Diet in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Dysbacteriosis in the modern world is quite frequent in adults. The intestinal microflora begins to weaken and die thanks to the usual, rich in preservatives and half-finished food, from systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, from dishes with a lot of seasonings. In any case, the goal of the diet in this case is not weight loss, but treatment. What kind of diet can be prescribed in case of dysbiosis?

Diet for dysbacteriosis is always made individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body of each patient. However, regardless of this, there are the main points that are observed when drawing up the tactics of treating intestinal dysbacteriosis:

  • First of all, it should be said that the intake will include enough fluids. This is due to the fact that if the dysbacteriosis is accompanied by constipation, the intestines need help in promoting stool. In addition, the liquid helps to reduce the effects of intoxication. With a dysbacteriosis accompanied by diarrhea, drinking plenty of water is required in order to prevent dehydration, since enough liquid comes out with the stool.
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  • The whole diet should be full. This is expressed in providing the body with as many useful substances as possible. When the disease is lost a large number of vitamins and minerals, which later leads to anemia and hypovitaminosis. In addition, the products should contain as many substances that provide the conditions for the development of their own intestinal bacteria and self-treatment of microflora - dietary fibers and fermented milk products.
  • From a diet for dysbiosis in adults, all foods that can enhance the process of putrefaction or fermentation, which leads to flatulence, will be excluded. In addition, all products that negatively affect intestinal peristalsis will be excluded, and contribute to the intensification of painful sensations, constipation, diarrhea.

In addition, eating in the treatment of dysbiosis in adults should be done at about the same time in small portions. This is required in order that the stomach can in time to allocate gastric juice, which normalizes the intestinal microflora and the digestive process as a whole.

Creating a diet for the treatment of dysbiosis

It is worth saying that initially the diet for dysbiosis will start with fasting for several days. Requires a large number of broths and teas. Fiber is excluded. When using compotes, they must first strain, in order to avoid irritable reaction of the intestinal mucosa.

First and foremost, it should be said about reducing the consumption of sugar, as it has the property of suppressing immunity, and many pathogens will be fed for development from its constituents. Thus, it is necessary to exclude from the diet: sugar, honey, corn syrup, glucose, maple syrup, sorbitol and others.

Secondly, if you follow a diet for dysbacteriosis, you should avoid consuming yeast and foods with their content, fungi and products containing enzymatic substances or with mold. It is undesirable to include in the food dried fruits, spices and marinades, products with the addition of vinegar. In nutrition with dysbacteriosis, consumption of foods prepared using enzymatic processes, for example, beer, wine and cider, is also prohibited.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults, of course, entails a limited diet. However, the diet can include a large number of different tasty and very useful products. So, you can submit to the table low-fat boiled meat, sour-milk products, gray bread. For a change, you can add a little greens. Onions and garlic though are products with a powerful antibacterial and interfering with fermentation processes in the intestine action, but their inclusion in food should be very careful.

If you follow a diet for intestinal dysbacteriosis, you can not eat high-fat foods, as well as smoked, canned, salted, sweet foods. It is necessary to exclude the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits. This can all be noticed by the porridges with the presence of fiber and broths on the basis of not high fat content, compotes and kissels.

Also from the diet is to exclude hot, fatty and fried foods. It should be noted that if the dysbacteriosis was caused by the intake of antibiotics, then it is required to exclude the use of products that cause increased gas production.

Even after the successful treatment of dietary dysbiosis, the expansion of the diet is required to be carried out gradually and in small doses. In the event that there are chronic diseases of the intestine or the entire gastrointestinal tract, then it is necessary to avoid the consumption of foods that can cause exacerbation of the disease.

How long will the diet last for dysbacteriosis, and what should be observed, is determined by a specialist who regularly monitors the patient's condition and, if necessary, corrective treatment. Mainly a strict diet, will last for about a week, and then you can switch to a simple, gentle diet.

To date, a specialized weekly menu has been developed that helps you to orient yourself in the process of compiling a diet individually. It is worth noting that the diet for dysbacteriosis has several options, depending on the accompanying symptoms. Thus, if you follow all the medical prescriptions, then you can cope with the impaired microflora quickly and fairly simply.

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