Constipation and pain in the back, in the lower back, can the kidneys, the coccyx, the stomach at the level of the navel hurt?

Most patients are used to the fact that the often occurring delays of acts of defecation cause discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the abdominal region, so it is not surprising for many people to ask why they have a back ache after constipation has arisen. There is nothing strange about this. When delayed acts of defecation, hard feces accumulate in large quantities in the intestine, expand it and begin to press on the internal organs. This is the reason for the appearance of unpleasant sensations, which can be localized both in the lumbar region and the coccyx, or be given to internal organs, for example, the kidneys. It all depends on which part of the intestine the largest accumulation of hardened feces occurred.

Often there is pain in the back at the level of the navel. Constipation, preceding these sensations, indicates that the accumulation of fecal matter occurred in the small intestine. Such feelings are most dangerous for a person, since they may indicate the occurrence of intestinal obstruction in this department of the digestive tract. When there are constipation in the back and abdomen localized at the level of the navel during constipation, an urgent diagnostic study is needed to help eliminate the dangerous causes that caused them. Do not ignore and unpleasant sensations in the lower back. In case of any manifestations of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only after it turns out, which part of the intestines suffered most from stagnant stool, it will be possible to take adequate measures to eliminate negative symptoms.

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When a person has a prolonged constipation and pains the kidneys, a specialist consultation is also necessary. The emergence of this kind of unpleasant sensations, giving back, to the waist, is indicative not only of the stagnation of fecal masses, but also of possible inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. In such a situation, the treatment is appointed by the urologist, since it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms only after the pathology that led to it is cured.

Treatment of constipation with pain in the back

Regardless of where it hurts with constipation, in the waist or coccyx, before consulting them, a doctor's consultation is required. After it will be found out that the cause of pain does not lie in serious pathologies, measures will be taken to eliminate them. First of all, experts recommend adjusting the diet. This will help get rid of constipation. Also a great role in eliminating unpleasant sensations in the back, lumbar region, play properly chosen physical exercises. Patients are always interested in what can be done independently, if the constipation hurts the back. The main thing that is necessary in this situation is the normalization of the stool. To do this, include in the diet a large number of products containing vegetable fiber, which will help soften the stool, and remove the fixing food( fatty meat, rice, pasta and bakery products).

The next step in eliminating constipation with low back pain is to abandon a sedentary lifestyle and increase physical activity. It can be a daily morning gymnastics, easy running, swimming and long walks in the fresh air. An emergency measure may be the reception of laxatives. Just do not get carried away for this purpose by medication. They with prolonged use can strengthen constipation, and, accordingly, provoke even more painful sensations in the back area. It is best to give preference to decoctions and herbal teas with laxative properties.

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