Mitral valve prolapse 1, 2, 3 degrees: symptoms, treatment, causes, operation

There is a disturbance in the communication between the left ventricle and the atrium, for which the mitral valve meets, in the fourth part of the population. For many, he is in safe form. Therefore, a person does not know about the existence of a lack of work in the heart or finds out by chance during, for example, a professional examination.

If you have a manifestation of a malfunction in your well-being, you should always contact a specialist. Therefore it is useful to know the nature of the disease and its signs. Itach, what is this and what is the danger of prolapse of the mitral valve of the heart?

Features of the disease

Movement of blood in the circulatory system occurs in one direction. The process is controlled by a valve system. Their well-coordinated work provides full hemodynamics.

Dysfunction of the valve is manifested in the fact that a functional defect is manifested, as a result of which part of the blood returns to the atrium during the stroke of the ventricle. The causes and depth of the problem determine to what extent it is essential for a particular person.

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Prolapse refers to the deflection of the valves( one or both) toward the atrium when they should be tightly closed - during the sending of blood from the ventricle to the aorta. In children, pathology is more often of an innate nature.

Symptoms of the disease and methods of care for children and adults do not differ significantly. Children suffering from mitral valve prolapse are prone to such manifestations:

  • nervous breakdowns,
  • have unstable psyche,
  • can be aggressive.

More details about the peculiarities of such a disease as a mitral valve prolapse, the specialist will tell in the following video:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;


A comprehensive classification of pathology has been adopted. Most expresses the essence of the problem - the division of cases of prolapse into categories of complexity. This is a classification of the depth of the deflection of valve flaps in the atrium and the amount of blood that returns to it.

If we consider prolapse only in the degree of deflection of the valves, then this gradation does not give a complete picture of the problem, because the main characteristic of the pathology is how much blood is returned to the atrium.

We will start with a story about the prolapse of the mitral valve 1-1 degree without regurgitation and with it.

Mitral valve prolapse( scheme)


Indicates that the deviation of the valves to the side of the atrium occurs no deeper than five millimeters. If we consider the first degree of the problem from the point of view of which arterial blood return occurs, the flow touches the valve flaps.


The second degree is determined by deflection of leaflets in the range from six to nine millimeters. Concerning the reverse movement, the second degree in this sign indicates that the flow reaches the middle of the atrium.


The sagging of the leaflets by ten millimeters or more speaks about the third degree of the problem. If we look at the classification based on the effect of the return of blood flow, then the third step indicates that the flow reaches above the middle of the atrium and can reach its beginning.

About what causes the prolapse of the mitral valve, we will tell you further.

Causes of

Disturbance in the left half of the heart through valve prolapse has two main causes.

  1. Acquired pathology as a complication as a result of some diseases. Such a case is called secondary prolapse. Violation can initiate:
    • inflammation of the heart,
    • rheumatism,
    • ischemia of the heart,
    • myocardial infarction,
    • lupus erythematosus,
    • trauma in the thorax,
    • other diseases.
  2. Congenital pathology, such a case is called primary prolapse. If the problem is poorly expressed, has a first or second degree, then it is closer to the norm than to the pathology. Science is still looking for factors that lead to this problem. It is noted that the disease:
    • is inherited,
    • accompanies other genetic diseases,
    • is manifested in connection with the congenital pathology of the connective tissue of the valve apparatus:
      • chords may be improperly fastened, inadequate in length;
      • possible the presence of additional chords,
      • papillary muscles are mutated.

About what symptoms the mitral valve prolapse of the 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd degree has, we will discuss further.

Symptoms of

Disturbances in valve performance between the left ventricle and the atrium often do not manifest themselves through deterioration of well-being. Symptoms begin to be noticeable in the third stage of prolapse. If we take into account the depth of the problem, expressed by the degree of return( regurgitation), then on this basis the symptoms begin to manifest in the case of the second degree.

They are expressed in such violations:

  • reduced tone,
  • slow heart rate is replaced by rapid heartbeat,
  • in the chest, there is discomfort and pain;her character is aching and short-lived;
  • dyspnea, which is aggravated by exercise;
  • during a full breath sensation of obstruction to this action and lack of air,
  • frequent headaches, after a walk there is relief;
  • syncope,
  • possible panic attacks,
  • vegetative crises,
  • susceptibility to colds,
  • appearance of fever.

In patients suffering, in addition, scoliosis and flat feet, the signs of the disease can be more pronounced.

For a specialist, there are a number of external features on which he can suspect primary prolapse:

  • thin, long face,
  • elongated limbs,
  • asthenic constitution,
  • high growth,
  • poor vision,
  • elastic thin skin,
  • possible strabismus,
  • hypermobility of joints.

