Prolapse of tricuspid valve 1 and 2 degrees: treatment, diagnosis

The tricuspid valve is located between the right ventricle and the atrium, plays a crucial role in contracting the heart. The valve opens when the venous blood passes from the atrium to the ventricle, and closes during the reverse process. Thanks to the operation of the valve, blood can enter the aorta and the artery completely. However, for some reason, the flaps of the tricuspid valve can enter the atrium, which is why it is not completely closed. This condition is called the prolapse of the tricuspid valve. Prolapse can not cause harm to health, but gradually progress, because of what complicate. Is it possible to diagnose it for yourself on symptoms? We will analyze the points.

Features of the

  • PTC disease most often affect adult men. In this case, prolapse develops against the backdrop of other diseases.
  • In children, PTC usually has a congenital form, caused by violations of intrauterine development.
  • PTC in pregnant women is often complicated by gestosis and fetoplacental insufficiency, which can lead to premature birth.
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    That is why throughout the entire pregnancy it is important to consult a doctor about the possible treatment.

Degrees and forms of

Tricuspid regurgitation, developing against the background of a defect, can be:

  1. primary, not accompanied by pulmonary hypertension and appearing against the background of the primary pathology of the heart muscle;
  2. secondary, appearing on the background of hypertrophy of the right ventricle and pulmonary hypertension;

In modern medical practice, there are 4 degrees of prolapse of the trichipedal valve:

First. Characterized by the reverse flow of blood, which does not violate the general process of its movement through the vessels. There is a small prolapse of the tricuspid valve without significant regurgitation.

  • Second. With the prolapse of the tricuspid valve of the 2nd degree, the reverse flow of blood passes at a distance of 20 mm from the tricompartmental valve.
  • Third. The distance increases by more than 20 mm.
  • Fourth. Regurgitation is clearly expressed, passes on a large extent from the cavity of the right atrium.

More details on the regurgitation of the tricuspid valve will tell the following video:

Causes of

The most common cause of PTC is infective endocarditis. Most often, this disease develops due to unsanitary conditions during drug use. In children, prolapse appears due to congenital malformations, for example, the Epstein anomaly, during which the valve flap moves to the right ventricle. Other reasons for PTC include:

  1. carcinoid tumor, releasing hormones that damage the valve;
  2. Marfan syndrome;
  3. thoracic trauma;
  4. rheumatism;
  5. rheumatoid arthritis;

Symptoms of

If regurgitation is negligible, prolapse has no pronounced symptomatology. Symptoms in this case will be subjective like:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Decrease in the volume of urine, which is formed for a specific time, in comparison with the normal state of health;
  • Fatigue and high fatigue.
  • Bloating.
  • of the Lower extremities.
  • High heart beat.

Symptoms for which the disease can be differentiated from others are:

  1. increased liver size;
  2. increased size of the atrium and right ventricle;
  3. is an anatomy that increases with inhalation, a pansystolic murmur in the heart;
  4. heart disease;

If the symptomatology may vary depending on the characteristics of the patient's body, the symptoms remain unchanged for all.


With a low level of regurgitation, the disease is difficult to differentiate from others on symptoms. Therefore, the doctor, collecting family history and complaints, after listening to the heart for noise, appoints additional tests:

  • X-ray of the chest and heart with contrasting of the esophagus.
  • Phonocardiography.
  • Ventriculography.
  • ECG showing expansion of the heart.
  • Probing the right parts of the heart muscle.
  • Echocardiography with dopplerometry for measuring the pressure in the heart.

Additional counseling is also required between the cardiologist and the therapist.

Treatment of

If PTC does not cause significant discomfort to the patient, then its treatment is not required. However, in case of acute symptoms, it is necessary to proceed immediately to eliminate them. Treatment is appointed depending on the degree of pathology.


Therapeutic technique is designed for the prolapse of the tricuspid valve of the first degree. It reduces to the normalization of the patient's condition and constant monitoring of it, that is, to an observation by a cardiac surgeon. The patient is shown:

  • Refuse from bad habits such as smoking and alcohol, affecting the blood vessels.
  • Stick to nutrition with low fat content.
  • Perform minimal physical exercises to strengthen the heart muscle.

It is also recommended to visit a masseur or an osteopath, go acupuncture at will.


Drug treatment, for the most part, is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, not treating it, as well as eliminating heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. For this, the patient is assigned:

  1. diuretic drugs;Venous vasodilators
  2. ;
  3. ACE inhibitors;
  4. anticoagulants;
  5. beta-blockers;
  6. cardiac glycosides;
  7. metabolic drugs;

Depending on the causes of PTC and concomitant diseases, other drugs may be prescribed.


Surgical treatment is indicated with PTC of the third to fourth degree. To do this, use:

  • Tricuspid valve plastic:
    • according to Boyd. On the fibrous ring, apply and tighten the U-shaped seam, which narrows the valve opening.
    • for De Vega. On the fibrous ring impose a half-stitch suture.
    • for the Carpathians. A support ring is sewn for the neck.
  • Prosthesis of the tricuspid valve. The valve is inspected, the valves are excised, after which the prosthesis is installed from the polymer material.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk medicine can only be used in conjunction with the conservative and the first stage of the PTC. In other cases, it may interfere, because it will suppress symptoms, and the patient may miss a critical condition.

For the treatment of PTC use such recipes:

  • Herbal decoction. The flowers of hawthorn, heather and thorn are used in equal parts. Table.spoon collection should be poured a glass of hot boiled water, put in a water bath for 16 minutes. The resulting decoction to express and drink in two steps. The next day, repeat.
  • Rosemary tincture. It is necessary to take 100 grams of dried rosemary leaves and pour them 2 liters of dry red wine. Infuse the mixture for 2 months in a dark place, then take 50 ml three times a day.
  • Mint broth. Chine. A spoonful of dry mint is poured into 300 ml of hot boiled water and the hour is infused. Then it is filtered and taken half the glass three times a day.

It is also recommended to drink broths: hawthorn, motherwort, melissa, thyme, marigold, chamomile and oregano.

Prevention of

The main prevention of PTC is to treat rheumatism and prevent its recurrence, the same applies to other diseases that can cause a pathology.

  • A person at risk should be constantly monitored by a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon.
  • It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in terms of nutrition and exercise.

And now let's talk about a special case of the disease: a primary prolapse of tricuspid( 1 degree) and mitral valves.

Special case: mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse

Mitral valve prolapse is often accompanied by tricuspidal prolapse. With treatment and diagnostics, the situation is the same as in the classical case with one PTC.Valve anomalies can not cause discomfort to the patient and do not affect hemodynamics in general, therefore do not require treatment.

In this case, the anomalies are also divided in degrees. The degree will depend on the treatment.

More details about the prolapse of the mitral and tricuspid valve will be told by a well-known TV presenter:

Complications of

The most frequent complications are related to the reasons that led to PTC.So, with insufficient treatment, a second infectious endocarditis can develop in the patient, rheumatism may become worse. Also PTC can lead to:

  • Pulmonary embolism, that is, blockage of the latter.
  • Thrombosis prosthesis after surgical treatment.
  • Atrioventricular blockade, characterized by impaired blood circulation.

It should be understood that PTC itself leads to hemodynamic disorders, which affects all organs, can lead to other complications.


For 5 years after plastic surgery, more than 72% of patients survive, and after prosthetics - more than 60%.Patients with the first degree of PTC can live without discomfort for decades, with proper therapy.

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