Products with colitis, what can you eat, what you can not eat, what forbidden food?

Colitis is a rather dangerous bowel disease, so it requires a special diet that helps the digestive organs work and helps to ensure that therapeutic activities are more effective, so the products for it are selected very carefully. Every patient, who is diagnosed with this disease for the first time with severe and unpleasant symptoms, will definitely ask the doctor how to eat and what can not be eaten with such intestinal injuries. To understand it completely, you should understand some of the general requirements for dietary nutrition:

  • The first 1-2 days, until the abdominal pain subsides, full starvation is recommended, at this time the patient can not do anything except certain mineral water, fruit drinks anddecoctions of herbs or hips without sugar;
  • Further in the diet begin to gradually enter the liquid and wiped dishes from the products allowed in colitis;
  • The consumption of salt and sugar must be kept to a minimum;
  • It is recommended to eat at the same time in small portions;
  • Eating in colitis should be cooked or cooked.
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Prohibited products in colitis

In the treatment table, this pathology of the intestine should in no case include dishes that, because of their composition, stimulate the activity of the peristalsis of this organ, and also increase the gas formation and the processes of putrefaction in it. Therefore, it is required to expel legumes and coarse vegetable fiber from the diet.

In addition, when colitis is not worth eating those foods that contain preservatives, food colors and flavors. It should not be contained in dishes and spices, as well as sharp spices because of their irritating effect on the digestive system.

Animal fats accelerate the processes of defecation and do not allow the nutrients to be absorbed to the full, therefore they should be replaced with small amounts of plant. To the list of products that can not be eaten with colitis are:

  • Unhealthy vegetables and fruits( except bananas);
  • Fresh, canned or pickled mushrooms;
  • Meat of fatty varieties;
  • Forbidden in this pathology of the intestine are also rich broths;
  • Fast food or semi-finished products;
  • Any canned food;
  • Eggs that are cooked in fried form or hard boiled.

In addition, colitis does not recommend the use of whole milk or dairy products to patients with individual lactose intolerance. This list also includes fresh black bread and buns. This list, it is necessary to admit, is large enough, therefore, any person affected by this pathological inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract usually has a question: "What can you eat with this disease?"The answer to it should also be addressed to nutritionists.

Authorized products, with bowel colic

In addition to the knowledge that gives the patient information about what food can not be eaten in this pathology, he must have a list of those dishes that can be eaten both during periods of exacerbation of the disease and during remissions. When the colitis recurs, the following products are allowed to be consumed:

  • Cereals from which porridges are prepared on water. A small amount of skim milk should be added to the prepared dish;
  • Vegetables for the preparation of puree garnishes;
  • Meat and fish of lean varieties for the preparation of loose broths.

In addition, with colitis, dairy products such as cheeses and low-fat cottage cheese are allowed in a small amount, and you can also eat homemade pate prepared without preserving and adding spices. Of the baked goods with this disease should eat yesterday's, slightly dried rolls, as well as uneaten biscuits and bread crumbs of bread.

During the period of remission with colitis, the composition of foods that can be eaten is slightly enlarged. As the severe symptoms are eliminated, not only boiled, but also baked food is allowed. Also, when the patient's condition improves, it does not need to be completely crushed or wiped. In the stage of persistent remission of colitis, you can also eat foods such as lean ham and well-soaked herring.

At that time, salads prepared from boiled vegetables are allowed to be consumed, and low-fat sour cream was used for their filling. It is also allowed to add raw fruits and vegetables, but in a small amount( not more than 200 g per day).It is possible at this time and natural juices, which are diluted with hot water.

In the event that colitis is accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, it is necessary to take into account the factors that caused it when making the menu. They will be the main component when selecting products and choosing the way they are cooked. But the use of salt is limited for any type of development of the disease, since it has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

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