Medicine for food poisoning: pills, antibiotics, dropper

The best guarantee of rapid recovery and recovery after food intoxication is correctly selected therapy. Therefore, in each medicine cabinet must be present drugs necessary for the treatment of poisoning.

Every person ever encountered poisoning, which resulted from the use of low-quality products, alcohol or interaction with reactive substances. Traditional food intoxication refers to acute conditions that require immediate medical intervention.

What are the medicines to take from food poisoning?

Preparations for poisoning are selected in accordance with the etiology of poisoning and its symptoms. Call a single drug that would help with any poisoning, you can not. It is necessary to take into account all symptomatic manifestations, only then certain medications are prescribed.

Already with the appearance of the first signs of food intoxication, it is necessary to take measures to stop poisoning, because complications can provoke irreversible changes in renal, hepatic and pancreatic structures.

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Even in pediatric patients with poisoning, kidney failure can easily occur. If appropriate measures are taken, the liver can regenerate, but the kidneys can not return to their original state. Therefore, any intoxication requires immediate medical attention.


If a patient has a food intoxication, the first drug to be taken urgently will be some sorbent.

  • The most simple and known sorbent is activated charcoal. Take it immediately after washing the stomach with a solution of salt, potassium permanganate or soda. Calculation of dosage usually depends on the weight of the poisoned, you need to give the patient for every 10 kg of his weight for 1 tablet of coal. After that, every 5 hours you need to give 2 more pills. This treatment lasts about a week( depends on the condition).
  • Smecta is another effective sorbent that possesses enveloping and protecting mucous properties. The drug eliminates abdominal pain and relieves diarrhea.
  • Polysorb is also a notorious preparation, which has a high adsorption. The preparation is taken by dissolving the powder with water, i.e. in the form of a suspension. Polysorb has a high anti-toxicity effect.
  • Enterosgel - the product has an adsorbent and enveloping effect, which eliminates diarrhea and painful manifestations in the digestive tract, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also to the category of similar drugs include Atoxyl, Sorbex, White coal, etc. It is important to take any sorbent immediately at the first manifestations of intoxication, because the drugs neutralize the toxic effect and in a timely manner can prevent the development of clinical signs of poisoning.

Drugs for the restoration of water-salt metabolism

When food is intoxicated, diarrhea is usually observed. If it is accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, then the patient begins to experience severe dehydration. In such a state, an urgent restoration of the exchange of salts and water is necessary.

For this purpose it is recommended to take such products as:

  1. Glucosolan. The drug is a mixture of glucose and salt;
  2. Regidron - powder is diluted with water and given to children of children's age, until diarrhea and vomiting stop. Adult patients with a solution of Regidron can take short courses, until the restoration of intestinal activity;
  3. Humaine electrolyte is a preparation intended for normalization of water-electrolyte metabolism.

The above and similar preparations help patients with severe intoxication to quit most of the symptomatic manifestations.

Spasmolitic medicines

With an intoxication syndrome in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, painful spasms and colic occur.

In a similar situation, you need antispasmodic drugs, which include:

  1. Drotaverin or Papaverin. These medications remove spasmodic smooth muscle contractions in the structures of the digestive tract;
  2. No-spa - an effective and safe antispasmodic, the main substance - drotaverine, quickly relieves spasms.

Tablets for the recovery of microflora

All preparations that are necessary for the restoration of the microflora of the digestive tract after food intoxication can be conditionally divided into probiotics and prebiotics.

Probiotics are drugs that contain one or more living bacterial cultures. These cultures colonize the intestinal mucosa, replenishing the ranks of beneficial bacteria, then they settle down and successfully reproduce. The category of these drugs includes Acylact, Lactobactrin, Linex, Biobactone, Probiophore, etc.

Prebiotics include preparations that do not contain live bacteria, but contain substances of chemical origin that feed beneficial bacterial microorganisms and create a favorableenvironment for their development.

In addition, they have components that have an overwhelming effect on the microflora pathogenic. The most famous drugs of this group are Inulin, Laktusan, Prelax, Dufalak, etc.

With diarrhea and dehydration

Any poisoning, as a rule, is accompanied by diarrhea, which refers to nosological manifestations.

If in the first days of intoxication with diarrhea it is better not to fight, because it acts as an organic reaction and relieves the body of toxins, then at a later date, if diarrhea does not stop, it must be eliminated. In such situations, experts recommend taking antibiotics.

Diarrhea can provoke an exacerbation of the gastrointestinal pathology, so patients are prescribed:

  • Loperamide or Codeine;
  • Glucocorticoids like Prednisolone or Budesonide;
  • Tumor Necrosis Blockers( Infliximab);
  • Preparations of 5-aminosalicylic acid such as Mesalazine, Mercaptopurine or Sulfasalazine;
  • Cytotoxic drugs - Azathioprine or Methotrexate;
  • In exceptional cases, somatostatin-ocreotide is administered with interferon.

When vomiting

For any poisoning of patients, vomiting is always a concern, it acts as a protective mechanism of the internal structures, which helps the stomach to quickly purify itself of toxic components.

If the poisoning is acute and accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, then this condition can prevent the intake of drugs and water.

To prevent vomiting, such agents as Cerucal or Metoclopramide are recommended, etc. These drugs quickly eliminate nausea reactions, they act on the vomiting center, blocking the emetic desire, so that the patient can take liquid to replenish fluid losses.


Similar agents are prescribed for food poisoning quite rarely, in cases where intoxications are of mixed origin. Usually, with intoxication of food origin, Levomycetin is prescribed. But it is used only after a thorough diagnosis and detection of a particular pathogen.


With food intoxication, infusion therapy can become a key point. With the help of such an introduction of medicines, homeostasis disorders can be eliminated as soon as possible.

Timely infusion intervention with food intoxication allows to achieve:

  • Replenishment of volumes of blood circulation;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Perfusion enhancement of key inorganic functions;
  • Destruction of pathogenetic shock reactions;
  • Elimination of microcirculatory insufficiency;
  • Minimal toxic effects, and their accelerated withdrawal from the body;
  • Control over blood flow processes;
  • Rapid reaction to any deterioration in the patient's well-being;
  • Medication support of renal, pulmonary and cardiac activity.

The purpose of infusion therapy is carried out exclusively by doctors, independent use of droppers is unacceptable.


In order not to conflict drugs, drug therapy should appoint a doctor. Do not take all the drugs recommended for poisoning immediately.

First you need to clean the stomach of the poisoned. For this purpose, rinsing is carried out with the help of abundant drink and artificial calling of vomiting.

Then, when the stomach is cleaned, reception of sorbents is shown, which will remove residual components of toxic substances. Simultaneously, they show the use of funds that restore the water-electrolyte balance in the affected organism.

When the patient feels a steady improvement in the condition, one can begin to restore the microflora that has suffered after pathogenic microorganisms and diarrhea.

If after 4-5 days, vomiting and diarrhea do not go away, then anti-emetic and anti-diarrhea remedies are prescribed, and in particularly difficult cases, antibiotics. Sometimes intravenous infusion infusions may be used.

What to take with food poisoning and vomiting, will tell the following video:

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