How to treat uterine cancer: radiation therapy, diet, surgical removal, chemotherapy, prevention

According to statistics, cases of female oncology are encountered more often. One of the leading places among cancer pathologies is uterine cancer, which is found mainly in 40-60-year-old women.

In fact, the uterus is an organ with walls of three layers: epithelial, muscular and connective tissue. In the uterus, malignant oncology develops on the walls, and in the absence of proper therapy, it passes over to other organic structures.

This multi-layered uterus explains the presence of a variety of different types of tumors, which are caused by localization.

Is it possible to cure uterine oncology?

Of all oncologic pathologies, uterine cancer is the second most common cancer after malignant oncology.

Approximately 20-40 women out of 100,000 suffer from oncology of this organ.

Unfortunately, in recent years, cases of uterine oncology have begun to occur in younger women, which gynecologists associate with the early onset of regular sexual relationships among modern youth.

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Timely appeal to specialists at an early stage of development of uterine oncogenides in combination with an adequate therapeutic approach can completely relieve a woman from ailment without further consequences and relapses.

If oncology is detected in advanced stages, then cancer can not be completely cured, however, compliance with all oncologist prescriptions and the passage of prescribed procedures will help substantially prolong the patient's life.

Methods of treatment of uterine cancer in the initial and late stages of

The choice of the therapeutic approach is determined by the stage and extent of the tumor process, the rate of its spread and the depth of germination into the tissue structures.

In addition, the age and general health status, future pregnancy planning and other factors are very important.

At the heart of anti-cancer treatment usually lies:

  1. Surgery;
  2. Method of radiation treatment;
  3. Chemotherapy.

These techniques are fundamental, and as additional methods:

  • Hormonal treatment;
  • Immunotherapy;
  • Diet therapy, etc.

Each of the methods is unique and effective in its own way, therefore it requires more detailed study.

Surgical operation

Surgical intervention in uterine cancer is justified only at the initial stages of the development of the pathological process.

In general, there are several surgical methods of treatment:

  1. Laser treatment. The essence of the technique in the impact on the site of the uterus, affected by the tumor process, a beam of laser beams. To carry out such an intervention, local anesthesia is sufficient, however, the procedure is effective only in precancerous or very early stages of the uterine oncology process;
  2. Cryodestruction. A similar procedure involves treating the tumor with liquid nitrogen, under the influence of which malignant abnormal cell structures die. The technique is also effective only at the stage of beginning uterine cancer;
  3. Extraction of the uterus and appendages. The procedure involves the removal of the organ and is carried out if the predictions regarding oncology are favorable. If there are any risk factors, the patient undergoes an extended hysterectomy, in which, in addition to the uterus and appendages, the tubes, cervix, lymph nodes and fiber, part of the vagina, are removed;
  4. Endoscopic hysterectomy allows to carry out removal without large incisions of tissues, which significantly reduces the invasiveness of the method, minimizes the probability of postoperative complications, shortens the duration of rehabilitation;Hysteroresectoscopic ablation. This is an organ-preserving surgical technique that involves cutting the endometrial layer together with the tumor. This method is applicable with a small prevalence of the tumor process.

Most often, surgical treatment is the main therapeutic method of oncology of the uterine body.

Refusal of such treatment is appropriate only if there is no risk of further oncology progression or if there is a high probability of death on the operating table or after intervention.

Radiation therapy

If the uterine oncology process is actively progressing, surgical treatment is ineffective. In such cases, irradiation therapy is taken as the basis of treatment, which is considered more sparing than surgical treatment.

Similar treatment is applied at any stage of oncoprocess. In addition, radiation therapy for uterine cancer is shown in the postoperative period to prevent metastasis of abnormally malignant cellular structures.

Radiation therapy is contraindicated in women with uterine cancer if available:

  • Anemia;
  • Radiation sickness;
  • Thrombocytopenia;
  • Decay of the tumor that led to bleeding;
  • Fever;
  • Concomitant pathological conditions such as heart attack, tuberculosis, diabetes, liver or kidney insufficiency, etc.;
  • Leukopenia;
  • Metastases of multiple nature;
  • Completing degrees of malignant lesions, etc.

