Herbs for intestinal dysbacteriosis, treatment with doses, phytotherapy with chamomile and St. John's wort

Treatment of dysbacteriosis is a very difficult and tedious process, especially if the disturbance of the microflora is caused by the entry of pathogens. However, as the medical community notes, phytotherapy with dysbacteriosis is effective enough. Medicinal fees can eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, promoting the growth of normal intestinal microflora. Simultaneously, herbal medicine helps in the removal of inflammatory processes, having a restorative effect on its function. What broths can be used to treat disorders of microflora?

The basis of phytotherapy for dysbiosis is to provide antimicrobial effects of herbal medicinal preparations. The most effective in this respect is the chamomile and St. John's wort. No less good are the goatee, field horsetail, alder, sage, strawberry, golden rose, cowberry, oregano and sorrel.

Charges from dysbiosis are made taking into account the cause that caused the disturbance of microflora, and its manifestations. In the case of a dysbacteriosis caused by infection, no strong antimicrobial charges are prescribed. Attention is focused on improving the functioning of the digestive tract and reducing inflammation. In the event that there is a decreased secretory function of the stomach, then charges are assigned that stimulate these processes.

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Treatment with herbs of intestinal dysbacteriosis has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, laxative or astringent, analgesic, carminative, spasmolytic and hemostatic actions. It helps in improving appetite and digestion processes. In addition, the violation of microflora often causes depression, and herbal tea, which is taken in the treatment of dysbiosis, have a beneficial effect on the nervous and hormonal systems.

St. John's wort with dysbiosis

St. John's wort with antibiotic dysbacteriosis has antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, wound-healing, astringent, antihelminthic effect. More recently, scientists have found that this herb has antidepressant properties, which makes it even more valuable, along with the lack of contraindications to use and side effects. In the composition of this herb there are tannins, various vitamins and essential oils, phytoncides and rutin.

For the preparation of decoctions in folk medicine, dried grass is used, which can be found in pharmacies. It can be packed in bags or sold in bulk:

  • To prepare infusion from the herb of St. John's wort, 35 g of raw material in fresh and 15 g in dry form are taken for the treatment of dysbacteriosis. You need to brew the mixture in 250 ml of water, and leave it for the infusion process for 3-4 hours in a dark corner. It is allowed to take 15 ml several times a day just before meals. Such a recipe will help normalize the microflora, relieve pain, and get rid of pathogenic viruses.
  • In the event of a microflora disorder due to intestinal infection or with diarrhea, such a remedy may be used: it will require 20 grams of herb to be poured with boiled water. Enameled dishes with contents are heated in a water bath for half an hour, while boiling is not allowed.

To strengthen immunity, it is possible to take tea from St. John's Wort according to the scheme for 250 ml of 5 g of grass.

Camomile with dysbacteriosis

Useful properties of chamomile for intestinal dysbacteriosis are due to the fact that in the decoction of this herb, which are used for various diseases, there is a large number of useful chemical elements, due to which they have antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Experts recommend the use of this herb in the case of severe pain in the intestinal cavity, since it has the ability to quickly remove inflammation.

This medicinal herb has a calming and relaxing effect, so that in the treatment of dysbiosis can prevent the occurrence of sleep disorders.

For the treatment of infringement of microflora, the use of such decoctions is possible:

  • 30 grams of chamomile flowers are poured with 250 ml of boiled water and left for an hour, after which the broth is taken throughout the day to 50 ml before meals. If you want to make a stronger decoction, then just add more herbs, and if necessary, you can just dilute it a little with water.
  • Enameled dishes are filled with flowers and filled with water, after which the dishes are put on a slow fire. Once the broth boils after a couple of minutes you can shoot it, cool it and take it for enemas or inside.

Along with this, it is worth remembering that medicinal plants can greatly damage the intestinal cavity, therefore, before using any herbs, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

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