Liver with gastritis, can I eat beef liver?

The main causes of the onset and development of, perhaps, the most common disease of the gastrointestinal tract, united by the common name gastritis, are disorders in nutrition. This can be an excessive passion for fatty, hot, hot, or cold dishes, snacks on the go and the like, as well as bad habits. Therefore, the main thing in the treatment of gastritis, regardless of the causes that caused this disease and the kind, is dietotherapy. The recommendations on the use of certain types of products cooked on steamed, in a boiled form are well-known. When there is a question about inclusion in the diet with gastritis of the liver, many begin to doubt, especially since opinions are the opposite.

The healing properties of the liver have been known since ancient times. Even in the eleventh century, the famous scientist Avicenna, not even knowing about the properties of vitamin A, prescribed her use for the treatment of eye diseases. It, saturated with high-grade proteins, contains such important elements as iron and copper, which are also easily digested. The content of a large amount of vitamin A and other vitamins, amino acids, trace elements allows properly prepared liver dishes, provide a daily requirement of the human body in virtually all vitamins and minerals.

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You can eat liver with gastritis, but you must follow the rules of preparation. However, it should be noted that it contains a large amount of cholesterol, protein, which makes it impossible to use it for peptic ulcer, during exacerbation of the chronic form of inflammation. In all other cases, the liver with gastritis can be included in the diet, but at the same time there are limited quantities and taking into account the age, the existing concomitant diseases.

What kinds of liver can you eat with gastritis?

The liver, used in the menu for gastritis, can be chicken, pork, beef or fish( cod, pollock):

  1. The greatest value is fresh chicken liver, steamed. However, it is not recommended for older people and at the same time is very useful for children.
  2. Beef liver with gastritis is most useful among other types of product. Containing a small amount of carbohydrates, the beef liver is much lower in calorie content than beef. A large number of different elements, water-soluble group B and fat-soluble( A, D, E, K) vitamins ensure the normal operation of internal organs, a good flow of metabolic processes. It should be taken into account the increased in comparison with lean beef cholesterol. Adopting 100 grams of this product a day is enough to restore vitality and healthy muscle tone. Boiled liver of beef is used in the preparation of cutlets, puree soups, snacks, salads, pates and casseroles. For example, with diet number 1, recommended for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, it is necessary to include pates and boiled dishes from it in the diet.
  3. The liver of cod and pollock from all available products for gastritis, according to dieticians, is the most useful. The high content of vitamins A, D and the effect on reducing cholesterol in the body have a beneficial effect not only on the course of treatment of various types of inflammation of the stomach, but also useful in joints, cardiovascular system, and nervous disorders. The chromium contained in this product helps people suffering from atherosclerosis and diabetes.
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