Various radiotherapy techniques can be used: contact, remote or combined.

Contact radiotherapy involves an internal effect when a catheter radiating radio waves is inserted into the vagina. With this treatment, the surrounding healthy tissues are least exposed to the harmful effects of irradiation.

For remote( or external) radiotherapy, the irradiation procedure is carried out through cancer-unconfined tissues, usually this technique is used if the lesion is of a deep nature. A serious disadvantage of such treatment is the damage in the treatment of healthy areas.

If the cancer of the uterus is started and the treatment is started already in the late stages of the oncology process, then combined radiotherapy is used, i.e., a contact and remote irradiation method is used.

Among the adverse reactions of such therapy, the appearance of a nausea-vomiting syndrome, weakness, diarrhea, flushing and flaking of the skin surface, alopecia pubis, etc.

Chemotherapy for endometrial tumor

The main goal of chemotherapy is to reduce the tumor parameters and to slow it down as much as possiblefuture.

Usually, this technique is chosen as the main therapy for stages 2, 3 and 4 of cancer.

Not always chemotherapeutic effect is taken as the basis of anticancer treatment, it is often combined with other methods to increase the survival of patients.

Most often with chemotherapeutic effects, antitumor drugs like:

  • Cisplatinum;
  • Doxorubicin;
  • Carboplatin.

Chemotherapy is used mainly when the use of other drugs does not provide the desired results, which is caused by a considerable number of adverse reactions of antitumor agents like:

  1. Osteoporosis. A similar reaction usually occurs due to the use of drugs like fluorouracil, methotrexate or cyclophosphamide and is a rarefaction and weakness of bones;
  2. of Alopecia. Usually, after partial chemotherapy sessions, partial hair loss is observed, however, baldness can be of a larger scale. When the application of antineoplastic agents ends, the hairline begins to recover;
  3. Anemic features of and excessive weakness of permanent character;
  4. Nausea-vomiting syndrome, diarrhea - similar manifestations occur due to abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, however, after treatment all signs disappear;
  5. Infectious processes - chemotherapeutic effects have a disastrous effect on immune protection, depriving it of resistance to viruses and infectious agents.

If onkoprotsess developed before the 4th stage, then the effectiveness of chemotherapy does not exceed 9%, since the lesions are rapidly spreading to the low-tidal organs.

How to treat uterine cancer with hormonal therapy

Hormonal anti-cancer treatment is to take medications containing anti-estrogens and progestins. Such treatment is effective in cases where the tumor contains progesterone receptors.

If such receptors are not available, the chemotherapeutic treatment will be most effective.


In the initial stages of the oncology process in the uterus, immunotherapy with interferon-based drugs can be prescribed.

This substance, in addition to the strongest effect, also has antitumor qualities.

The drugs administered to the patient activate the protective organic forces and direct their power to resist the tumor process.

Also in the body are introduced medicines of biological origin such as monoclonal antibodies or cytokines that overlap the system feeding the formation.

When the tumor stops growing, there is a blockage of the cancerous process. Such treatment absolutely does not cause adverse reactions and does not harm healthy tissues.


The basis of nutrition for patients with uterine cancer are products with anti-cancer effects:

  • Potatoes;
  • Cabbage of all varieties;
  • Onions;
  • Greenery, spices;
  • Sprouted cereals or whole grains;
  • Soybean;
  • Asparagus;
  • Peas;
  • Beets;
  • Onions;
  • Beans;
  • Carrots;
  • Fresh fruits.


To detect the cancer process of the uterine body, in its infancy it is possible only with systematic gynecological preventive medical examinations and regular visits to the gynecologist.

After the beginning of regular sexual relations, a woman needs to visit the antenatal clinic every year. Only with an annual gynecological examination, a vaginal smear, an ultrasound study of low-dose organs will it be possible to detect the presence of precancerous processes in time.

Their timely therapy will avoid the formation of a malignant tumor.

Video on laparoscopic treatment of cancer of the uterus:

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