Whether it is possible to drink alcohol at an atrophic and erosive gastritis: possible consequences, what alcohol it is possible

Gastritis is considered a very common disease that occurs in all segments of the population and at any age, regardless of gender. This disease is an inflammatory process, localized on the mucous walls of the stomach. Patients experience heartburn, epigastric tenderness, nausea, digestive disorders, etc. Due to the prevalence of such a pathology, a quite relevant question is brewing among the population whether it is possible to drink alcohol with gastritis, whether it is dangerous and what can lead to it.

Alcohol for gastritis

When treating gastritis, the doctor must specify that the patient should give up alcohol for the entire therapeutic period. After all, ethanol, even in a healthy person, damages the GIT system.

Gastrites are divided into two etiologic groups: endogenous and exogenous:

  • Gastritis of endogenous origin develops on the background of pathologies or abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal cavity.
  • Exogenous gastritis occurs under the pressure of frequent stresses and aggressive environmental conditions, unhealthy eating habits( like abuse of hot, spicy or salty foods, rapid absorption of poorly chewed food, etc.), alcohol abuse, smoking and antibiotic therapy.
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When alcohol is used, the patient aggravates the condition, provoking an additional irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Drinking alcohol with gastritis, penetrating into the cavity of the stomach, provokes an aggravation of inflammatory processes, ulcerative lesions and bleeding. Therefore, this pathology requires the mandatory exclusion of hot drinks.
On the video about the effect of alcohol on the stomach:

Types of gastritis

There are many varieties of gastritis, differing in etiology, symptomatic manifestations, stages of development, treatment approach.

There are such types:

  • Acute form. Appears suddenly and manifests itself as a rapid increase in the severity of symptomatic signs of inflammatory lesions of the stomach wall - heartburn, belching, nausea, soreness, flatulence, vomiting, etc.;
  • Chronic form. It develops over the course of dozens of years and is accompanied by digestive disorders, lubricated with permanent pain and so on. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all;
  • Erosive form. For such a variety of gastritis, it is common for the entire mucosal layer to be affected with partial embracing of the muscle mass. When the inflammatory processes affect the muscular thickness, the patient experiences cramping soreness, resists and nausea. Mucous stomach tissues swell and blush, and erosive defects appear on their surface. Such damages are shallow, therefore, under favorable conditions, are amenable to elimination;
  • Atrophic form. Such gastritis is a complication of chronic chronic gastritis. Long inflammation leads to a gradual atrophy of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Because of this, less gastric juice is produced, the acidity index is lowered. As a result, juice can not fully disinfect food, in addition, it is not processed by the stomach as expected;
  • Hypertrophic form. It is considered one of the less well-known varieties of gastritis, manifested by massive growths of mucous gastric tissues. It is a provoking factor of oncological processes in the stomach.
  • Allergic form. Usually occurs in patients with food and other allergies, often occurs with parasitic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs mainly in patients with weak immune status.

Therefore, when drinking alcohol in a patient with gastritis, there is painful discomfort in the stomach, unremovable heartburn with nausea and vomiting manifestations. Therefore, the use of alcohol in the presence of gastritis is contraindicated.


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The effect of alcohol on the stomach

Alcohol has a negative effect on all organic systems, GIT organs are no exception. Ethanol provokes the strongest irritation of the gastric walls. The situation is exacerbated by snacks such as salinity, fat, meat, difficult to digest.

With the use of alcohol, intensified production of gastric juice begins, because the glands begin to function in an overly intensive regime. The patient begins to suffer from heartburn, stomach pains, it makes him sick and can even vomit.

Consequences of

Alcoholic influence exacerbates all inflammatory processes in the body, including gastritis. After all, alcohol when used immediately gets into the stomach, so the aggravation can occur immediately. And for this, it is not necessary to wait for alcoholic decay.

  • With the erosive form of gastritis, systematic abuse of alcohol can lead to the degeneration of gastritis in the ulcerative process.
  • Elevated congestion of glands secreting gastric juice leads to a lack of gastromucoprotein, which in the future can lead to an exacerbation of gastritis such as bleeding.
  • If to continue the use of alcohol at an exacerbation of a pathology, the gastritis can be retrained into a chronic pathological process.

What alcohol can you drink

Is it possible to drink alcohol with gastritis? In any version, drinking is generally contraindicated! Especially the ban concerns the use of filtered beer, a variety of tinctures, champagne, some wines and alcoholic cocktails. These varieties of alcohol adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, increasing gastric acidity and exciting mucous membranes, which stimulates increased secretion of gastric juice.

If a patient has a long-lasting remission of gastritis, then small portions of quality cognac or vodka are allowed. To protect yourself from exacerbations the use of high-quality alcohol will help, and on an empty stomach you can not drink it categorically.

As for unfiltered beer, it is that intoxicating drink, which, on the contrary, is recommended to drink from alcohol on an empty stomach to people with gastritis. This kind of beer cleanses the stomach walls of excess mucous deposits, and useful malt and intoxicating components help inhibit the growth of gastric bacteria. Such an effect of unfiltered beer is very useful for gastritis of any kind and it is better to drink it if you really want.


No need to treat gastritis as a sentence that can not be changed. Yes, this pathology requires adherence to certain rules in the diet and use of drinks. The correct approach allows the use of a small amount of some varieties of alcohol. You can drink a glass of quality vintage wine, a mug of unfiltered beer. To fans of vodka at a gastritis it is possible to drink 150 ml, however, the similar liberty is supposed only time in 14 days.

It is absolutely forbidden to take alcoholic beverages without first having eaten, but when snacking, it's worth to be more careful and not allow the use of "smoked liquors" or sharp salines under the vodka. The quality and quantity of alcohol with gastritis should be taken into account, then exacerbations after drinking will be avoided.

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