Indirect signs of gastritis

As you know, gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach that affects its mucous layer. Pathology manifests itself in the following external symptoms: burning in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, unpleasant taste in the mouth and flatulence. With different types of disease, some of them manifest themselves more strongly, some - weaker.

At the doctor's office an external examination of the patient is performed first. The abdomen and stomach are probed. An indirect sign of gastritis in this procedure is severe pain when pressed.

Indirect signs in the study of gastritis

Accurate information about the disease can be learned only with gastroscopy. In this procedure, an elastic hose with a probe at the end is inserted into the patient's body through the esophagus, which transmits the video to the monitor screen.

There are other studies that can give an idea of ​​the state of the stomach. For example, if a gastritis is suspected, an ultrasound scan is used. It recognizes such indirect signs of gastritis as problems with the mucous layer, swelling of the antral part of the stomach or thickening of its walls. Many prefer this procedure of gastroscopy, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations when holding a hose through the esophagus.

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Gastritis is often observed and if there are antibodies to Helicobacter pilori in the body. Almost always their presence signals a pathological environment in the stomach. But this is only an indirect sign. The bacterium can well appear and at such disease, as a dental stone. Usually it is the combination of the corresponding symptoms and antibodies that the doctor accepts for the obvious sign of the disease. The latter are detected in the analysis of blood.

There is one more indirect study with gastritis. It is done only to weed out other possible diseases. This is an x-ray with barium backlighting. This substance is contained in the liquid that the patient drinks before the procedure. Since barium is seen in the pictures, it is possible to clearly define the structure of the intestine, stomach and esophagus, as well as the pathology in their structure. The gastritis itself can not be diagnosed in this way. But such similar symptoms as a disease, such as a diaphragmatic hernia, can be easily determined.

Some manifestations of the disease are also considered only indirect, since they do not always manifest themselves. This brittle hair and nails, general lethargy, decreased appetite, hypotension and weight loss.

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