Beer alcoholism: stages, at-risk groups, symptoms and treatment

According to statistics, the share of beer in Russia accounts for only 14% of the total number of alcoholics, and the country is not among the states with a high level of consumption of this drink. The danger of dependence formation when drinking beer is to spread this habit among young people.

Beer alcoholism

Beer is a low alcohol drink with a strength of 4-5 degrees. Its taste does not cause disgust in adolescents, addiction develops quickly. The predilection for beer affects 3 times more children aged 14-15 than among other age categories.

A teenager who started drinking beer from the age of 12, at the age of 15, risks becoming a beer alcoholic. Beer dependence is noted in 80% of adolescents who are registered in psychoneurological dispensaries with alcoholism.

Beer alcoholic goes through all stages of the formation of dependence with the degradation of the personality, the destruction of the body.

Signs of approaching alcoholism are:

  • the appearance of headache and irritability without a favorite drink;
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  • increase the portion to 2 bottles or more;
  • sleep disturbance, decreased potency;
  • appearance of "beer belly";
  • shortness of breath while climbing the stairs;
  • appearance of a morning hangover, the need for a morning drink of alcohol to improve well-being.

Risk groups

In the group of risk of dependence are women, men who habitually drink more than one bottle of beer, unable to refuse the offer to drink. Because of the peculiarities of physiology, teenage and female beer alcoholism is rapidly developing.

Adolescents, young people are most susceptible to obsessive advertising, do not critically perceive the crafty statements of manufacturers about the safety and even the amazing benefits of this drink. The result of this "enlightening" work is the appearance of a resting stereotype with a can of beer in his hand.

Frequent causes of teenage beer alcoholism are:


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  • family installations laid down in childhood habits;
  • imitation of socially successful people;
  • is a bad influence;
  • beer availability for teens.

Children drinking parents associate feasts with a holiday, joy, "adult" life for this reason and there is such a problem as teenage beer alcoholism. A huge mistake is made by parents, offering a teenager wine, beer, as non-dangerous drinks.

Children from a safe family are not in less danger. Without presenting the consequences of drinking alcohol, a child risks becoming addicted to beer in order to "look like" in the company of peers.

Stages of

Frequent drinking leads to alcoholism. Developing addiction in 3 stages, like any other kind of dependence on psychoactive substances.

There are three stages in the formation of addiction:

  1. Neurotic stage - develops a mental dependence, quickly develops addiction, but physical dependence yet.
  2. Addiction stage - there is a physical dependence, binges, interrupted by objective reasons, such as lack of money, the need to go to work.
  3. Encephalopathic stage - there is a decrease in intelligence, deformation of the person, drinking bouts become lengthy, last more than a week.


For a neurotic stage, alcohol is taken occasionally, at the same time no more than 0.5 liters of beer is consumed. In 1 bottle of unreinforced light beer contains the same amount of ethyl alcohol as in 50 g of vodka. Daily drinking 1 bottle of beer, a teenager gets a quarter of a glass of vodka.


The drug addiction stage of beer alcoholism is characterized by a constant intake and an increase in the dose. The drinking person imperceptibly increases the dose to 2 bottles, feels the need to relax, to sit with a bottle in the evening. To beer are added other alcoholic drinks, greater fortress, there is an abstinence or a hangover syndrome. Upon awakening, the patient needs a drink to feel OK.

Sign of the addiction stage is physical weakness, changes in the heart, kidneys. The brain suffers, the character changes, the person becomes irritable, aggressive.


On the encephalopathic stage of beer alcoholism weighty hangover syndrome. The dose of beer is increased to 3-4 cans or more, which amounts to a daily ¾ - 1 cup of vodka. And drinking 5-6 cans, the patient receives the amount of alcohol contained in a bottle of vodka.

For the encephalopathic stage is characterized by heavy drinking-bouts, the appearance of convulsions, alcoholic psychoses, which answer the question of how dangerous beer alcoholism is.

Harm and consequences

Beer dependence on the brain and psyche is destructive. The intake of alcohol is always accompanied by the death of brain neurons. Systematic destruction of the brain affects the intellect, the psycho-emotional sphere.

The characteristics of beer alcoholism include:

  • inability of the patient to critically assess his condition;
  • rapid degradation of personality.

Beer is already damaging its own use. At the rate of consumption of a total liquid for a person of 1, 5-2 liters per day, a beer alcoholic drinks only beer to 5 liters per day. This amount of fluid forces the kidneys, heart, and vascular system to work.

Drinking beer violates the water-salt balance of the body. In beer, a lot of potassium and a little sodium. Drinking a drink, a person enters potassium and loses the sodium in the body with urine. The lack of sodium is intuitively filled with salt nuts, dried fish, chips.

Snacks irritate the salt receptors of the oral mucosa, requiring the arrival of new portions of liquid. Sometimes beer alcoholics complain that they drink up to 12-15 liters of beer per day.

Excess fluid causes edema, increases blood pressure, leads to the appearance of a "beer heart", several times larger than the size of a healthy organ.

The use of beer and on the hormonal background is also negative. Contained in the drink, estrogens change even the appearance of a beer lover, increase the risk of diabetes, abdominal obesity.

Video about the dangers of beer alcoholism:

How to identify a beer alcoholic

The symptoms of a beer alcoholic are quite typical and do not depend on a person's social status. A common feature is a "beer belly", a loose body, a crimson-red face, bags under the eyes.

In men, the pelvis is distributed, the mammary glands swell, obesity appears, the muscles lose their tone, become flabby. With physical exertion, these people begin to have shortness of breath, well audible to others.

Treatment of

Beer alcoholism is severely treated due to the complex composition of the drink. In addition to ethyl alcohol, it includes fusel oils, methanol, ethers. All these components poison the body, make it immune to drugs, change the reaction to treatment. And although it is not rare that beer alcoholism is treated at home, the doctor's consultation remains a very important fact on the way to recovery.

In parallel with the treatment of the destructive effect of beer components, alcohol dependence treatment is administered. Use drugs:

  • facilitating abstinence;
  • abhorrent to alcohol;
  • reducing dependencies.

The main drugs are drugs that cause alcohol intolerance, such as disulfiram, esperal, kolme.

The question of how to treat beer alcoholism in adolescents is quite complex. The reason is that children more than adults need psychological help, social adaptation. Not all medicines can be used in the treatment of adolescents.

The main methods of treatment of beer alcoholism:


Understanding that alcohol is dangerous in any quantity is achieved through personal and state prevention. In recent years, the distribution of beer alcoholism has generally declined.

Positive changes in this regard are due to state laws restricting free access to alcohol for minors and dishonest advertising. Restrictive measures have allowed to reduce volumes of release of beer.

From 2008 to 2015, the Russian Federation stopped the production of 12 plants. From 2016, the production of beer in polymer containers will be stopped, which will significantly reduce the beer market and reduce the pressure of advertising on the population.

The fly of the pitch is the fact that the decrease in beer output in banks is compensated by the use of draft beer. To reduce the harm of this phenomenon, it is necessary to conduct personal prophylaxis.

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