remedies for colitis of the intestines - drugs, drugs, suppositories, antibiotics, pills, medication, what to drink, how to treat?

One of the most common diseases, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, is a real scourge of modern society. The variety of reasons for the development of the disease, starting with disorders in the organization of nutrition and ending with nervous stresses, congenital abnormalities of the intestinal structure, leads to the fact that this disease is diagnosed in more than half, who turned to the doctor with complaints about the work of the intestines. In the treatment of colon inflammation, diet comes first and the second most important factor is drug therapy with various means.

Based on the analysis of the data of the conducted studies, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy. In order to correctly choose the tactics of treatment, you need to know the properties of medicines, choosing the most effective for this type of disease.

Preparations for the treatment of bowel colitis

The list of preparations for colitis of the intestines is quite extensive and includes:

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  • painkillers;
  • intestinal motility regulators;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • funds for diarrhea prescribed for prolonged course of the disease and mainly for the treatment of allergic and enzymatic insufficiency of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon.

Severe course of the disease requires the use of short courses of glucocorticosteroids. Soft spasmolytics of the No-shpy type are used to relieve violent peristalsis and cessation of spasmodic phenomena. To protect the mucous membrane from intensely developed in inflammation of aggressive mucus, astringent and enveloping agents are used. Antibacterial agents are used to restore microflora. The best means in this direction will be the reception during the month of Colibacterin, and to consolidate the achieved result with Bifidumbacterin or Bifikol.

The list of effective preparations from intestinal colitis includes Ftalazol, Sulfasalazine, characterized by high antibacterial and antiallergic activity. To reduce pain in the abdomen, swelling is very effective means containing oxyquinoline. The active and soft action on the restoration of enzyme disorders contributes to the wide spread of biological preparations as agents for intestinal colitis.

Medications for intestinal colitis

It is impossible to cope with such a serious illness as inflammation of the mucous membrane without the use of medications in the treatment of colitis of the intestine. Conditionally, the process itself can be divided into two stages. At the first stage symptoms of exacerbation are removed. At the second stage, the disease passes into the stage of remission, to maintain the results for a long time, referring to the final recovery.

Than to treat a colitis of an intestine, the medicines necessary for achievement of a favorable result for short time, the doctor should define or determine only. When exacerbation of chronic inflammation appoint:

  1. Antibacterial and antimicrobial agents, such as tetracycline, Furazolidone, Enterofuril and others.
  2. Spasmolytic agents with mild effects, and in severe cases are prescribed intramuscularly by Platyphylline.
  3. Diuretics for the elimination of bile acid deficiency in the digestive system, which is present against the backdrop of gallbladder pathology.
  4. Group B vitamins, nicotinic acid, improving the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  5. To improve the process of digestion and enhancement of food - enzyme preparations.

Antibiotics for intestinal colitis

The pathogenic bacterial flora that develops in the infectious nature of inflammation can be suppressed only by a course of antibiotics prescribed by a gastroenterologist. The need for medical control is explained by the fact that when antibiotics are used alone, not only pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, but also useful, which can lead to the development of an acute form of inflammation of the large intestine.

Antibiotics for colon colitis are often used together with anti-inflammatory drugs. In this case, antibacterial therapy reduces the rapidity of bacterial growth, and the reduction in edema and irritation in the colon is achieved through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. When the manifestation of dysentery appoint ingestion Acrychin, Aminohinol or drugs nitrofurano series. Effective use of streptomycin with increasing temperature. Combined antibiotics( two or more) are used to treat inflammation complicated by dysbiosis.

Forms of drugs that are applicable in the therapy of inflammation of the colon are very different. Among tablets from intestinal colitis, activated charcoal is the simplest and at the same time effective agent. Tablets of activated carbon are used for flatulence, diarrhea, manifestations of dyspepsia, increased acidity and hypersecretion of gastric juice.

When colitis of the intestine tablets with their clear dosage of the active substance can make a correct calculation of the effectiveness of the effects of drug therapy. The use of Duspalatine in colitis of the intestine in a wide age range is due to its direct effect on the smooth muscles of the large intestine. In this case, this medicine has anticholingeric action and does not affect normal peristalsis. Metronidazole in colitis of the intestine is used as an effective antimicrobial drug.

Candles for intestinal colitis

The use of suppositories for intestinal colitis is based on their property, to have a local anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine in the form of a candle is convenient to use, since they can be applied at night. In colitis bowel suppositories called Salofalk( produced in Germany) are among the most popular and effective. Apply them with proctitis, proctosigmoid and non-specific form of this disease. In severe cases, a special diet is prescribed. Defining what to drink when bowel colitis should be taken into account a categorical prohibition on carbonated drinks, alcohol.

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