Acute alcoholic delirium: video, symptoms, effects, emergency and treatment

Official statistics say that more than 5 million people in Russia are suffering from alcoholism. However, she keeps silent how much of the data 5 million suffered an alcoholic delirium and how many more people will suffer from it. Alcohol delirium( in colloquial speech "white fever" or "squirrel") - acute psychosis, accompanied by aggressive behavior( directed in the main to itself), delirium and hallucinations. The alcoholic alcoholic fever takes place only with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, and the person in this period is dangerous to himself and those around him, as he is obsessed with a compulsive state, and he simply can not distinguish him from reality.

Alcohol delirium - medical history

Code F10.4 for the ICD( 10th revision) depicts alcoholic delirium as a syndrome that accompanies drunkenness in the second and third stages of development. The fever occurs against the background of the withdrawal syndrome( on the 3rd-6th day), when the person abruptly throws to drink. At the extreme stages of alcoholism can also occur during drinking-bout( 2-3 days).

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The diagnosis is made for people who drank daily for a month:

  • 2.5 l of wine;
  • 5 liters of beer;
  • or 0.5L more strong drinks.

And also people suffering from alcoholism for more than 5 years.

There is fever in delusions, at the root of which lie:

  • Hallucinations of various kinds. Spotting most often appear in the form of evil creatures of small sizes, for example, beetles, brownies, demons and the like.
  • Increase in temperature, until chill.
  • Losing yourself in time and place( disorientation).
Relief from time to time can be observed in the absence of medical involvement. The case history ends with a lethal outcome in only 2-5% of cases. The rest is expected to be fully or partially cured.

Clinical picture of alcoholic fever: symptoms and signs

Symptoms appear after 72 hours with the last drink of a hot drink.

However, if a sudden cancellation was preceded by any damage, operation and the like, then the signs may show up on the first day.


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It is possible to consider the clinical picture further by dividing the state at the development stage, which are 3.

1 stage. Threatening delirium

In general, this period is identical to the withdrawal syndrome.

Morning symptoms are reflected in both physical and mental states:

  • loss of time and orientation sensation even in familiar places;
  • hyperthermia( temperature increases up to 39);
  • increased respiration and palpitations;
  • sudden occurrence of headache;
  • recurrent vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

In the evening there are:

  • hallucinations of various types;
    increasing excitement;
  • hand tremor;
  • insomnia or nightmares.

The resumption of alcohol consumption at this stage can return the patient to normal condition.

Feeling of loss of normal sensitivity of the toes is a rather frequent phenomenon. In medicine, it is called paresthesia of the lower extremities. Whether this disease is dangerous and when it is necessary to address to the doctor.

Along with paresthesias, a person can be disturbed by so-called tunnel carpal tunnel syndrome. Here you will read what folk remedies are used to treat it.

2nd stage. Acute acute delirium

Spontaneous healing is impossible at this stage.
Symptomatic develops very quickly.

The clinical picture is as follows:

  • Hallucinations increase, they become worse, their duration grows.
  • The raving intensifies, becomes obtrusive. The patient sees him being pursued / wants to kill.
  • Temperature increases up to above 39.
  • Sensitivity to external stimuli( light, sound and others) increases.
  • General excitement is sharply replaced by aggression and vice versa.
  • The respiratory rate is increased to 26 per minute.

Without medical assistance, the condition quickly flows into the final stage.

3rd stage. Delirium, life-threatening

Extreme fever has such symptoms:

  • Apathy, which replaced aggression.
  • Inhibition, weakness.
  • Decrease in all reactions.
  • Extreme delirium. A jerky and incoherent speech, a quiet voice.
  • Tremor, which translates to the whole body, convulsions and epilepsy.
  • Dyspnoea on the background of tachycardia.
If you do not go to a doctor, then depression can go to a coma.

The last stage entails irreversible brain changes, and only the time of care affects how large they will be. If treatment is not delivered on time, then death from cerebral edema or hemorrhage will occur.

Causes of alcoholic fever

The most common misconception that fever arises from a long drinking-bout, as a consequence of intoxication.

Actually, there can be several reasons:

  • Sudden stop in the use of alcohol.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Drink too much.
  • Damage to the body( especially craniocerebral trauma).

Diagnosis of alcoholic delirium

Differential diagnosis is complicated by the fact that along with alcohol, other narcotic drugs are used.

