Why constantly worms, chronic helminthiasis( helminthic invasion) in a child and an adult, what are the symptoms, what to do?

The vast majority of patients with complaints of skin problems( rashes, peeling, etc.), muscle pain, fatigue without cause, colds, joint pain and flatulence can not even imagine that they actually have helminthiosis.

According to medical studies and statistical data, in 90% of cases the encounter with worms or their carriers ends with the penetration of parasites that can exist in various organs and systems for a long time without any symptoms. Every year, about 50 million people die each year in the world, 16 million, in whose organisms worms of various types were constantly inhabited, and the lethal outcome came as a result of complications caused by their vital activity. This awesome statistics was voiced by WHO specialists at one of the specialized seminars.

The high mortality from parasites is explained by the fact that most people do not even suspect of chronic helminthiasis, accordingly, do not undergo profiling examinations and do not receive adequate treatment.

How dangerous is the constant presence of worms?

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The constant presence of worms is much more dangerous than a single presence - an acute stage of the disease. After the invasion worms begin to "live" the body of the carrier, releasing toxic products of vital activity. Acute helminthic invasion is accompanied by allergies, nausea and upset of the stool. With chronic helminthiasis, the situation is somewhat different. The body gradually gets used to the unpleasant "neighborhood".Manifestations become less pronounced. A person with chronic worms can live very long, but the quality of life is significantly reduced: in patients there is a constant weakness, a decline in strength caused by a deficiency of nutrients in the body and the action of toxic substances. Inflammations and pathologies of internal organs go to a chronic stage.

Self-medication or treatment of concomitant diseases alone does not produce the expected result, as self-infection and relapse are possible. When self-poisoning, the worms in a person constantly, because new larvae all the time get into the body. This can happen if there is insufficient hygienic care for the body, a mismatch between the living and working premises of sanitary and hygienic standards. If infection with helminthic infestation occurs continuously, it is recommended to check the sources of water, soil and even surrounding people on parasites and their larvae.

Symptoms of chronic helminthiosis

Despite a pronounced symptomatology, chronic worms can be suspected on the basis of the following manifestations:

  • Inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Some worms in the process of development can migrate through the body. For example, the larva on the blood vessels can penetrate the lungs, where several cycles of its development take place. Her stay in the respiratory system can cause a persistent cough and even pneumonia.
  • Skin manifestations. Living in the body constantly worms in an adult person are the cause of various problems with the skin. It can be eczema, acne and papillomas, rashes and boils. In a child, they lead to hives and allergic rashes.
  • Stool disorders. With chronic helminthiasis, bowel activity is disrupted, which leads to permanent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
  • Liver diseases. Worms that live in the bile duct can block them, thereby causing jaundice.
  • Weakened immunity. The constant presence of parasites in the human body and the toxic substances released by them lead to malfunctions of the immune system and a sharp decrease in the production of protective immunoglobulins by the body.
  • Gas formation and bloating. Disorders of the bowel and reduced absorption of nutrients - this is the result of the activity of parasites. Insomnia and frequent gnashing of teeth. Observed most often in children. So the body reacts to poisoning with toxins.
  • Nervousness. The state of depression and other similar manifestations are a consequence of poisoning with toxins and the products of vital activity of parasites. At the child constant worms can be shown by mood changes: from hyperactivity to apathy and fatigue.
  • Change of taste. Many children and adults with constant worms experience a change of taste, for example, an abnormal addiction to sweets.

Even the coincidence of at least 3 signs from the above is an excuse for making a diagnosis.

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