Suppuration on the skin: treatment, symptoms, detection, prognosis

This phenomenon, like a purulent skin lesion, can be formed at any age, in any way of life and in a number of external circumstances, which provoke a decrease in the overall immunity of the organism and a decrease in resistance to infections. Penetration into the upper layers of the epidermis of microorganisms, which provoke the formation of purulent masses, is usually the cause of this lesion. Characteristic manifestations, the possibility of appearance after application of mechanical damage to the skin and significant soreness can be considered the main manifestations of such a lesion as suppuration on the skin.

Accompanying the formation of pus, such wounds can for some time "ripen" in the thickness of the skin, and then, with favorable factors, go outside. Sometimes suppuration is immediately formed in the upper layer of the skin, which immediately attracts attention and pains of varying intensity and character immediately attract the attention of the victim. Like any other skin lesion, suppuration on the skin requires medical attention, and the sooner the doctor goes to the doctor, the more likely to eliminate the unpleasant symptomatology and the absence of aggravation of the lesion. So, let's find out how to treat and cure suppuration, and what to do if the wound is suppurated.

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What is a suppuration on the skin

By general definition, the suppuration on the skin is a mechanical skin damage, in which there is an active formation of purulent masses with an increase in the rate of inflammation and further necrosis of the tissues. This skin lesion is often accompanied by an increase in the degree of absorption of the tissues of the formed toxins, which complicates the elimination of inflammation and treatment( especially for advanced stages of the disease).

When suppuration at an early stage of the pathological process in the skin, there is a pronounced pain syndrome, which as the disease progresses acquires a sharp pulling, shooting or pulsating nature. This may not allow sleeping at night, worsening the overall quality of everyday life. The general active intoxication of the body, which arises from the penetration of decay products, toxins and toxins into the body, has a negative impact on the patient's well-being: the body temperature rises, which indicates the course of inflammatory processes, chills and febrile condition, a headache and severe weakness can be felt.

The suppression of postoperative wounds will be told by this video:

Classification of

The peculiarity of the classification of such a state as suppuration on the skin is the attribution of this lesion to a certain species, which implies the way of formation and manifestation of the disease.

Classification of purulent wounds is as follows:

  • complication of pure wounds, in which the process of formation of purulent exudate began due to the entry into it and active propagation of pathological microorganisms. In this case, clean wounds can have both a random character and a surgical one, their occurrence is determined by external action;
  • penetration of microorganisms from other parts of the body - most often staphylococci and streptococci;
  • receiving injuries with the lack of the necessary further disinfection.

In the treatment of purulent wounds usually takes several doctors, their main task should be considered the elimination of the cause of suppuration, preventing the aggravation of the process. Suppuration on the skin is treated by specialists such as surgeons, traumatologists. Sometimes the efforts of several doctors are required: orthopedists, traumatologists, vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons - in the presence of aggravation of the pathological process, penetration of purulent masses deep into soft tissues and increase in the area of ​​inflammation.

Pro local signs of suppuration of the wound, postoperative sutures, places on the toe, hands, near the nail, we will tell below.

Suppuration of the big toe

How to identify it

Features of the manifestation of suppuration on the skin determine the possibility of rapid detection of this lesion. Symptomatic symptomatology combined with severe soreness should be considered the main reasons for contacting a doctor for diagnosis and starting an adequate treatment for this case. Knowing the main manifestations of suppuration on the skin will make it possible to draw attention to it in a timely manner, starting treatment at the earliest stage - this will avoid possible complications and accelerate treatment.

The most characteristic external manifestations of this condition include:

  • the formation of purulent masses in a significant amount;
  • is a current inflammation that is especially noticeable in adjacent tissues;
  • high tissue necrosis in the affected area;
  • high degree of soreness: pain can be of different nature( tugging, blunt, prolonged, sharp, bursting) and degrees( strong, periodic, persistent, minor), but they attract attention and can even deprive the affected sleep;
  • with the activation of the inflammatory process can occur such manifestations as fever, significant rise in body temperature, dizziness, weakness, increased drowsiness, as well as general deterioration of the patient.

The listed symptoms are quite typical, which makes it possible to reveal even the initial stages of suppuration on the skin.

With a significant and extensive lesion, the ingestion of disintegration and slag products, as well as toxins from the wound and purulent masses, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, slows down the recovery process. In this case, such external manifestations as pronounced drowsiness, loss of appetite and weight loss due to this, disturbances of consciousness up to the coma.

How to treat a purulent abscess on the finger near the nail, will tell the video below:

What kind of violations can evidence the sign of

This manifestation, like suppuration on the skin, can be a manifestation of the beginning of a common lesion of the body with staphylococci, penetrated through minor lesions in the skin. This can occur when contaminated with pathological microflora during surgery, when the site of the operation was not well disinfected.

Suppuration of the skin can become a manifestation of the following adverse conditions in the body:

  • a significant decrease in immunity, in which even minor invasions of pathogenic microflora are capable of provoking significant inflammation and tissue necrosis;
  • penetration into the body of staphylococci, which often cause the active formation of purulent masses and skin inflammations;
  • also purulent skin lesions may indicate the presence of inflammations in the body, somatic lesions( diabetes mellitus);
  • is often seen in people who are prone to overweight, obese.

The frequency of detection of this condition is affected even by such factors as:

  • time of year( in summer time purulent skin lesions occur several times more often than the cold season),
  • age( in young people suppuration is less common than in older people)
  • is the state of the immune system.

For ointments from suppuration of the wound, antibiotics and other medications while reading below.

How to deal with such a symptom

Methods to combat suppuration on the skin surface include an integrated approach that allows the most complete impact on both the affected area and the body as a whole. The most correct way is first of all to eliminate sources of purulent infection. For this purpose, drugs aimed at inhibiting the inflammatory processes that are present in the body can be prescribed.

  • Early stages of the pathological process on the skin of a purulent character require priority cleaning of the wound, which allows to speed up the healing process and eliminate the penetration of toxins into the body.
  • More advanced stages require measures to strengthen tissue regeneration, superimpose early secondary sutures to prevent the spread of infection into the body.
  • If, with suppuration on the skin, the pathological processes have already worsened and gone far enough, surgical cleansing of the wound should be performed, which will allow more thorough cleaning of the wound, see the degree of inflammation damage and stop existing bleeding.

Medical therapy includes taking and topical application of disinfectant and antibacterial drugs that will not allow inflammation to penetrate deeper and cause complications. Procedures such as ultraviolet irradiation of the wound, laser treatment of it can also be prescribed - they help to cope with contamination by the microbes of the wound surface.

Along with the described measures, immunity is stabilized due to active intake of vitamin preparations that improve the recovery process.

Treatment of a purulent wound is shown in this video:

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