Deafness of the 2nd degree: treatment, indications for disability in children and adults

Every year the number of people who do not clearly perceive sounds and speech, is growing. And this means that the percentage of hearing loss increases, and there are a number of reasons for this. Hearing can disappear gradually, and can sharply disappear and return, but not in full.

In some patients, hearing is lost until a certain moment, but not worsen over time - this is a stable hearing loss. But there is also progressive hearing loss, when hearing is constantly deteriorating.

Kinds of

With 2 degrees of hearing loss, hearing decreases from 40 to 55 dB and a person with difficulty dismantles middle and quiet sounds, he has problems with speech discrimination, especially against the background of other sounds or noise.

With conductive hearing loss, sounds are poorly performed and not sufficiently amplified, falling into the inner ear. Contribute to this sulfur fungus and malformations, tumors, middle and outer otitis. This type of hearing impairment is well treatable.

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Sensorine or sensorineural hearing loss is characterized by the defeat of the whole apparatus of perceiving sounds. In this process, the pre-vertebral cochlear nerve and those parts of the brain that are responsible for hearing are involved.

With such a worsening of hearing, sounds may be distorted. Characteristic is a change in the pain threshold and intolerance of sounds that previously did not cause anxiety, for example, whispering. Another negative consequence of this type of hearing loss is a poor perception of speech in the presence of extraneous noise.

We list the main factors against which there may appear chronic or bilateral neurosensory hearing loss:

  • mumps;
  • lesion of nerve fibers in multiple sclerosis;
  • age-related changes in the hearing;
  • inflammation of the meningeal membrane of the brain;
  • constant exposure to high frequency noise without protective equipment;
  • increased fluid pressure in the inner ear;
  • some antibiotics and other drugs;
  • borne by the mother of rubella during pregnancy;
  • inflammation and impaired blood flow to the auditory nerve.

Mixed hearing loss exhibits symptoms of a conductive and neurosensory species at the same time. Treatment can be a drug and prompt, depending on the degree of manifestation of the disease.

Symptoms and causes of

The main symptom of hearing loss is hearing loss from slight deterioration to barely distinguishable sounds. To this symptom is added a noise in the ears and a slight dizziness, there may be an ailment accompanied by nausea and even vomiting.

The person is frightened by the fact that he does not distinguish between the speech of the interlocutor and is not able to understand it. Children may be diagnosed with developmental delay and late speech.

If hearing loss is diagnosed in children, it often occurs after ARI or influenza, measles or otitis. Untreated otitis media, especially with purulent discharge, affect the tympanic membrane and cause scarring.

All excess formations in the middle and inner ear do not allow to perceive and transmit sounds normally.

Diagnostic methods

An otolaryngologist or otoneurologist can determine the hearing loss by performing a series of studies.

Assign audiometry and otoscopy, record auditory VP and rotational samples.

Note the data of otoacoustic emission and impedance measurements, study the results of stabilography.

Patients are advised by a hearing therapist.

Deafness treatment of 2nd degree

For difficult situations, surgical intervention is used, for example: cochlear implantation and tympanoplasty, make miringoplasty. Eliminate the cause of deafness - swelling and sulfur plugs, inflammation and circulatory disorders.



  • antihistamines( Erius, Loratadin);
  • vitamins( Cyanocobalamin, Pyridoxine);
  • means for improving the work of the brain( Lucetsam, Glycin);
  • antibiotics in tablets or injections( Azitroks, Cefixim);
  • decongestants( Furosemide).

Children are prescribed ear drops to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and eliminate swelling.


With minor disturbances, a good effect on responses is observed with myostimulation and oxigenobarotherapy, but severe consequences require surgical intervention. Conduct acupuncture and laser puncture. A special ear purging and fluctuating currents are used.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment at 1 and 2 stages of deafness have their meaning, but with the advice of a doctor.

  1. Use a decoction of hops, which removes noise in the ears.
  2. Eat part of the lemon with skin if otitis often occurs.
  3. Bury almond oil to improve hearing.
  4. Make gauze tampons with grated garlic and camphor oil. They are inserted into the ear until the appearance of warmth and light burning.

Look at the video in which the specialists in an accessible form tell about the disease:


The best prevention of hearing loss is the annual routine examination and referral to the ENT doctor at the first symptoms of hearing loss.

Children should be especially careful to look closely, because if they do not detect hearing loss at an early age, they will not be able to fully develop, they will need special care. Early stages of hearing loss have all the chances of recovery if you fall into the reliable hands of a specialist.

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