Ascarids in the human body, where and how many live( are), what do parasites eat, how to migrate, how to adapt, how they get, what they do not like?

Roundworms are roundworms that parasitize the human body. They can be very dangerous to health, because unlike other types of worms, they can live in almost all organs. Symptoms with ascariasis are different, it all depends on the degree of infection and the localization of helminths. Quite often they are found in children and in people who are associated with farming. Ascarids in the human body cause a lot of discomfort, how can you protect yourself from infection?

A human ascarid can live only in the human body, an adult person feeds on substances coming in with food, and actively multiplies. The eggs of these worms go out with the feces out, get into the ground there, for a while they ripen and only then become contagious.

Life cycle of ascarids in the body

There are two stages in the development of ascarids in the human body: migratory and intestinal. The first phase begins when invasive eggs of parasites disappear into the body and enter the intestine, where larvae hatch from them. They penetrate through the walls of the intestine into the blood vessels and spread to all organs.

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What do the ascarids eat? At the initial stage of development, when the larva hatch, it feeds on blood serum. Then, as it grows, it goes over to erythrocytes, they contain a lot of oxygen. It is in the search for it that it begins to migrate through the body, first penetrates into the liver, the heart, and then reaches the target and finds itself in the lungs. They provide a full-fledged meal ascarids at this stage.

Ascarid parasites in the human body cause various injuries to the internal organs, accumulating in the lungs, they provoke a cough. Together with phlegm, some of the larvae go outside, and the other part is swallowed up by the sick. They re-enter the intestine, where another stage of their existence begins. Migration of ascarids on average lasts about two weeks.

Where do the ascarids live in the body?

When they re-swallow the larvae, they again find themselves in the intestines, where they grow and multiply. The female can lay off about 240 thousand eggs per day. Adult askarids feed on the contents of the intestine, that is, the food that the infected person eats.

The adaptation of ascarids to inhabitation in the human body occurs quickly. Parasites become adults in a few months, their size ranges from 15 to 40 cm. The female is always bigger than the male. Worms live about a year, and then they die and go out together with feces. Dead worms acquire a white color, and the living worms are usually red.

The main habitat for adults is the small intestine. But sometimes they do not follow the classical pattern of development. For example, after the migration phase, the intestinal does not always come, parasites can remain in other organs. Symptoms of infection usually depend on the number of worms.

Many people are interested in the question, how many askares can a person have? Their number is varied, for example, if the patient swallowed a lot of eggs, the migration phase will be accompanied by pronounced symptoms, but if then most of the helminths come out with sputum, then the symptomatology will be less pronounced.

How long do ascarids live in the body?

As a rule, their life expectancy ranges from several months to a year. Then they die and leave the body. Eggs do not develop in the intestines, they necessarily need soil for maturation. This means that as soon as all the individuals die, the disease passes, but only if the patient complies with the rules of hygiene. Otherwise, the population of worms will be constantly replenished, so a person can get sick for years with this disease.

How long do they live now is understandable. They can cause great harm in a few months. Often become the culprits of various kinds of inflammation in the organs. In addition, they release toxins that poison the patient and cause allergies. Especially ascaridosis is dangerous for children, getting them into the body can cause a backlog, both in physical and mental development.

How do ascarids get into the human body?

Infection occurs when an unsuspecting person swallows eggs with contaminated food that is already ripe in the soil. They can be everywhere: in dust, in water, on dirty hands, on bills and coins, on unwashed vegetables and fruits. The eggs fall into the soil with feces of the patient with ascariasis.

People living in rural areas and directly related to agriculture, often suffer from this parasitic disease. Especially it is common in those areas where the soil is fertilized with human feces. Children are also at risk, they are often infected with such helminths. The main reason - these non-compliance with hygiene rules, small children seek to know the world, they all explore and taste, so infection is difficult to avoid, even if the parents are good at looking after the child.

What are the complications of ascarids in the body?

If one adult female lives in the human body, then there will be no symptoms of the disease, but if there are a lot of them, they can provoke serious health problems. For example, quite often worms cause intestinal obstruction. A clump of worms closes the lumen and eventually there is obstruction. In addition, they can provoke perforation of the intestinal wall, because of this, there is peritonitis.

If in the moving phase the larvae penetrate the bile ducts, they can cause mechanical jaundice. And if they are in the ducts of the pancreas, then there will be an attack of acute pancreatitis. Quite often among patients with ascariasis there is such a complication as appendicitis. The glistes crawl into the appendix of the intestine and cause severe inflammation.

Everyone knows that ascarids do not like such products as garlic, wormwood, pumpkin seeds. That is why people are often treated with folk methods and harm themselves even more. Glistes though do not like these products, but they do not die from them. That is why eating garlic can only increase their movement and provoke, for example, an attack of appendicitis.

Quite often in the migratory phase, helminths cause pneumonia, because they injure the organ, and because of this there is inflammation. Rarely, but there is another dangerous complication - asphyxia, this is when breathing stops. Usually it is preceded by a severe cough that causes helminths.

The penetration of these worms into the body should not be ignored, this disease is very dangerous, which can lead to death. Such helminths can move around the body, causing disruption of the work of various organs. In addition, such worms - a strong allergen, they secrete toxins and poison the person, which negatively affects his health.

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