Features of the menu for rehabilitation after a stroke of the brain

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Similar seizures can be triggered by various objective reasons. The diet after an ischemic stroke of various types has much in common. There are no clear rules after the stroke, there are only general recommendations that should be adhered to.

A lightweight diet for stroke is based on the basic principles of fractional nutrition. The total daily calorific value should not exceed the figure of 2500 kcal. The daily menu after a stroke should contain enough fiber for a comfortable digestion.

The main food directly after an ischemic stroke should be based on complex carbohydrates contained in plant foods, proteins and vegetable fats.

Stroke in a stroke involves the rejection of the following malicious products:

  • created on the basis of traditional white flour;
  • fried vegetable oil fatty dishes;
  • all kinds of pickles and smoked products;
  • various kinds of sweets.

It is desirable to mention in more detail the use of salt.

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At the very beginning, the diet for ischemic stroke completely prohibits the addition of salt to dishes, but after a noticeable improvement in the general condition, you can introduce it again in small amounts. The presence of an elevated salt content in the blood stream attracts additional fluid into the main blood vessels from nearby tissues, which can trigger blood pressure jumps. At the same time, the already weak vessels are expecting a lot of additional problems.

After a brain stroke it is recommended to add the following useful products to the base of your diet:

  • skim milk;
  • vegetable oils that have not undergone the refining stage;
  • meat and poultry with a minimum fat content;
  • all kinds of fresh fish;
  • fresh fruits and natural vegetables;
  • freshly frozen seafood;
  • lightweight porridge.

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Fish has the properties to fill the body with useful polyunsaturated fatty acids that take a direct part in various metabolic processes and many biochemical reactions. All this contributes to the effective cleansing of the slagged organism, gives a quick push for the formation of the necessary useful cholesterol. The phosphorus contained in the fish can have a beneficial effect on the brain tissue.

With ischemic stroke, vegetables in any form remain in priority. Significantly improve the course of the main biochemical reactions of the brain will help the following vegetables:

  • fresh cabbage;
  • green spinach;
  • ordinary beet.

This category of vegetables should be present in the diet more often than others, and their use is allowed in any convenient form. You can eat such berries known for their useful properties, like natural cranberries and fragrant blueberries, because they occupy a leading position in the category of the strongest natural antioxidants, which contribute to the effective removal of harmful free radicals. Observance of a sparing diet should merge with the patient's lifestyle, because it will help to cope with the main problems that affect the cardiovascular system.

2 How to make a daily diet

Make a daily menu in such a way that it contains a balanced amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. As the priority products for cooking daily dishes are all kinds of vegetables, light porridges, light dairy products, lean meat, vegetable oil.


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Incredibly useful products in this type of disease are considered different types of oily sea fish: appetizing salmon, sardine, tuna, common herring because of the content of many useful and vital acids in them, among which is the cholesterol of useful properties and phosphorus.

It is not advisable to consume river fish, fatty meat, all kinds of spicy dishes, various kinds of sweets and too salty products of home preservation. On the amount of salt consumed, too, do not forget, because the excess in the body of this famous seasoning can provoke a jump in blood pressure. A patient who has once suffered a stroke should adhere to such a sparing diet throughout his life.

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3 Nutrition and Prohibited Products

Regardless of the type of disease, it is forbidden to eat the following foods:

  • fat meats;
  • sweet cakes and other sweets;
  • butter, various kinds of margarine, vegetable cooking oil;
  • fish and meat broths are also on the list of bans;
  • strong coffee and black brewed tea;
  • various types of alcoholic beverages.

It is absolutely necessary to limit the consumption of salt and sugar.

It is very important that nutrition in case of a stroke is correct and harmonious. Ideal will be a natural vegan base with the addition of a reasonable amount of lightweight sour-milk products. The daily menu includes a small amount of beef, low-fat chicken breast, lean varieties of fish and potatoes twice a week in combination with a vegetable salad, because it is the fiber that effectively prevents the absorption of harmful cholesterol.

Almost daily the patient is recommended to consume 300 g of fresh vegetables( potatoes are not included in this list), 200 g of useful fruit with a minimum sugar content.

In salads you need to constantly use vegetables of dark green color, preventing the appearance of dangerous plaques: sorrel, fresh cabbage, celery. It is also worth remembering products that have a category of medicinal products: young garlic, wheat germ, flax seeds, peanuts, almonds. All these ingredients can be safely added to dishes that are meant for the patient.

From beverages to the use of various fresh juices, especially recommend grape, green tea without sugar. Loved sweets can easily be replaced with dried fruits or bananas with blueberries.

There are situations when, after a stroke, the patient has some difficulty with swallowing. Then it is desirable to feed it with dishes that have been treated with a blender. For the general improvement of the taste qualities, it is possible to add all kinds of seasonings, for example, fresh parsley in combination with dill and cilantro.

In this situation, the current weight of the patient is important. If there is an excess in the mass, it is possible to spend small unloading days, when it can consume only one useful product. As a permissible food for such days are watermelon, cucumber, apple, light curd, kefir with a minimum fat content threshold.

A similar attack always goes with a strong shock. That is why the transition to a more rational diet should be carried out gradually. It is important to wait for a favorable moment when the patient has an upbeat mood and a positive attitude towards others. This will help prevent a relapse.

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