Rederm: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

In dermatological practice, a redermed ointment with multiple pharmacological action is used. More often, the areas of application are associated with anti-inflammatory action and the ability to quickly reject excess skin cell layers of the skin.

Features of the drug

Medicinal forms

  • Rederm was produced earlier in a single dosage form - ointment( sometimes called cream) .Ointment Rederm is packed in tubes of aluminum for 15 g or 30 g. In the pharmacy, the tube is sold in a white carton with blue inserts. Ointment of a uniform consistency, white, translucent shade.
  • Currently, is produced by the Rederm lotion, which has a cooling effect for the skin and has no effect on hair and hair follicles.

The composition of the Rederma

The main active substance of Rederm is betamethasone, contained in the derivative of this substance - propionic salt with a mass fraction of 78.125%. Total mass of betamethasone propionate in Rederm - 64 grams. The second active substance - salicylic acid is 4.48% of the drug by weight.

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To form the consistency of the ointment and keep it within the expiry date, different forms of paraffin are used as the ointment base: soft and liquid.


Ointment Redem is available for all categories of the population. The minimum cost is registered in the online pharmacy - 123 rubles. The highest price limit is observed in pharmacies in Moscow - 210 rubles per tube.

Pharmacological action


With a relatively small amount of active substances, the drug has multiple effects:

  • eliminates signs of allergic reactions;
  • reduces the density of the stratum corneum and stimulates its accelerated detachment;
  • reduces the temperature of the surface layer of the skin in inflammation;
  • increases immune skin reactions;
  • reduces secretion and transition to a free active state of inflammatory mediators;
  • narrows the blood vessels of the skin;
  • reduces the formation of exudate or infiltrate;
  • inhibits the formation of skin cells during their accelerated proliferation;
  • removes excess tissue fluid and reduces swelling;
  • creates a lipid envelope in a damaged area, preventing evaporation of the liquid and penetration of moisture into the deep layers;
  • inactivates pathogenic prokaryotes and fungi;
  • normalizes the concentration of macrophages and neutrophils in the affected skin.


Betamethasone and salicylic acid only affect the epithelial tissue, causing the desired effect. Data on the penetration of active substances through the subcutaneous tissue in the subcutaneous tissues are absent, so the removal of the drug through the kidneys, its bioavailability and half-life do not allow to establish their course or metabolic rate.


The treatment of the following pathologies allows the use of Rederm ointment:

  • dermatoses, accompanied by delamination of the upper layer of the skin;
  • dermatoses that are not treated with glucocorticoids;
  • is an allergic and typical inflammation of the skin;
  • atopic form of dermatitis;
  • pomfolix( a vesicle-biliary disease of feet and brushes);
  • chronic course of neurogenic-allergic dermatitis;
  • systemic squamous ringworm;
  • papular skin rash with a serous infiltrate;
  • reddening of the skin with accumulation of exudate;
  • urticaria;
  • chronic lichen;
  • red lichen planus;
  • violation of cutaneous keratinization of a hereditary nature.

Instruction for Use


Ointment Redem 2 times a day is applied to problem spots of the skin massaging movements in a circle, rubbing the drug into the skin for 2 minutes. The usual course of treatment, if indicated, lasts 21 days. At low efficiency of use after course treatment it is necessary to seem to the doctor for specification of the diagnosis and drawing up of an individual scheme of treatment.

Some forms of diseases are successfully cured by Rederm during a shorter or longer treatment period, which should be selected by a dermatologist. It is permissible to apply ointment to the affected skin of the skin in the form of an occlusive dressing, the change of which is made twice( but at least once a day) per day.

Babies and newborns

Newborns are selected drugs with a softer effect. Rederm in pediatrics for up to 1 year is not used. Children older than 1 year can be treated with Rederm, but once a day. It is required to monitor the skin and his health constantly. Occlusive bandages in childhood should not be used.

Pregnant and lactating women

The use of the Rhaderm drug in any trimester of pregnancy is unacceptable. Breastfeeding mothers with skin problems in the thoracic region can use the Rederm only after the lactation process.


Rederm can not be used for the following health problems of the patient accompanying the underlying disease:

  • increased sensitivity of the skin to external stimuli;
  • wounds with deep damage to the skin;
  • infectious processes on the skin surface( pathogenic prokaryotes, fungi, protozoa, viruses);
  • reactions of the epithelium to the introduction of the vaccine;
  • skin lesions of benign and malignant nature;
  • mopping ulcers in venous insufficiency preceding gangrene;
  • dermatitis with a lesion of the perioral region.

Side effects of

With different applications of the Rederm, side effects of varying intensity may occur, which are the basis for stopping the use of an ointment preparation or limiting its application. On the part of systemic organism reactions, there are symptoms of inhibition of growth processes, increased pressure in the blood vessels of the head, and an increase in systolic pressure.

  • Prolonged use of the ointment stimulates the intensity of development of the Itenko-Cushing syndrome. At the time of the analysis, a high level of glucose in the blood and its content in urine, a decrease in potassium ions and a change in the acid-base balance of the internal environment of the organism are detected. Reactions to excess salicylic acid and its salts are signs of body intoxication: lethargy, nausea, headache, auditory disorders, pallor of the skin, vomiting, rapid breathing, confused consciousness and excessive fatigue.
  • At several medical courses without interruption, atrophic skin phenomena, increased hairiness, decreased skin pigmentation, persistent expansion of small blood vessels of the skin( mesh), increased hair growth in the field of ointment application, excessive reddening of the skin in the field of application of Rederm.
  • Even with short-term use of the ointment, skin reactions can occur in the form of mild burning, inflammation of the skin( rashes and redness) and hair follicles, impaired sweating, irritation, etc.
  • Occlusive dressings can lead to the development of a secondary infectious process, intense dying of the skin, moisturizing the skin and developing sweating, forming "stretch marks".

Special instructions

  • Ointment Rederm is used only by applying to the skin, not adjacent to the mucous membranes of the rectum, mouth, eye conjunctiva. In ophthalmology, proctology, gastroenterology and dentistry, the use of Rederm is not permissible. It is advisable not to allow the application of ointment in the genital area and facial skin.
  • Cancellation of the drug is done gently, gradually reducing the dosage, the size of the focus, duration and periodicity. The cancellation is made with one side effect of medium intensity. In dermatological practice, the doctor determines the congenital state of the skin, which has to treat the Rederm( dry and thin).

Interaction with other medicinal substances

The joint application of the ointment of Redem's ointment with other medicinal products is only in the competence of a dermatologist. Due to the lack of reliable data on drug interactions, it is undesirable to experiment with the treatment of Rederm ointment. Limit the use of ointment in the treatment of glucocorticoid ointments.


The overwhelming number of reviews on Rederm ointment is associated with the treatment of psoriasis. With regard to psoriasis, there are mixed reviews. Most reviews are positive in nature, believing that Rederm effectively removes the symptoms of psoriasis and dermatitis. Ease of use and rapid disappearance of unpleasant skin symptoms are noted by a number of users. With the average and severe form of psoriasis, patients note a morphological elimination of symptoms, but the exacerbation of the disease is associated with pathological processes that occur inside the body and are not treated with Rederm ointment.

A number of negative reviews consider excessive use of hormonal ointments due to a decrease in time in their effectiveness.


Rederm has 23 analogues on pharmacological properties and active substances. Independent replacement of the drug is not recommended and leave this competence only for the dermatologist. The most commonly used analogues are Rederm - Acriderm, Psoriaria, Aneczem cream, Betasalik, Radevit, Betazon ultra, etc.

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