Sports in chronic pancreatitis: can I study how to choose sports nutrition?

For athletes with pancreatitis, athletic exercises with concussions and sharp, jerky movements are absolutely unacceptable: jumping, running and weight training. In addition, with chronic pancreatitis, special attention should be paid to lifestyle: long-term nervous overloads, stresses are not recommended, sleep and rest are required. To play sports, of course, is necessary, but not in the period of exacerbations. Professional sport, of course, is excluded.

To prevent exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is necessary to engage in special therapeutic exercise. With its help, the nervous system is strengthened. Through the general toning effect, the psychological state is normalized, and then the metabolism is significantly accelerated, the functional state of the body improves, blood circulation in the organs of the abdominal cavity is normalized.

Diaphragmatic breathing is very useful for improving health( with the help of the diaphragm, pancreas massage is performed, which as a result improves its function).

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Therapeutic physical exercises include exercises for the abdominal, trunk and limbs with gradually increasing load. Breathing exercises are carried out separately( emphasis on diaphragmatic breathing.) Strongly expressed strength exercises are forbidden( they require tension and increase intra-abdominal and arterial pressure) and exercises that are necessarily accompanied by sharp movements. Complexes are performed in an average and slow rhythm. The lesson should last no more than twenty minutes. Sports with pancreatitis can be done every day an hour and a half after meals, and the room in which they will be conducted, it is desirable to pre-ventilate. In the event that there are concomitant pancreatitis diseases, changes in the schedule of the exercises must be made strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician, doctor, conducting physical education, or a methodologist. If an acute form of the disease is observed, therapeutic exercise should be canceled.

After completing sports, you can and should lie calmly on your back for 5-6 minutes, hands should be placed along the trunk( palms down, legs slightly dilute, cover your eyes - completely relax).After this, you can do water procedures( dousing, showering, wiping).The complex of health-improving sports exercises, along with therapeutic gymnastics, includes walking outdoors for distances of up to 1-2 kilometers at a customary pace.

Remember that, observing certain rules and regulations, you can play sports with pancreatitis!

Sports nutrition in pancreatitis

Nutrition during exercise in chronic pancreatitis plays a very important role. First of all, it is necessary to say "no" to bad habits, because they can only aggravate the situation. Take food should be up to six to seven times a day. The dishes are best suited in a grated or chopped form, cooked in water and steamed. Strictly forbidden hot or too cold dishes.

Sports nutrition with pancreatitis should contain many proteins. Its main difference is that it is not stored in the body, as, for example, fats. Protein is the basis of our muscles, therefore, under physical stress, we need building material that can enter the body only with food.

In this regard, in chronic pancreatitis, sports nutrition should consist in the intake of easily digestible proteins of animal origin. Such a diet will restore damaged pancreatic tissue.

In addition to protein, porridges boiled on water, lean meat, dried bread or crackers, lean boiled fish, vegetable soups or soups with boiled lean meat, vegetables and fruits, low-fat milk, weak tea, protein omelette and other products are also recommended.with a minimum fat content.

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