Diffusive changes in the liver and pancreas, what are the symptoms of the disease( illness), inflammation, diffusion?

The liver as well as the pancreas are unpaired organs of the parenchymal structure, consisting of tissue and not having cavities. The base of the hepatic parenchyma is formed by lobes, through which blood vessels are laid, and the bile ducts - on them bile enters the gallbladder. When you eat, bile is fed to the intestine through the common duct, combined with the duct of the pancreas. Therefore, diseases of the biliary tract, liver and pancreas are directly reflected on each other, being concomitant diseases.

Diagnosis of liver and pancreas diseases

Ultrasound diagnosis or ultrasound is one of the most accessible and informative methods of examining the internal organs of a person. With the help of ultrasound reflection from tissues( echolocation), a specialist can determine many pathological processes occurring in the pancreas and liver, and also the extent of their spread.

Often patients ask the question: "What is diffuse change?", After reading the protocol of ultrasound. This professional term for doctors, which is not an independent diagnosis of the disease, but explains only that pathological changes in the structure of the cells or tissues of the organ are evenly distributed throughout the parenchyma of the gland. Revealed defects can not be the only symptom for a doctor when making a diagnosis, because such a pathology is observed in many diseases.

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Diffuse liver changes

Causes of changes in liver cells and tissues include metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis of the vessels, chronic and acute infectious diseases and intoxication during their course. Therefore, liver diseases of diffuse etiology are hepatitis. The first malfunctions in liver function can be noticed by the following symptoms: first of all, icteric eye proteins, then skin integuments, white feces, urine of dark beer color. The release of a large component of bile into the blood can cause itchy skin.

Diffuse changes and diseases of the pancreas

The term diffuse means uniform changes that are common throughout the pancreas. Such defects can appear due to many processes occurring in it:

  • a diffuse decrease in tissue density indicates edema characteristic of acute pancreatitis, as well as the chronic form of this disease, when the gland ducts wriggle because of digestion of fatty foods;
  • in elderly or people with diabetes mellitus people often substitute healthy pancreatic tissues for fat( lipomatosis), which causes diffuse changes;
  • organ tissue fibrosis is one of the most common complications of the inflammatory process and metabolism.

Symptoms of liver and pancreatic inflammation

The main symptoms of inflammation of the liver and pancreas are quite similar. They include acute and paroxysmal pain, which is aggravated by exercise and eating fatty foods. Pain is often accompanied by bloating, nausea, vomiting and eructations.

In acute inflammation of the pancreas, changes in the skin are observed. When palpation in the epigastric region, the organ is noticeably enlarged. With chronic inflammation, the appearance of symptoms in the form of small red spots on the skin of the stomach, sides and chest.

For inflammation of the liver are characterized by complaints of lethargy, weakness and rapid fatigue. Urine acquires a darker shade. Often there are hemorrhages on the skin. Possible violations of the menstrual cycle in women and erectile dysfunction in men. When palpation is observed, its increase.

If you have the above symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases of the liver and pancreas

The cause of liver and pancreatic diseases is a violation of the functions of the organs, which can be caused by excessive use of alcohol and certain drugs, trauma, clogging of the bile ducts, infection, etc.

A common liver disease is hepatitis. Distinguish between hepatitis types A, B and C. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. Symptoms of hepatitis are jaundice, fever, chills, general weakness, etc.

Among pancreatic diseases the most frequent is pancreatitis. It can be acute and chronic. When pancreatitis is broken, the release of enzymes, and they begin to digest the tissue of the organ, which leads to acute pancreatitis. The started acute pancreatitis can go into the chronic phase.

Speaking about liver diseases, it is necessary to note cirrhosis of the liver - chronic inflammation, in which the tissues of the organ are changed. On the development of cirrhosis affect hepatitis, malaria, syphilis, circulatory disorders, etc. Cirrhosis develops for 2-5 years, and in the absence of qualified treatment, a lethal outcome is possible.

For the prevention of diseases of the pancreas and liver, one should eat healthy food without fatty and spicy dishes, maintain an optimal body weight and in any case limit the use of alcohol.

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