Are they taking a stomach with an ulcer? Can they mobilize? Can I get a delay with a peptic ulcer?

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease. It is formed as a result of the negative impact of such aggressive substances as pepsin, hydrochloric acid and bile. The way of life of the person also affects the manifestation of the disease. Most of all, men are prone to such pathological education. Women suffer from an ailment a little less often.

Many men of military age are interested if an ulcer is diagnosed, is it taken to join the army with her? This issue is regulated by a special document "List of diseases that are not taken into the army".It clearly describes all diseases in which both partial exemption from service and complete is provided. According to Article 58, the army does not take an ulcer. But this requires a category "D" - not good, or "B" - is limited.

The category "D" includes men who have the following complications of the disease:

  • Penetration, stenosis of the pylorobulbar area with malnutrition.
  • Gastroduodenal bleeding( blood loss can reach up to 30% or more).
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  • Absence of part or whole stomach.
  • Stem or selective vagotomy with the imposition of gastrointestinal anastomosis, serious deviations in digestion.

The category "B" includes conscripts who have:

  • Frequent recurrences of the disease during the last two years( at least 3 times a year).
  • Large ulcerous formations( about 3 cm) and extraluminal ulcer no more than 5 years after diagnosis.
  • Culling neoplasms.
  • Prolonged open erosions, which will not last long.
  • Development of posthemorrhagic anemia and complications caused by perforation or bleeding.
  • Coarse cicatricial deformity.
  • Consequences after trunk or selective vagotomy, gastrectomy and application of gastrointestinal anastomosis.

Does the stomach ulcer mobilize during remission? According to the clear wording of Article 58, the draft should be exempted even if there is a scar on the wall of the digestive organ. This means that when the diagnosis is confirmed, the draftee must be enrolled in the reserve for health reasons and get a military ticket with the appropriate entry.

An ulcer and an army is a very sensitive issue. There are cases when the military commissariat can decide on a temporary half-year postponement of the draft. Then, after this period, the recruit needs to go through a new medical commission and submit the facts of the disease to the military commissariat.

After re-diagnosis, the medical commission reviews the results of fibrogastroscopy, radiographs, biopsies, and analysis of gastric juice.

If the diagnosis given earlier is confirmed, then peptic ulcer and army are incompatible concepts.

The medical commission should study the anamnesis of the disease and decide on granting a postponement to young people with a stomach ulcer. Mobilize only healthy or conditionally healthy guys who, according to the disease schedule, are fit for military service.

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