Tilotic eczema: treatment, causes of appearance, diagnosis, prevention

Thyroid eczema is dermatitis of a neuro-allergic nature( not to be confused with seborrheic), which differs in its main features from true eczema. For the disease are characterized by areas with hyperkeratosis that do not spread throughout the body, and affecting only the skin on the palms and feet. The disease lasts for a long time and slowly, so you need to treat it in a complex way.

Features of the disease

The mechanism of the appearance of tylotic eczema is usually associated with the seasons of the year. It is usually provoked by cold, moist air, so it often suffers from it in the winter, and not in the summer. However, severe overheating or scuffing also creates a risk of disease.

Subdivides tylotic eczema into acute and chronic.

Horny tylotic eczema( photo)

Causes of

There are no specific causes specific to a particular type of eczema, as the disease always develops under the influence of a complex of factors. Often this is a heredity, but in addition to the genetic predisposition, there are several other reasons that can cause the development of dermatosis:

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  1. Imbalance in the nervous system. The risk of eczema is higher in those who have problems with nervous regulation of the skin, because this leads to peripheral disorders. If the foci of the disease have a more symmetrical character, then it is the dysfunction of the nervous system that plays the greatest role in the development of eczema.
  2. Chronic infection. Due to constant sensitization the body becomes prone to allergic rashes.
  3. Endocrine Disorders and Imbalance of Hormones.
  4. Reduced immunity.
  5. Congenital features concerning the structure of connective tissue. In this case, the damaged collagen fibers in the skin by the entire immune system are perceived as antigens. This provokes a fight against them, which causes eczema.
  6. Disturbance of metabolic processes. The reasons for such changes are different.

Not only internal processes affect the development of eczema. Tylotic appearance of the disease is provoked by external factors, among which one can distinguish the effect of chemical constituents on the skin, perfume, contacts with certain liquids or metals. Sometimes such a reaction causes even constant friction and other effects that cause irritation of the skin surface.

About the causes of the appearance of tylotic and other types of eczema will tell this video:


The main sign of eczema is tylotic is the localization of rashes. They are distributed only on the soles and palms.

Symptoms of the disease are somewhat different from other types of dermatosis. For example, there are no vesicles, but the skin at the site of the rash is thickened, it can be red and swollen. The stratum corneum grows, therefore corns are not uncommon with tylotic eczema. Gradually, painful cracks form, and the surface of the skin becomes rough and dry.


It is already possible to determine eczema from an experienced dermatologist after examination. The list of diagnostic measures is very limited, usually includes laboratory studies and consultations with other specialists to identify the cause of the pathology.

How to treat horny eczema, we will tell below.

Treatment of

Therapeutic method of

Therapeutic treatments include maintaining an appropriate diet that excludes the likelihood of allergies. Since the susceptibility of the organism to various irritating factors is very high, less contact with various chemical agents is needed.

Physiotherapy is widely used in the final stages of healing, which allows to significantly accelerate this process. Especially good effect is provided by such procedures as:

  • acupuncture,
  • wrap with ozocerite and paraffin,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • UHF,
  • electrophoresis.

Not only antiseptic treatment, but also softening, will be important. If the disease has developed against a background of menopause, then gels with estrogens can help.


Local therapy must be combined with medication, otherwise the therapy may be delayed and often recur.

To take the following types of medications:

  • eubiotics,
  • neuroleptics and sedatives,
  • sorbents,
  • antihistamines,
  • glucocorticosteroids,
  • immunocorrectors,
  • adsorbents.

The dermatologist determines not only the duration of the intake and the appropriate dose, but also combines the appropriate drugs. Self-use of medicines can exacerbate eczema.

In general, the therapy is similar to other methods of treating dermatitis, but in severe cases it is possible to use medications that will suppress the body's immunity. About treatment of a limited tylotic corn-shaped horny eczema on the hands, feet and other parts of the body with folk remedies, read below.

Folk methods

  1. In 2 tbsp.boiling water to brew the root of thistle. After insisting, drain the remedy, moisten the tissue in it and apply it to the skin. In such a decoction, you can wet even clean socks or gloves.
  2. Moisten brine moistens the skin and at the same time relieves itching. In this case, you need to be more careful not to use it on those areas where there are deep cracks.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil rubs the skin or apply on it applications. It can be replaced with olive oil.
  4. Aloe significantly helps healing and softening. You can put on your hands like leaves in a cut, as well as bandages soaked in the juice of the plant.
  5. From the leaves of the Kalanchoe juice squeeze and for 10 minutes, put cotton wool soaked in it, on the dermatosis site.

On some other methods of folk remedies, this video will tell the specimen:

Prevention of the disease

It is necessary to constantly monitor hygiene, not only household, but also professional. This applies even to the rules of selection of clothes and shoes, since there should not be sites with constant wetting, irritation or abrasions. All lesions are treated with antiseptics in a timely manner, which is especially important in the presence of foci with a chronic infection. The latter is more reasonable to sanitize so that they do not aggravate the disease.

It is better to adjust the daily routine, include more active rest and full sleep in the schedule, if these two categories are not enough. Constant stressful situations only create a favorable basis for sensitization of the body. It will be necessary to limit the frequency of contacts of the affected limbs with water.

If eczema has already occurred, then going to the doctor and treating the disease under the guidance of an experienced specialist will significantly help reduce the duration of the disease.

Nutrition for tilotic eczema

Important not only in prevention, but also in treatment is given to a diet. Any allergic food can aggravate the disease or begin a second round of its development. On reception at the doctor the products, capable to cause such reaction will be revealed.

Even if the doctor did not give any advice on nutrition, the patient himself will have to exclude all pastries, sweets and fatty foods. Another exception is food such as:

  • raisins,
  • sauces,
  • fish,
  • herbal tea,
  • coffee,
  • red products,
  • juices,
  • fruit teas,
  • sweet apples,
  • peaches,
  • lemonade,
  • apricots.

It is preferable to maintain a diet that includes vegetable and dairy products. And in these categories it will be necessary to exclude the usual sweet dairy products( yogurt, "Snowball", curds) and unusual fruits that do not grow in the place of residence.

Preparation of cereals or potatoes should be done without salt, sugar or other condiments. A potato before cooking is best soaked for about 2 days with the condition of regular water changes. There is it can be only when he gets rid of starch.

Complications of

Gel anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs are the best way to soften and treat dry skin, but uncontrolled application of the ointment can lead to the transformation of eczema into bacterial. This is possible with weakened immunity and a thin epidermis.

The development of fungal or microbial complications has a poor effect on the prognosis of the disease.


The disease is very prone to relapse, so it requires the patient to self-control and to continuously implement prevention recommendations.

About eczema as a child's illness will tell a specialist in the video below:

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