Sensorineural hearing loss of 4th degree in children: treatment, surgery, disability

Deafness of the 4th degree is recognized as the most severe form of impaired perception of sounds and speech. Very often it grows into complete deafness. The audiometry indicators give an audible threshold with a value of 70 dB, and even the loudest sounds a person hears with difficulty.

Whisper at such pathology the patient does not hear at all, and you can talk with him only at a distance no more than 1 meter. The main mission of doctors during this period is not to allow the threshold to rise to above 90 dB, or the ear will not be able to perceive sounds of any frequency and loudness. Deafness goes into deafness.
According to the International Classification of Diseases Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss has a cipher( H90).This includes bilateral deafness and congenital hearing loss, one-sided neurosensory and conductive hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, one-sided and two-sided, and unspecified hearing loss.

Symptoms and causes of

If the progressive decrease in hearing is not stopped in time, then it gradually develops into a hearing loss of 4 degrees and leads to disability. The audio threshold of the audiogram rises to a high level of 71-90 dB.

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All the symptoms of this stage coincide with the remaining degrees of deafness, but during this period they are much stronger and more expressive. Loud speech is perceived from a close distance, the patient hears only a shout or a speech amplified by the headphones. The distinction of whisper speech is completely absent.

Among the causes of hearing loss are:

  1. Genetics, in case parents have hearing problems, the child is often affected by this factor. During the gestation of the fetus when the genetic material is violated and in the presence of syndromes of Ledparoda, Alport and Klaipel-Feil.
  2. Fetal hypoxia or mechanical damage during childbirth.
  3. Cardiovascular problems and anesthesia during pregnancy.
  4. Some endocrine diseases( diabetes mellitus and thyroid dysfunction).
  5. Birth in a family where one or both parents have a predilection for alcohol or drugs.
  6. Hemolytic disease, when there is a conflict between the Rh factor of the mother and fetus.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic difficulties are associated with the diagnosis in children. Here it is important to notice deviations in the development or perception of speech in time.

In the diagnosis of hearing loss, characteristic complaints and survey data are used. Conduct instrumental and functional studies, take tests in the laboratory. Determine the severity of hearing on spoken and whispered speech, do tuning fork tests.
With the help of Weber's experiments( sound is given equally in both ears), Rinne( comparing bone and air conduction), Schwabach( bone conduction studies) delineate the damages of the sound-conducting and sound-receiving part of the auditory analyzer.

Carry out tonal audiometry and vegetative-vestibular tests, appoint consultations of a cardiologist, neurologist, angiologist, surdologist, endocrinologist, otorhinolaryngologist, gastroenterologist.

Treatment of hearing loss of 4th degree

Hearing loss therapy includes several methods:

  1. medicamentous( aloe extract, neuroprotection, vitamin B, antihistamines);
  2. physiotherapeutic( pneumomassage of the tympanic membrane, reflexology, ear purging);
  3. hearing care.

Behavioral guidelines for the treatment of deafness:

  • activities are implemented in the otorhinolaryngology center or department;
  • observance of a sparing diet;
  • individual selection of antibiotics;
  • rejection of alcohol and nicotine for the rehabilitation period.

Very important preventive measures to prevent hearing loss, the main one is the protection of the hearing organs from the effects of loud noises and constant noise.

For the recognition of disability will have to prepare a number of documents:

  • medical history;
  • certificate with an appropriate conclusion from the auditory center, confirming treatment without a result and hearing loss itself.

How the hearing aid functions in our video:

Implantation of

Cochlear implants are used for deep hearing loss, or when hearing aids are not helpful. Such medical development serves as a substitute for the dead snail receptors and helps with the 4th degree of hearing loss. The implant catches sounds and transmits them, but without amplification. The devices consist of two parts, have a tiny size and weight of about 10 grams. Installation of implants is carried out in several stages:

  • examination;
  • operation under anesthesia.

Within a month, the body adapts to a foreign object, and then it connects to the speech processor and is tuned.


Hearing prosthetics is not limited to the selection of the device, it includes special training sessions in special institutions and at home. This is necessary for mastering the hearing aid and getting used to the perception of sounds and speech with its help.

Special guides are needed for parents. Assistance in auditory prosthetics of children should promote this valuable and effective method of helping hard of hearing children.

Hearing aids

Hearing aid selection is a very important point in the process of treatment and adaptation, it has a purely individual character.

Often it is the only correct solution in the treatment of partial hearing loss, or in its absence.

You can use hearing aids of different brands and configurations at any age.

Adaptation of people with severe disease

The effects of hearing loss of the fourth degree in children and adults are irreversible. The first symptoms appear and develop within a few days. Without treatment, hearing loss becomes chronic for 3 months.

Persons with hearing impairment work at manufacturing plants, on mechanical equipment, they receive admission to high-altitude work. For disabled children, there are specialized educational institutions where they are taught to live a normal full life.

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