The main signs for staging a fever as a diagnosis are:

  • The patient is less excited than in the case of classical delirium.
  • Hallucinogenic nonsense, which affects to a lesser extent the actions of the patient than in the case of classical delirium.
  • Excitation that does not spread beyond the familiar terrain( in the hard stage - bed).
  • Hallucinations and delusions are less affected by the actions of the patient.
  • Strong hunger / thirst.
  • Tremors that spread to the whole body.

Emergency diagnosis

Emergency diagnosis can be carried out with a simple test:

If the patient scored less than 23 points, then it is likely that it is about delirium or dementia.

Nuances of diagnosis

When examining pay attention to:

  • whole body trembling;
  • tachycardia( rapid heartbeat);
  • lability( leaps) of blood pressure;
  • tachypnea( rapid breathing).

In addition to differential diagnosis, they also use instrumental research and constantly monitor:

  • AD;
  • temperature;
  • breathing;
  • pulse.

A number of diseases develop as a secondary reaction of human immunity to an infectious agent. The most severe course is Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is accompanied by severe changes in human health.

Symptoms of sciatica nerve inflammation can not be confused with anything. Acute and burning pains interfere with the habitual way of life, therefore it is important to start anti-inflammatory treatment as soon as possible. How to do it right.

How is the neurinoma of the auditory nerve diagnosed http: // bolezni-nevrologii /opuholi/ chem-opasna-nevrinoma-sluhovogo-nerva.html.

Treatment of alcoholic delirium

The process itself( including resuscitation) is best performed in a specially equipped room for intensive emergency therapy in psychiatric hospitals.

Emergency care

Ambulance in this case is directed to:

  • Decreased ICP because of the high likelihood of cerebral edema.
  • Elimination of excitability.
  • Remedy for insomnia. The offensive of sleep indicates the imminent end of the white fever.

High doses of tranquilizers are recommended:

  • Diazepam, Relanium, Seduxen( anything one) - 20-40 mg in a vein or intramuscular.
  • Elenium 100-150 mg intramuscularly.
  • Phenazepam - maximum 10 mg / day.

You can replace the drugs with a combination of:

  • barbamyl 0.6 g + diphenhydramine 50 mg intramuscularly.
  • of diprazine 50 gr + diphenhydramine 50 mg intramuscularly.
  • Seduxene 20-40 mg + 20% of sodium hydroxybutyrate solution 30-40 ml.

But it's better not to experiment with this yourself.

Other measures for medical care

To eliminate intoxication and maintain the heart, use:

  • 0.06% r. Corglon 1 ml + glucose 20% 10 ml intravenously;
  • cordiamine 2 ml( you can replace r-camphor 20% 2 ml) up to 4 times per day subcutaneously.
  • Hemodez drip.
If the patient is not at a late stage, then it is advisable( and this is decided only by the doctor) to give 40-80 g of prednisolone intramuscularly or inside.

To restore the prescribe the intake of vitamins:

  • B1 and B6.5% rr up to 4 times a day for 5 ml of intramuscular.or intravenously.
  • B12.2-5 μg intramuscularly
  • Nicotinic acid 1% rr. At a heavy delirium enter accurately because of possibility of a collapse.
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

With a strong increase in blood pressure and an increase in hypertension, 10-12 ml of 10% sodium chloride solution is prescribed.

To prevent brain swelling apply 15 r-r lasix.

Treatment usually lasts 5-8 days. Recovery is marked by deep and prolonged sleep.

A simplified treatment regimen might look like this:

Consequences of alcoholic delirium

Alcoholic drink can become a trigger for various diseases, but in most cases the following occur:

  • Pneumonia( appears in 30% of cases).
  • Alcoholic cardiomyopathy( in 27% of cases, 4% ends with death).
  • Disturbance of vitamin metabolism.
  • Acid-base failure.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Renal failure.
  • Rhabdomyolysis.
  • Liver failure.
  • Water-salt balance breakdown.
  • cerebral edema.
The fever of alcoholics is just a side effect of alcoholism. Delirium - the horror that awaits all alcoholics, if suddenly make a drunken even a short break.

The hallucinogenic delirium, switching off of all systems of an organism and death because of a brain edema are the most terrible consequences of a fever. However, due to the necessary and rapid diagnosis, as well as timely assistance, a person can avoid death.

But even with this outcome, brain damage will be incurable. Is an extra bottle like this worth?

On the video, alcoholic delirium. As a "white fever" represents the majority of the population. And how it looks really:

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