Opisthorchiasis in women during pregnancy, what effect on the fetus?

Opisthorchiasis is caused by flatworms that enter the body with infected fish. This disease is very dangerous, it affects the whole body negatively, but most of all, the liver, gall bladder and pancreas suffer. Male and female organisms react differently to opisthorchiasis. What symptoms does this disease cause in women?

First of all, opisthorchiasis in women can cause menstrual irregularity. In addition, menstruation can be very painful. Unfortunately, such symptoms can indicate many other diseases, so a woman often does not know about her diagnosis. Suspicion of this parasitic disease will help other signs of opisthorchiasis:

  • allergy;
  • change in appetite;
  • pain syndrome in the liver;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • nausea, vomiting and indigestion;
  • general malaise, irritability and tearfulness.

The above characteristics should alert the woman, it is possible that she has opisthorchiasis. But the correct diagnosis can be made only by the doctor after the examination. First and foremost, he usually finds out whether the infected fish used the fish, especially from the area where the disease is very common. In general, the fish of the carp family are considered invasive.

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This disease must necessarily be treated, as it can cause serious health problems. Especially it is necessary to be checked for opisthorchiasis for women who are preparing for motherhood, since opisthorchiasis during pregnancy can adversely affect the health of the future mother and the development of the fetus.

Consequences of opisthorchiasis during pregnancy

A woman can become infected with opisthorchiasis during pregnancy or already be sick at the time of conception. In any case, the first symptoms described above should be addressed to a doctor. Opisthorchiasis, if left untreated, can provoke such diseases as cholecystitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis and even peritonitis. In neglected cases, when a person suffers from this parasitic disease for years, he can have a malignant tumor in the affected organ.

This disease in pregnant women is often accompanied by severe toxemia. Infected women significantly increase the risk of premature birth. If the disease will proceed with pronounced symptoms, you may experience miscarriage or fetal death in the womb.

How to treat opisthorchiasis in pregnant women?

Unfortunately, opisthorchiasis is treated with drugs that are very toxic, so during pregnancy, their reception is strictly prohibited. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding. But this does not mean that a woman does not need to be treated at all. In general, therapy with pregnancy is aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease, as well as restoring the normal functioning of the affected organs.

From opisthorchiasis women are prescribed drugs against allergies, with pain in the liver, spasmolytics are prescribed. In addition, choleretic and enzyme medicines and vitamins are also prescribed. Often used herbal collections, which have choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect. All medicines should be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication can harm.

A woman who has fallen ill with this parasitic disease, must necessarily follow a diet to exclude the burden on the affected organs. Fried, fatty, smoked, pickled foods are prohibited, and muffins and sweets should also be excluded. You can eat lean meat, cottage cheese, as well as various soups and cereals.

Many women are worried about the question, when can I plan a pregnancy after opisthorchiasis? The treatment of this parasitic disease is a long and difficult process. As soon as six months have passed after the etching of flatworms, it will be necessary to pass a second analysis, if helminths are no longer, then we can plan the child.

This disease must be treated timely, because if a person is sick for about 5 years, even after treatment there is no guarantee that all affected organs will be restored and will work as before. Worms in the body can cause irreversible changes, so some symptoms of the disease even after de-worming can accompany a person all his life.

Opisthorchiasis in women during pregnancy has a negative effect on the fetus and on the health of the future mother. In this case, pregnancy is much more difficult and can be accompanied by various complications. In case of severe infection, treatment should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. But in order not to get sick, you need to follow the rules of prevention: fish should always be well thermally treated, especially riverine, you can not feed raw fish to pets, hands should be washed before each meal.

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