Mitral valve prolapse in graphic image


The doctor, on complaint of the patient and during examination, especially listening to the patient, can assume the prolapse of the mitral valve and prescribe a test.

  • Echocardiography is the main way to get enough information to diagnose abnormalities in the valve and to determine the extent of the problem.
  • Electrocardiography - this procedure to determine if there is prolapse, and to what extent pathology is not enough. Supplementary information that can complement the study is information on cardiac conduction and rhythm disturbances.
  • Phonocardiography provides information on the nuances of changing tones, which the expert can not catch when listening.

On how to treat prolapse mitral valve, read on.

The following video will describe in an accessible manner how the heart works with mitral valve prolapse:

Treatment of

In the initial stages, treatment is not performed. If there are manifestations of a health disorder, they involve medication, therapeutic treatment.

Correct the state and folk ways. Operative intervention is resorted to if prolapse creates problems that can not be resolved by the methods listed.


The patient receives recommendations how to organize his life in order not to worsen the condition with prolapse:

  • to load the body moderately,
  • to do frequent rest,
  • to maintain health by regular periodic visits to the sanatoriums in the direction of a specialist,
  • is indicated on the advice of a doctor to apply mud therapy, massage;
  • uses the methods of psychotherapy, the patient learns the psychology of health, how to observe peace in any situation, to control oneself;
  • uses physiotherapy,
  • antibacterial prophylaxis is performed to avoid infective endocarditis.

The following section will describe the features of treatment of mitral valve prolapse of 1, 2 and 3 degrees.


There is a large arsenal of drugs that are prescribed by specialists for the correction of conditions caused by prolapse of the mitral valve.

  • Means necessary to maintain heart function:
    • riboxin,
    • panangin,
    • magneter.
  • If you develop a disorder of the nervous system, prescribe sedatives.
  • If there is a tendency to thrombosis, anticoagulants are used.
  • In case of heart rhythm disturbances, beta-blockers can be prescribed.


If the valve failure has reached the third degree and becomes life threatening to the patient, it is recommended to perform an operative procedure for the purpose of reconstructing the valve or replacing it with a prosthesis.

If before the operation of mitral valve prolapse does not come, you can try( but with caution!) Folk remedies for the disease.


In this section of medicine you can use the recommendation to use herbal teas from individual plants and their collections, which:

  • level the mood,
  • calms nerves,
  • relieve anxiety.

It is shown to apply herbs and fruits:

  • St. John's wort,
  • hawthorn,
  • sage,
  • motherwort,
  • valerian
  • and other herbs on the advice of a specialist.

Prevention of the disease

In case of pathology, it is necessary to follow the rules to avoid exacerbation of the disease:

  • in order not to cause disturbances in the heart rhythm, it is necessary to limit or eliminate the use:
    • coffee,
    • alcohol,
    • smoking;
  • in time to treat the teeth, make sure that in the body there was no infectious process.

On whether the army is taking mitral valve prolapse, and whether it is possible to play sports in such a disease, read on.

Is the army taking such a blemish and is it possible to play sports?

In case of an issue related to malfunctioning of the mitral valve, it is recommended that you exercise as much as possible.


  • swimming,
  • walking.

You can not choose for sports activities associated with heavy loads and abrupt movements.

A young man with a diagnosis of valve prolapse can issue a report for mobilization. A disturbance in the operation of the valve with regurgitation above the second degree is the reason to be found unfit for service. Complementary factors to this are arrhythmia and conduction disorders.

On what dangerous prolapse mitral valve 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd degree in pregnancy, learn more.

Mitral valve prolapse during pregnancy

If a woman carrying a baby has a malfunction in the work of a mitral valve of the first or second degree, the pregnant woman might not know this. In most cases, prolapse does not aggravate the course of pregnancy and the possibility of independent delivery.

A woman needs to be under constant medical supervision, because in some cases prolapse can cause fetal hypoxia. This can affect its development. Sometimes in such cases the delivery is done by a cesarean section.

Complications of

In case of primary prolapse, complications are extremely rare, according to statistics, about four percent of cases. Disease, when the return of blood occurs to a large extent, then if you do not follow the recommendations of specialists, there may be consequences.


  • thromboembolism,
  • bacterial endocarditis,
  • arrhythmias, life-threatening;
  • mitral insufficiency,
  • cerebral infarction,
  • stroke,
  • sudden death.


  • With primary prolapse of the first and second degree in most cases, the prognosis is favorable. In the case of an acquired disruption in the operation of the valve, if the patient is observed by specialists, observes all the rules, then it can lead a full life with some limitations.
  • In rare cases, sudden death occurs.

Even more useful information about mitral valve prolapse contains a video of a well-known TV presenter:

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