Dietary menu for patients with gastric ulcer

Dietary menu for gastric ulcer is the most important factor of treatment, on which not only a speedy recovery depends, but also the duration of remission. The therapeutic diet contributes to scarring of the defect and restoration of the digestive functions of the organ.

Menu with stomach ulcers, recipes for approved meals prohibit the use of products that increase gastric secretion.

The food is boiled or cooked steamed. Dishes are served on the patient's table warm. Hot and cold drinks, soups, snacks, second courses and desserts are prohibited in the menu with peptic ulcer.

In the acute phase, it includes only grinded mashed liquid food, preference is given to brewed cereal soups that maximally protects the mucous membrane of the damaged organ from chemical and mechanical effects. Vegetable, fruit dishes, bread - inadmissible food at this stage of the disease. The same menu for peptic ulcer is recommended by gastroenterologists after surgery on the stomach.

When the disease recedes, the acute phase of the illness ends, the menu for patients with stomach ulcers allows the preparation and feeding of a piece of food to the food table.

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Vegetable purees, sweet fruit and berry desserts, dried wheat bread.

The daily menu for peptic ulcer disease should not only be easily assimilated, but also high in calories.

2450 kC is the average daily intake, in which fats( 110 grams), carbohydrates( 450 grams) and proteins( 100 grams) are balanced.

The menu for a patient with a stomach ulcer consists of 3 main meals and 3 snacks.

Dishes are served in small portions, so as not to overload the stomach, do not stretch its walls. After all, overeating is dangerous serious complications. Overabundance of food can provoke perforation of the defect, internal bleeding, which will lead to a cavitary operation.

Often, patients get discouraged when they learn that for a long time they will have to adhere to the monotonous and fresh menu with ulcers. Partly they are right, but it will last no more than weeks, until the acute phase ends.

When a patient learns more in detail about dietary antiulcer culinary, which has in its stock not one hundred recipes of delicious dishes, a widespread error will dissipate.

Sample menu for gastric ulcer

  • Option number 1 - sparing menu, recommended in the phase of exacerbation of the disease.

08.00 - breakfast( early):

1. Omelet cooked from a pair of eggs for a couple;

2. Pasteurized milk at room temperature( 250 ml);

11.00 - snack: jelly from milk;

14.00 - lunch( main meal):

1. Razvaristy mucous cereal soup( oatmeal, semolina, rice according to the preference of the patient), cooked on the water;

2. Steam soufflé from chopped meat of chicken, rabbit, cottage cheese;

3. Jelly from milk;

17.00 - Snack:

1.One egg boiled soft-boiled;

2.Milko room temperature( 250 ml);

19.00 - supper( main meal):

1. Kasha mashed, prepared from the above croups in water, with the addition of whole milk;

2. Kisel from milk;

21.00 - snack before going to bed: milk( 250 ml);

  • Option number 2 - more extended dietary menu, shown to the patient with peptic ulcer immediately after relieving the exacerbation.

08.00 - breakfast( early):

1. Cutlets from chicken meat for steaming or pudding from cottage cheese.

2.Protaya porridge with the addition of milk.


11.00 - snack: milk jelly( 250 ml);

14.00 - lunch( main meal):

1. Dead meat soup with milk;

2. Wheat crackers( 50 g);

3. Meat or fish meatballs without garnish.

4.Zhele from whole milk;

17.00 - snack: soft-boiled egg, milk;

19.00 - supper( main meal):

1. Fish or meat pans, steamed;

2.50 grams of wheat rusks;

3. Cucumber, mashed with milk;

4. Kisel from milk;

21.00 - late snack: milk( 250 ml);

  • Option number 3 - sample menu for gastric ulcer with persistent remission

08.00 - early breakfast with stomach ulcer:

1. Cones, vegetable puree( potatoes, carrots) or boiled vermicelli;

2.Protaya porridge with milk;

3. Pudding from cottage cheese;

4. Warm non-strong tea with milk;

11.00 - snack: a glass of jelly can be replaced with a baked apple without skin;

14.00 - Lunch:

1. A deadly broth soup with the addition of sour cream or milk;

2. Boiled chicken meat, rabbit without skin and lived or fish with a piece;

3. Powdered puree for garnish;

4. Kisel;

17.00 - snack: a broth of dogrose with unfermented wheaten breadcrumbs;

19.00 - Dinner:

1. A dead pudding or fish( boiled) with mashed potatoes cooked from tender potatoes;

2. Porridge with milk;

3. Prototy compote; 1

21.00 - late snack before bedtime: milk;

With the diagnosis of a gastric ulcer menu for a week can easily be made, taking as a basis the recommended daily diet in a particular stage of the course of the disease.

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