Treatment of ascariasis in an adult and children, how to treat ascarids - photo, scheme, methods, how to cure worms effectively?

Today, ascariasis in young children is a fairly common phenomenon, and similar infestation occurs in adults. Since early diagnosis happens very rarely, treatment begins at the stage when the first complications appear. There are different schemes and methods for treatment of ascaridosis in adults and children, they differ slightly from each other. Tactics is chosen taking into account the general condition of the patient, the site of the lesion( there are cases when the ascarids migrate and settle not only in the intestine, but also in the liver, in the sinuses, in the lacrimal ducts and even in the trocha, as seen in the photo).Not started on time treatment is able in adults to provoke the development of dangerous phenomena that will worsen the general condition and undermine health, therefore the subject of this article is very relevant.

So, in order to start a story about how to treat ascariasis, you need to remember once again what stages contribute to infection, what happens to the child and adult organism, when eggs of worms enter the intestine. The photo shows the whole cycle. Both the adult and the child become infected with ascariasis while swallowing eggs. Eggs can be in soil, in raw water, on money, unwashed vegetables and fruits, on toys, on handrails in public transport. To smash eggs can insects, often flying into, from the street home.

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Features of treatment of ascaridosis

When ascarid eggs enter the intestine of an adult or child, larvae hatch from them, they borate the walls of the hollow organ and, through the vessels, spread throughout the body. Bleeding larvae can enter the liver, heart, and even into the lungs. From there they climb up the bronchi, climb into the pharynx. The child produces a sip, and the ascarids again enter the intestine, where they grow, develop and multiply, by depositing eggs. It is difficult to imagine, but for one day one female Ascaris is capable of reproducing up to two hundred thousand eggs. All of them with feces in adults and children go out and remain inactive until the moment they again find themselves in the body of a new host. Eggs can lie in the soil for a long time, so that they become invasive, a certain condition is necessary: ​​high humidity and warm weather( the optimal environment is formed when the air warms above +16 degrees).Therapy is formed depending on the helminthic cycle.

The first symptoms of ascaridosis in children and adults are similar to a simple viral disease. The appearance of wheezing and dry cough, urticaria on the body and fever, there are few who associate with the infection with worms, so treatment is symptomatic, it does not seem to facilitate relief. After a month, the condition worsens, the liver in children increases, and the spleen increases, as well as lymph nodes. Adults have abdominal pain, persistent sore throat, intestinal distress, bloating, nausea and eructation. Similar symptoms are similar to dysbiosis, and therefore in this situation, treatment is most often aimed at eliminating such a disease.

And only when the amount of ascarids in the intestine of an adult and a child increases noticeably, when they begin to leave the anal hole, it becomes clear to which doctor to seek help. At suspicions on askaridoz, the pediatrist will redirect the patient to the helminthologist. He will ask to hand over feces, an enzyme immunoassay, make a radiograph of the intestine, lungs and only then, after studying the features of the clinical picture, the doctor will understand how to treat the described invasion. What are the methods for combating childhood ascaridosis?

To treat the acute phase of helminthiasis, physicians are prescribed:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Infusions of ascorbic acid, saline solution and calcium gluconate.
  3. Antiparasitic tablets for the destruction of larvae
  4. Desensitizing therapy.

Scheme of treatment of chronic ascaridosis

How to treat a chronic stage of invasion? A little bit different. As a rule, children are prescribed a course of taking Medamin and Decaris - drugs that have a wide range of activities. They simultaneously block the generation of energy from parasites, cause their paralysis, and then death. Many parents ask: "Is it possible to treat and how to treat ascariasis in infants?".Glistov in infants is also a common phenomenon. Ascaridosis at such an early age can be treated and needed. For this, Albendazole is used. But Vermox( the drug is depicted in the photo), children with severe forms of invasion are not assigned. Increasing the motor activity of helminths, it can provoke frustration of the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, cause nausea and even vomiting, which will contribute to the ingress of worms into the pharynx and into the respiratory tract. An antiparasitic treatment regimen necessarily includes the use of enzyme preparations and multivitamins. In the presence of anemia, the doctor prescribes the intake of iron preparations.

Such a scheme - the answer to the question of how to treat helminthiasis - demonstrates its effectiveness, with its timely application, the prognosis for recovery is always benevolent.

Treatment of ascariasis in adults

What is the difference between treatment of ascaridosis in adults and therapeutic regimens for controlling infestation in children? In an adult, all body systems can boast a stable immunity, so the clinical picture of infestation is less pronounced than in children. Helminths are fixed only during a malfunction of the immunity( after the transferred infectious diseases).If the children have ascariasis in the form of a manifestation of bright allergic reactions, such as, for example, in the photo, in the adult the first signs come from the side of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the methods of treatment are aimed not only at eliminating worms, but also on treating associated symptoms.

The usual treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Use of drugs that are detrimental to ascaris( Pirantel, Mebendazol, Albendazole).
  2. Reception of enzyme preparations.
  3. Purpose of multivitamin complexes.
  4. Protein diet.

In the case of severe invasion in an adult patient, parenteral administration of calcium gluconate, calcium chloride, ascorbic acid is prescribed along with the administration of tablets. If treatment options involve the use of drugs that kill ascarids inside the body, purification therapy is needed to remove dead parasites with laxatives and cleansing enemas. Twenty-one days after the completion of the treatment course, adults and children must undergo a second test. If the answers to them are positive, other more effective methods of treatment of ascaridosis are being developed. For example, such as shown in the photo.

What happens if ascaridosis is not treated?

Ignore the presence of worms in an adult and a child in any case impossible. Uncontrolled increase in their number leads to the formation of intestinal obstruction. Then only surgical intervention can help.

If the ascarids migrate and settle in the bile ducts, mechanical jaundice also develops in the adult patient and in the child. It flows against a background of high fever, severe chills and vomiting. The presence of living helminths in the vomit masses is a sure sign of ascariasis. As already mentioned above, round worms easily damage the walls of the intestine. Therefore, any invasion is accompanied by inflammation of the mucosa of the hollow organ. When ascarids penetrate the abdominal cavity, there is a risk of developing peritonitis, a purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity. When helminths get into the lungs and into the nasopharynx, asphyxia can develop. Blockage of ducts, purulent pleurisy, general sepsis - this is far from a complete list of dangerous complications that can provoke improper treatment or disregard the development of infestation. Both in children and in adult patients, bacterial infections often join the infection, and this is also very dangerous.

Of course, ascaridosis is best prevented. Effective prophylaxis of ascaridosis helps prevent and re-infection, so from an early age it is necessary to form the proper hygienic skills of the child, teach him to wash his hands with soap every time after visiting the street and the toilet the way it is shown in the photo. You can not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, as well as greens from the garden and berries. Do not drink boiled water.

Parents of young children should remember that pets can become a source of infestation. They are carriers of almost all types of worms that a person can get. Some popular folk remedies, such as garlic, spices or pumpkin seeds, can not be used to treat ascariasis. They do not kill parasites, but only stimulate their migration throughout the body. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely cautious about self-medication.

And another important point of prevention. The one who lives in the countryside, is simply obliged to clean the cesspools in time, to prevent the possibility of sewage into the sources of drinking water. It is important to be able to properly compost biological fertilizers( to withstand manure in the compost pit for four years, and only then to fertilize the vegetable gardens).Knowing how to treat ascariasis, how you can prevent invasion, you can try to maintain your health.

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