Chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis and its treatment

Ulcerative colitis is a pathological inflammation of the large intestine mucosa, which for the most part has a chronic course( permanent or recurrent).The disease usually proceeds very hard. With it, ulcers always appear on the walls of the rectum of the colon and internal bleeding arises, the consequences of which can be perforation of the intestinal wall. Symptoms of the chronic form of ulcerative colitis are usually expressed in the following:

  • Strong or barely perceptible painful sensations, which are usually localized in the left half of the abdominal cavity;
  • Stool disorders in which diarrhea gives way to constipation;
  • Bleeding from the anal opening.

In addition to the signs associated with intestinal disorders, the patient can feel the general physiological signs that are characteristic of this disease. They are manifested by a decrease in appetite, frequent depressive states, as well as constant fatigue and general weakness.

In chronic ulcerative colitis, inflammatory pathology usually affects the entire large intestine, and this carries the threat that cancer of this digestive organ may occur in the next few years. Also, this pathology can cause perforation of intestinal walls.

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In order for this to happen, a patient with a diagnosed disease should be constantly monitored by a specialist and follow all his recommendations. This is the only way to prolong the periods of remission of the disease for a long time.

Treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis

Conservative measures are usually used in the therapy of ulcerative colitis of the intestine. They include:

  • Gentle diet, which does not cause damage to mucous chemical, mechanical and thermal injuries;
  • Purpose of medications that eliminate the symptoms associated with chronic disease;
  • Treatment with antibiotics;
  • Therapy, restoring the disturbed water and protein balance in the body;
  • Vitamin Complexes.

In the event that the chronic form of ulcerative colitis gives complications, which are usually manifested by intestinal perforation or its obstruction, as well as massive bleeding, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Also in the treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis must necessarily take into account the causes of it caused. If the disease is of an infectious nature, the patient is prescribed antimicrobial therapy, which must necessarily take into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. And in the case when the cause of chronic form of ulcerative colitis is worm infections, it is necessary to prescribe anthelmintic drugs.

Due to the fact that drugs used to treat this inflammatory pathology often cause dysbacteriosis, the patient is given probiotics for its prevention, which can prevent any disturbances in the intestinal microflora.

Well established itself in the treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis and traditional medicine. Decoctions of various anti-inflammatory herbs, used as teas or microclysters, have a very effective effect in reducing the severity of the symptoms of this disease.

The prognosis for this disease in the case of timely diagnosis, as well as properly prescribed and adequately provided therapy is usually favorable. But it is important for patients to take into account that no errors in the diet chosen by a specialist, as well as in the diet with this inflammatory bowel disease are unacceptable.

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