed products at a time was small. Consumed foods should not increase the secretion of the stomach, but have astringent, enveloping or antiseptic properties.

Than it is possible to treat a stomach ulcer besides a diet and medicines?

In folk medicine, there are many tips on how to treat peptic ulcer disease, but treat them with caution. The fact is that physicians have had time to restructure themselves against Helicobacter pylori, but national recipes handed down from generation to generation can not boast of such rapidity of changes. Therefore, the replacement of traditional therapy with traditional medicine may lead to the patient having to undergo surgery after some time because of the progression of the disease.

At the same time, most of the folk recipes are excellent additional means of saturation of the body with vitamins and catalysts of the regenerative processes. But before you try anything on yourself, you should consult your doctor.

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