Balsam "Asterisk"( "Gold Star"): instructions, indications for use, reviews, analogues and prices

There is hardly anyone in the CIS countries who has never heard of the miraculous Zvezdochka or the Golden Star balm. In Soviet times such a substance was considered a panacea for almost all possible ailments. And what about today? Let's examine in this article reviews about the balm "Golden Star"( Asterisk), instructions for its use, analogues and prices for it in the country's pharmacies.

Features of the drug

The asterisk is known as an excellent antiseptic. In addition, thanks to the specific smell and "burning" effect, it can perfectly distract the patient from other worries and harmful thoughts.

Next, let's talk about the composition and properties of balsam "Gold Star"( Asterisk).


This product is classified as combined and includes:

  • camphor;
  • rapcectol( more than 50%);
  • oil:
  • carnation flowers,
  • leaf of a rooted eucalyptus,
  • of Chinese cinnamon,
  • of peppermint.

An asterisk in the form of an ointment also includes petroleum jelly, beeswax and paraffin.

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Dosage forms and prices

The Gold Star is available in three dosage forms, namely:

  • Inhalation pencil
  • Balsam liquid( external use)
  • Ointment

It is the latter form that is found most often. The ointment is packed in small metal round containers. Balsam for external use is poured into glass vials, the pencil is a plastic tube with a solid substance. Vessels are packed into a cardboard box with one name.

Prices in Russian pharmacies on the asterisk are moderate. So, in Moscow, on the average, 1 bottle of ointment will cost 104 rubles.

Pharmacological action of

The asterisk can have such an effect:

  • is distracting;
  • antiseptic;
  • is locally irritating.

About what indications for use and whether it is possible to use balm Zvezdochka( Golden Star) during pregnancy, we will tell further.


This substance has proven itself in the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases and their attendant ailments, including rhinitis and influenza. It helps with headaches, copes well with insect bites. Therefore, doctors advise treating them skin areas after a negative contact with the louse.

  • Peppermint in the composition of the drug significantly increases the skin turgor, and also helps to calm the irritation of the dermis with allergies. Also, her couples can reduce nausea and dizziness.
  • Camphor, beneficial effect on oily and porous skin, helps the early healing of pimples and pustules, as well as getting rid of acne.
  • Eucalyptus oil successfully fights with furunculosis, acne and herpes.
  • Carnation, thanks to its fragrance, repels insects.
  • Cinnamon oil has an anti-mycotic effect, helping to fight fungi on the skin.

The instruction for use for children and adults for Vietnamese balm "Zvezdochka" is further considered.

Instructions for use

Balm ointment is used only externally. It should be applied with a thin layer on the skin area requiring treatment, after which it is necessary to slightly rub the substance. The procedure should be performed without tension, massage is performed until the moment when the dermis acquires a pink tint, and in this area there will be a feeling of warmth.

Rubbing areas:

  • Back of head, whiskey - with headache.
  • Breast, back - the flu, SARS.
  • Wings of the nose - runny nose.
  • The bite site is the bites of insects.


The agent is effective enough, but it has a number of contraindications. So, it is worth not to lubricate the skin with the Golden Star when:

  • pregnancy;
  • of lactation.

With excessive individual sensitivity to the components of the substance, it is also worth repealing its use, as well as in the case when the patient was not even two years old.

Dermatological contraindications:

  • Open wounds;
  • Skin diseases, including:
    • dermatitis;
    • pyoderma( pustular ailments);
    • eczema.

Also asterisk is contraindicated in people with:

  • epilepsy;
  • spasmophilia;
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • is a frequent manifestation of seizures.

Side effects of balsam "Asterisk"

The most common side effect of the drug is an allergic reaction:

  • contact type dermatitis;
  • of erythema;
  • urticaria;
  • irritation, discoloration and peeling of the skin;
  • itching.

Sometimes there are bronchospastic and negative reactions.

Special instructions

  • Do not allow the medication to come in contact with the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, damaged skin.
  • Without prior consultation with a pediatrician, balm should not be rubbed into the baby's skin.
  • If side effects occur, stop using the medication immediately.


Many patients note that I use the asterisk in the 1980s, since I really felt its positive impact to the full. In particular, there is a good effect for colds, joint pains and insect bites.

Negative responses in the majority concern those reactions which can be shown as collateral, namely occurrence of an itch on a processed place, and also an ecdysis of an integument.


In case there is no Asterisk balsam in the pharmacy, you can use such analogs of the indicated remedy:

  • Balm Eagle( catarrhal diseases and insect bites);
  • Irikar( skin inflammation, itching, eczema, neurodermatitis);
  • Menopause and Menovazine( dermatoses, neuralgia, arthralgia).

Metallic packing of "Asterisks" often causes problems with its opening. In this case, the following video will help:

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