Causes of bloating and constipation, treatment of the intestines, if puchit, diet and medicines, what to do, what to eat, how to get rid?

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Symptoms such as bloating, constipation, discomfort in the intestines, when a person "puchit" associated with digestive disorders, arise for various reasons. These signs are not very dangerous, but due to the fact that they significantly disturb the patient's standard of living, they must be treated. The question of what to do with this form of the digestive system, how to get rid of these negative manifestations, and what kind of therapy is best able to help - diet or medicine, excites many people. To find out all the nuances of this pathological condition and learn to help yourself if necessary yourself, you should find out the most frequent causes of swelling and constipation, as well as therapies that should be used when a prolonged stool delay provokes a large belly from accumulating in the patientwith gases.

Such disorders in the digestive tract can arise due to various prerequisites, the most common of which are errors in the human diet. Accumulated in the person's stomach, the gases released during the digestion of certain foods and beverages always lead to a swelling. It is for this reason that experts do not recommend people who often have a severe bloating and constipation, there are plenty of legumes and cabbage, and also drink sweet fizzy drinks. They cause the pathological condition, such as flatulence and violation of acts of defecation. Almost all patients after diet correction, there is a significant improvement, and negative signs that violate the quality of life disappear.

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Also, abdominal distension appears as a result of the vital activity of the pathogenic microflora that accumulates in the intestine during constipation. The reason for this is that the bacterial flora releases an increased amount of gas. This situation is provoked due to the fact that poorly digested food reaches the colon, inhabited by these microorganisms, and gets them. As a consequence, the gas generation increases. In this situation, prolonged constipation always causes a strong swelling. To get rid of the negative phenomenon, you should also adjust the diet by introducing into the diet foods containing plant fiber. But the treatment with laxatives in a situation when the abdomen is swollen with constipation, can be carried out only in exceptional cases, and precisely those drugs that the specialist recommended.

Many are interested in what to do with constipation and bloating. What are the main aspects of treating this pathology? In order to learn how to cope with this negative symptomatology, you should consult a specialist. It will help to identify the cause that provokes it, and select the most appropriate treatment in each case, which will help the patient to get rid of negative signs of the disease, when a person greatly puchit. Therapy with this form of ailment should be complex. Medical treatment of constipation, bloating and abdominal swelling is required if it is the result of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to taking tablets, the patient's attention is drawn to increased physical activity and dietary nutrition.

Remedies for constipation and bloating

If a person starts to puff, his main idea is about what to do and what medicine to take, so that these unpleasant symptoms stop. Immediately begin self-treatment with this pathology, although it is not dangerous enough, it is not recommended. Preliminary with the help of a specialist it is necessary to find out the true cause of the disease. Most often, doctors in the absence of an infectious factor that provoked bug and swelling during constipation, the following safe and effective medicines are prescribed:

  • Mezim. It is an enzyme drug that stimulates the pancreas, normalizes the process of digestion and completely relieves a person of unpleasant symptoms. It is available in the form of tablets for ingestion and is used for various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces gas formation, eliminates puffiness, swelling and constipation and Espumizan. Espumizan has no contraindications. It is effective for both adult patients and newborns. Well tolerated by the body of any person;
  • Make the work of the gastrointestinal tract unproblematic and probiotics. They contribute to the restoration of useful microflora in the digestive organs and help to eliminate swelling and constipation.

There are also other medications that are widely used by patients. In the presence of diseases of the digestive tract in the medicine chest of a person should be assisted with this symptomatology tablets, which the specialist recommended.

Diet for constipation and bloating of the abdomen

Since the main factor that provokes the appearance of these signs are disorders in the diet, the patient needs to adjust it and learn to eat properly. Diet for people suffering from frequent swelling, is the main aspect in the treatment of pathology. From the diet, it is mandatory to exclude those products that increase gas formation or are difficult to digest. Only those foods that are dietary and contain a large number of proteins should be eaten, saturated with essential microelements and vitamins.

Also feature of the diet for constipation and bloating is that the patients in any case can not eat pickles, marinades and smoked products except that the menu should completely eliminate chocolate and cocoa. Restrictions are subject to rye bread or fried foods. There are them, if the belly and constipation are inflated, it is possible only in the minimum quantities. But vegetable food with coarse fibers and soluble fiber is needed in fairly large quantities. These substances are ballast and serve as an excellent filler for the digestive organs. They absorb a large amount of water, so their use is necessary not only during treatment, but also for the prevention of constipation and bloating. It should be remembered that eating with this pathology is necessary often enough and in small portions.

Home remedies for bloating and constipation

In addition to medicines and diets, you can also get rid of the unpleasant manifestations associated with abnormalities of the stool and abdominal panic, using home methods. The best time to stimulate the work of the digestive tract is morning. It is then that their activities are most active. What can I do on my own to stop bloating and constipation? To normalize the work of the digestive organs, every morning must start with charging. Physical exercises that need to be performed on a daily basis will help to keep the walls of the digestive system in tone and regulate the work of peristalsis. In no case should you restrain the urge to excrement. It is necessary and to identify products that provoke allergies in the patient. It is often enough that it causes such intestinal problems as abdominal distension and constipation. There are several general recommendations for people who are characterized by these negative manifestations:

  • After any eating, it is useful to walk in the fresh air. It promotes the release of hormones that increase the activity of the digestive organs, accelerates peristalsis and improves digestion;
  • Is too cold or hot is not recommended, as during the use of such products, air is involuntarily "swallowed" and enters the stomach;
  • The use of sorbents, which help to remove excess gases from the gastrointestinal tract, and to prevent bloating, developing against a background of constipation, should be started while eating;
  • The use of herbal teas has received good reviews. It is best to eliminate the negative signs of dill, chamomile or peppermint;
  • During the meal, it is necessary to chew the food very carefully. In this case, there is no excessive ingestion of air, and the digestion process begins in the mouth with the help of saliva enzymes;
  • If swelling and constipation are associated with abdominal cramps, you need to start consuming a large amount of dietary fiber that helps soften the contents of digestive organs and stop flatulence;
  • It is also recommended to reduce the intake of food stimulants, which lead to excessive excitation of the gastrointestinal tract. It's coffee, cocoa and chocolate. Provoke an impaired digestion and cause spasms can and excessive amounts of fat consumed in food. Therefore, with constipation and bloating, these foods should be excluded from the diet.

These tips are suitable for both adult patients and children. Experts always recommend in case of occurrence of dysfunction in the digestive organs without the presence of organic or infectious causes, do not resort to drug therapy. It is best to apply proven folk methods for centuries. They not only very effectively eliminate the negative manifestations of constipation and bloating, but are completely safe for patients of any age. But it should also be borne in mind that all therapeutic measures with this form of pathology are applied only after an appropriate diagnosis, which will reveal the true prerequisites for the development of this disease and remove them. Only in this case there will be no repeated signs, and the person will come full recovery.

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