Domestic drunkenness( alcoholism): classification, symptoms and signs, causes

Domestic drunkenness is a common phenomenon in Russia and in the world. It begins with a moderate use of alcoholic beverages, but often develops into chronic alcoholism. What is the difference between these two phenomena? How not to allow heavy dependence?

Domestic drunkenness( alcoholism)

Household alcoholism( drunkenness) is not a disease yet, but an addiction that can lead to serious consequences. Domestic drunkenness is characterized by the fact that a person is able to regulate the amount of alcohol consumed. If there is an increase in the doses of alcohol, then after a while they again decrease.

The main danger of alcohol is the formation of addiction. In men, it comes later, in women it is faster, but with systematic abuse one day a persistent dependence appears. With domestic drunkenness it is not, but when abstinence begins "breaking", you can talk about alcoholism.

Reasons for

Various reasons give rise to domestic drunkenness. All of them are individual, so it is difficult to classify them. However, we can distinguish the most common factors:

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  • Family traditions.
  • Drinking for the company.
  • Problems and stresses.

During the holidays, family members and friends gather at the feast. The use of alcohol at such events becomes a kind of ritual. To refuse a glass is inconvenient - it can offend the owners.

Often alcohol is consumed just for the company - for example, when friends get together on Friday night. To refuse the glass again becomes difficult.

In the society it turned out that the drinking company reacts to sober ridicule or even aggression. A certain influence in this sphere is provided by advertising, which forms a stereotype, according to which a bottle of beer is a good occasion to meet old friends.

Less common causes of home drinking are problems in personal life and at work. If a person does not know how to relax, he attracts stimulants in the form of alcoholic beverages. When there is a hereditary predisposition to give up alcohol is especially difficult.


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Based on the frequency of alcohol consumption, house drunkards are divided into several types:

  • Moderately drinkers( only on holidays).
  • Episodic drinkers( up to 3 times a month).
  • Regularly drinking( up to 2 times a week).
  • Usually drinkers( up to 3 times a week).

In different groups of the population, household drunkenness proceeds in its own way. In men, dependence on alcohol is formed long enough, so for a long time they get it to hide.

Initially, a man drinks only with friends, but as he becomes addictive, he starts drinking alcohol and at home alone. He begins to have a strong desire to drink, loses interest in his relatives, skips work.

Gradually, alcohol doses rise, and a person's mood changes: depression and aggression appear. After drinking a glass he again becomes cheerful.

Classification of household drunkenness( alcoholism)

Over time, the body's defenses are reduced, a psychological dependence is formed, which is becoming increasingly difficult. At the mention of alcohol the man starts to smile involuntarily and lick his lips. His preference, he denies and angry in every way, when relatives indicate his problem.

Household alcoholism in women proceeds in a similar way, but it has some differences. Representatives of the weaker sex quickly lose protective reactions and start drinking regularly on their own. Feeling an irresistible desire to consume alcohol, they are ashamed to admit it to anyone, so recognizing female drunkenness is much more difficult.

The drinking woman almost immediately shows a characteristic change in appearance:

  • swelling on the face;
  • capillary mesh on the nose and skin;
  • voice change;
  • is a careless appearance.

A woman quickly loses her desire to watch herself. She becomes capricious, suffers from depression and mood changes. Like a man, a woman at home drunkenness denies the existence of addiction, and also takes offense at such suspicions.

Especially dangerous is domestic drunkenness for children and adolescents, because alcohol destroys their nervous system, and generally has a negative impact on the young unformed organism, causing:

  • memory disorders;
  • decreased mental performance;
  • deterioration of logical thinking;
  • high pressure;
  • low content of leukocytes and glucose in the blood.

Using alcohol, teenagers begin to skip school. They often have nervous breakdowns, they run away from home and are engaged in petty theft. To prevent domestic drunkenness, it is important to choose a hobby for the child so that he has something to do in his spare time.

Signs and Symptoms of

For household drunkenness is characterized by the absence of severe dependence. However, you can recognize the addiction to the following symptoms:

  • Drinking only if there is an occasion.
  • Control of the amount of alcohol consumed.
  • Heavy hangover.
  • Feelings of guilt after sobering up.

In addition, at the stage of home alcoholism a person, although he can get over with alcohol, but generally controls the amount drunk. After exceeding the personal dose the next morning a very severe hangover appears, which is expressed in nausea with vomiting, severe headache, weakness.

After a sobering, a domestic drunk feels remorse for the behavior the day before, especially if he hears reproaches from relatives. Aggressive behavior as a result of drinking alcohol is more characteristic of chronic alcoholism.

Stages of development of

Domestic drunkenness does not form immediately. Addiction to alcohol occurs gradually and passes through several stages:

  • Episodic alcohol use.
  • Systematic use.
  • The habit.
  • Chronic alcoholism.

At the beginning a person drinks in honor of holidays and celebrations. This is a normal phenomenon, which does not cause much concern. The dose of drunk alcohol for a month does not exceed 1 liter, people are already beginning to get pleasure from it, but euphoria is not yet coming.

Systematic drunkenness is most common among young people between the ages of 18 and 35 who drink up to 1 liter of alcohol per week. The dependence is already traced, although the person himself is sure that he can give up the addiction at any moment. At this stage, mostly light alcohol is consumed, but it is the one that causes the most addictive.

When drunkenness becomes a habit, a person begins to drink 1.5 liters of alcohol a week, realizing that he no longer wants to give up his addiction. Alcoholic drinks at this stage bring not only pleasure, but also euphoria. If you do not take measures, chronic alcoholism will develop, coping with it will be much more difficult.

Stages of development of household drunkenness and transition to alcoholism

Difference of household drunkenness from alcoholism

Household and chronic alcoholism is often confused, but these are different states. Domestic drunkenness is a habit harmful, but with which a person can still cope. This is what such drunkenness is different from alcoholism, a serious illness that requires treatment.

A domestic drunkard abuses from time to time, but realizes it and takes breaks so that the body can recover. The period of sobriety is given to him without difficulty. A chronic alcoholic does not have a stopper: changes occur in his body, so if he does not have a dose of alcohol, he experiences a severe withdrawal syndrome.

The next morning after a feast a domestic drunkard repents and gives himself the promise not to drink anymore. The alcoholic usually does not remember anything, but even if the memories remain, he does not feel ashamed, because alcohol leads to complete degradation of the person.

In addition, a household drunkard knows exactly what dose to take, after which he becomes ill, and tries not to exceed it. Chronic alcoholic drinks, while there is alcohol.

How to avoid the transition to alcoholism?

With household drunkenness there is always the danger of chronizing the process. The best way to prevent alcoholism is to stop drinking.

It is important to understand that alcohol does not solve the problem and does not help to relax. It only creates the illusion of well-being and for a time leads away from reality. However, the next morning, problems will only increase: there will be a hangover and shame for what happened the day before.

If the dependence on alcohol is already clearly traced, but the person can not abandon the addiction himself, it is necessary to urgently appeal to the narcologist. He will conduct a survey of the patient. If the diagnosis of "alcoholism" is not confirmed, drug treatment will not be required, but the specialist's consultation will not be superfluous.

To prevent complications of domestic drunkenness, it is recommended to invent a hobby, to start devoting time to the family, to play sports and participate in public life. These measures will help to spend your free time with benefit and rest qualitatively. In this case, there will be no need for stimulants for relaxation.

On video reasons, symptoms, development of domestic alcoholism:

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