In what organs are helminths( helminths, helminthoses)?

Glaive invasion is a disease caused by parasites. Worms penetrate into the human body imperceptibly and gradually undermine health. Parasites take many useful substances and poison organs with products of their vital activity. Some types of worms live not only in the intestines, but also in other organs. They spread throughout the body and cause irreparable harm to health. How to recognize worms in the organs?

The favorite place of most species of helminths is the intestine, they most often live in it. To suspect the presence of unwanted guests in the human body is very difficult, because the symptoms are similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But still you can identify a number of signs that can talk about the presence of worms in the digestive organs:

  • Disturbance of digestion. Constipation may be due to the fact that the worms cause intestinal obstruction, which is difficult to eliminate. And the toxic substances that secrete parasites in the course of their vital activity can cause diarrhea. Flatulence, bloating, indigestion - all these symptoms cause considerable discomfort to the patient, they can accompany him for many years.
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  • Weight problems. Worms in the digestive organs can often be recognized by a changed appetite and weight. Because of voracious parasites, which take a lot of nutrients, sugar in the blood drops, so the patient constantly wants to eat. A person can even grow fat if he eats both himself and the worms. But more often the patient grows thin, because digestion is broken.

Worms in the respiratory organs

Parasites can live in almost any organ, but initially they enter the mouth with infected food, then through the stomach they enter the intestine, and from there they are absorbed into the wall of the colon and get into any other organ with blood flow. If helminths have got into the lungs, the symptoms may coincide with such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia or bronchial asthma. The patient has weakness, fever, cough, wheezing in the lungs.

Worms damage the lungs and cause scars and adhesions. When the parasites are found for a long time, the structure and shape of the organ changes, irreversible changes appear that affect the functioning of the lungs. In neglected cases, the life of worms can cause diseases such as pneumonia, pleurisy, lung fibrosis and even swelling.

Worms in the main organ - the brain

Helminths in different organs cause different symptoms, they depend on the habitat of worms. If earlier parasites in the brain were described only by science fiction writers, now with the development of medicine - this is a reality. Worms can enter the brain in several ways: through the blood, along the respiratory tract and through the auricles and auditory tubes. Detect helminths in the brain with tomography. The patient with such a diagnosis can for a long time suffer from headache, general weakness, irritability and sleep disorders. In addition, the disease can cause seizures, seizures and hallucinations, the symptoms depend on the department of the brain that is affected.

Helminths in the secretory( liver) organs

Parasites in the liver are often a phenomenon. Many types of helminthiases are localized in this organ, where they feel great and actively multiply. Suspected the presence of parasites in the liver can be on the following symptoms: weight loss, heaviness in the right upper quadrant, nervousness, sleep disturbances. In advanced cases, hepatitis and cirrhosis occur.

The above symptoms should be alarmed, they can indicate not only the presence of worms in the liver, but also other diseases. But in any case it is necessary to undergo a survey. The liver refers to organs that can recover, so if the treatment is started on time, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Worms live not only in organs, but also in muscles and joints. They choose the most convenient places for life, so they can often be found in the joint fluid and muscles. The patient at the same time feels pain, muscles and joints often become inflamed - all the symptoms can be similar to a disease like arthritis. You can recognize helminthiosis with the help of modern diagnostic methods.

Helminths in the organs of vision

Several types of worms can live in the eyes. In general, there are two types of lesions: internal and external. Worms can penetrate the skin, under the eye socket, as well as into the tear sack. These kinds of helminths are very dangerous and can lead to blindness.

From all of the above it becomes clear that helminthic organs are very common. Some types of parasites migrate throughout the body, choosing the most convenient places. Wherever they live, they cause irreparable harm to the health, so they need to be disposed of.

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