Webbed mucous colitis with severe flatulence - symptoms and treatment

Webbed colitis refers to allergic bowel disease. The inflammatory process is directly related to disturbances in the excitability of the autonomic nervous system. The course of the disease can be accompanied by an ordinary inflammation of the large intestine, but can be independent. In this case, the inflammatory process captures adjacent organs and if the disease lasts long enough, it can lead to anemia and a significant decrease in body weight.

Mucous colitis is characterized by sharp cramping pains in the abdomen, provoked by nervous shocks or idiosyncrasy( intolerance to any food).At the same time in the swollen abdomen rumbling, "gurgling", accompanied by a delay in the exit of gases and constipation occurs. The duration of an attack of mucosal colitis can be several hours and even more than a day and ends with a liquid stool with slime whitish in large quantities. Perhaps during an attack, an increase in body temperature, allergic manifestations on the skin.

In case of membranous-mucous colitis, delays with defecation may be of different nature. Primary constipation is characterized by disturbances in the general condition of the patient accompanied by a headache, palpitations and the like. With an atonic constipation, the discharges are dry, crumbling masses in the form of thick sausages that come out with great difficulty. At the same time, blood scarring is possible due to trauma of the anus. Stool retention is very long and can last several days. Spastic constipation is also characterized by a prolonged delay, but the discharge is of a different nature, in the form of a so-called "spastic constipation.""Sheep feces" - individual balls.

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Symptoms of mucosal colitis depend on the individual characteristics of the body. For example, some may have constipation, others have diarrhea, and others have constipation alternating with diarrhea. Strictly speaking, membranous mucous colitis can be considered not a disease, but a functional disorder. The results of examination of the colon do not fix pathological changes, and irritable bowel syndrome, as sometimes classified as mucosal inflammation, is often a consequence of nervous overexcitation, stress, fatigue.

Treatment of mucous colitis

Analyzes and instrumental examinations when seeking a doctor with complaints typical of mucosal colitis are prescribed to exclude the likelihood of more serious diseases. For mucosal colitis, in which the main role is played by the cerebral cortex, the main is the restoration of the normal nerve-endocrine regulatory function of the intestine. The complex of medical measures for the elimination of inflammation of the mucosa includes:

  1. Preparations that promote the normalization of the stool, eliminating the symptoms of the disease.
  2. To calm the nervous system, taking light hypnotic drugs, soothing herbal remedies.
  3. Dietary food.

Treatment of symptoms of mucosal colitis initially in the acute period is the reception of antiseptics, quickly improving the patient's well-being. With severe spasms, take no-shpu. Choline energy and adrenoblockers have a much stronger effect, but because of severe side effects, they can be taken only under constant supervision in a hospital. After the end of the course of treatment of mucous colitis with antiseptics, the manifestations of dysbiosis with the help of prebiotics or probiotics are eliminated.

To normalize the enzymatic environment of the intestinal mucosa with mucosal colitis take Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin. Acidin-pepsin corrects the content of hydrochloric acid in case of increased acidity. Excellent effect on the normalization of the bowel oil laxatives, for example, ingestion of olive oil a quarter of a glass a day or vaseline oil for one tablespoon every day. Folk remedies for mucus colitis are used in the form of enemas with herbal remedies and soothing tea made from mint leaves and melissa. When constipation is very useful, raw onion juice, which is taken three times a day for half an hour before meals for one teaspoon.

In the acute period of the disease, along with reflexology, it is necessary to observe a diet that excludes the chemical and physical effects on the inflamed mucous colon. It is useful to ensure a temporary rest of the intestines to starve 1-2 days, taking unsweetened tea. For a weakened organism it is recommended to add 1 st.l.of red wine per serving. In the future, the menu introduces products that improve the intestinal motility and do not affect the increase in digestive juice.

The flow of mucosal colitis with severe flatulence is one of its main symptoms, and is explained by dysbiosis and disorders during digestion of the intestine. This phenomenon is treated with activated carbon 3-4 times a day, tinctures of peppermint, chamomile flowers. Of drugs is most effective in Esperpusan flatulence. Its effect is based on the weakening of the surface tension of gas bubbles in the esophagus and facilitates the escape of gas.

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