Pharyngosept: instructions for use: reviews, prices, cheap analogues

Sometimes colds can be accompanied by acute or unpleasant pain in the throat. The blame for this is pathogenic microorganisms that affect the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth. In addition to the main treatment regimen, doctors prescribe topical drugs. One of the best is Faryngosept. It is used in adults and children.

Composition, form, package

Active component of Tharyngept - Ambazone monohydrate. One tablet contains 10 mg. Complementary components:

  • lemon or vanilla flavors;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • sucrose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • cocoa;
  • gum arabic.

The medicine is available in the form of rounded tablets intended for slow resorption.1 blister includes 10 such tablets.


The drug is produced by the largest pharmaceutical company Terapia Ranbaxy SA.This well-known Romanian manufacturer has been on the pharmaceutical market since 1920.


The use of such tablets for resorption is indicated for any bacterial infection that appeared independently, or as a complication of the virus. Treatment with the drug is optional, it is part of a comprehensive drug therapy.

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Can be used in a mono version. Below is a list of diseases in which this drug can be used.

  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pharynx;
  • irritating cough;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • complications after tooth decay;
  • gingivitis, stomatitis;
  • for the periodic prevention of any infections.


The drug should not be taken with allergies to the main active substance - ambazone.

Mechanism of action

At the moment of resorption of the pharyngept tablet begins inhibition of the vital activity of microorganisms located on the mucous throat, larynx, mouth. Staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory processes are sensitive to this drug.

Overview of the throat pain in our video:

Instruction for use

The tablets are not swallowed, kept in the oral cavity closer to the inflamed area until complete resorption. Adults need 3-5 tablets to knock. The drug should be used fifteen minutes after lunch and two hours before the next dose. The treatment period is no more than 3-5 days for uncomplicated course of the disease.

Side effects of

The drug is transferred well enough. Side effects can manifest as a skin rash, as well as other allergic reactions. The effectiveness of the drug does not increase when used in a dose greater than that indicated.


When using the drug according to the overdose instructions, it can not occur. If you accidentally take a large number of tablets at a time, you need to rinse the stomach thoroughly with cool boiled water and take, according to weight, activated charcoal.

Special instructions

Special attention should be given to the composition of the drug should be given to patients with diabetes mellitus. One plate of pharyngosept contains more than 700 mg of sugar. Patients suffering from lactose intolerance should avoid using such a drug, since one tablet contains about 150 mg of this substance.

Drug Interaction

The manufacturer did not report the interaction of the Pharyngocept tablets with other medications.

Reviews for

Patients using FARINGOSEPT, consider this drug to be one of the best. It perfectly helps with pain in the throat, perspiration, inflammation of the mouth, dry irritating cough. The tablets are pleasant to the taste, they relieve inflammation, they considerably soften the unpleasant sensations. Pharyngocept is the best way to avoid the spread of infection to the bronchi and lungs.

We offer you a recipe for home cough drops:

Price for Pharyngosept

Pharyngosept will please customers with low cost. For the packaging of 10 tablets will have to give only 115 rubles. More profitable is a large package - 20 lozenges for 140 rubles.


There is no analogue of Tharingosept according to the active substance. However, the modern pharmaceutical industry can offer a huge number of similarly-shaped medicinal lozenges or tablets with other active ingredients.

These include:

  • Adjicept;
  • Gramidine;
  • Lysobact;
  • Sepptay;
  • Strepsils
  • Tseprolet and many others.

On a photo analogues of the preparation Pharyngosept


To cheap preparations having a similar action it is possible to carry furatsilin, streptotsid. The price of these funds does not exceed 40 rubles and they also have an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Synonyms of medication

There are no data on synonyms.

How to treat a throat to children - advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Medicinal product is dispensed without a prescription.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25ยบ C. Shelf life is 4 years. Use the drug is strictly prohibited after the expiry date.

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