Levosin: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs, composition

Levosin is often prescribed for external application and ensuring the prompt healing of wounds of various origin. This ointment has a specific odor, a uniform consistency, and its high degree of effectiveness is explained by the ability of the active substances of the agent to quickly penetrate the skin and activate regenerative processes that have a positive effect on healing.and today we will review the instructions for use and prices for Levosin ointment, reviews about it and analogues of the drug.

Features of the preparation

Thanks to its rich composition and the presence of several active components in the ointment, Levosin is popular and can be prescribed in many pathological conditions of the skin. A hydration activity ensures the speedy transportation of components to the injury sites, determining the formation of a new tissue, eliminating purulent masses and stopping necrotic processes.

Composition of Levosin

Representing a drug with a pronounced anesthetic effect, Levosin even reduces the manifestation of pain even more, and does not have a lot of contraindications. Its influence lasts longer than in novocaine.

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This drug contains the following components:

  • levomycetin , a well-known anesthetic with a soothing and disinfectant effect;
  • sulfadimethoxin , well proven in the fight against intestinal and diphtheria bacillus, anthrax, chlamydia, toxoplasma;
  • chloramphenicol , rapidly destroying staphylococci, causative agents of gonorrhea, salmonella, hemophilic rod;
  • trimecain , which belongs to the class of anesthetics and has a longer action in comparison with novocaine. Also this substance has no side effects when applied;
  • methyluracil also has a mild anesthetic effect combined with anti-inflammatory and non-allergic reactions;
  • polyethylene glycol , which prolongs several times the antibacterial and anesthetic effect of the remaining components of the drug.

The composition of Levosin makes it possible to understand the reasons for the wide range of action of this drug, as well as its active effect on various types of skin lesions. According to reviews, Levosin perfectly copes with edema, eliminates pain in wounds and injuries, eliminates necrotic chronic processes and stops the allocation of purulent masses.

Medicinal forms

On sale today you can see Levosin in the form of an ointment that has a uniform consistency, has a mildly pronounced aroma of medicinal herbs, and its color may vary slightly: from light yellow to beige with a slight greenish tinge. Ointment is sold with aluminum tubes of white color, which are placed in cardboard packages with instructions for use inside. The volume of the tube is 40 g. Also, the ointment can be offered in a bank made of dark glass, its volume is also 40 g.

The cost of the drug depends on the sales company, as well as the size of the trade mark-up in the pharmacy: Levosin should be purchased only in the pharmacy to avoid buyingfalsification without the characteristic properties of this agent. The price of the ointment can be from 85 to 92 rubles per aluminum tube. The cost of the drug in the bank is slightly higher: from 90 to 105 rubles.

Pharmacological action

Ointment Levosin has anesthetic, disinfecting, antimicrobial action. A wide range of properties of the drug is due to its rich composition, as well as a successful combination of components that mutually reinforce each other.


Being a universal and having a wide spectrum of application the drug, Levosin shows its qualities especially quickly because of its included polyethylene glycol, which is water soluble. And for this reason, it allows the fastest penetration of the remaining components into the skin cells, thereby determining the speed of the drug.


Part of the components cause the presence of antibacterial properties in the ointment, some of which anesthetize and eliminate the inflammatory processes in the skin. And the combination of such actions allows you to quickly show your properties to the drug, eliminating skin irritation and providing an early start of regenerative and regenerative processes.

Chloramphenicol, also a component of the ointment, allows you to quickly penetrate other active substances into the bloodstream, through the placental barrier and into the mother's milk, providing the fastest manifestation of the properties of the drug.

For what is used and what helps the ointment Levosin, we will tell below.


Levosin is used to repair damaged skin, with long-term inflammation, abundant pus. With the help of this medicine, it is possible to eliminate such manifestations as soon as possible:

  • the current necrotic process in the affected tissues,
  • to reduce pain manifestations,
  • to remove swelling.

Levosin will help in chemical and thermal burns, carbuncles, furuncles and similar problems, eczema dyshidrotic.

Instruction for use

The peculiarity of using Levosin ointment is its external application. To do this, according to the attached instructions, gauze bandages should be abundantly nourished with this remedy and put into a previously cleaned of purulent discharge of the wound. Also, the preparation can be inserted into the lesion site with the help of a catheter and a syringe, for which the agent should be slightly warmed first for the prompt start of action of the active components( to a temperature of 34-35 ° C).

The replacement of gauze bandages for fresh ones is performed several times during the day, which allows you to always keep wounds in a pure form and prevent the formation of new suppuration. The drug copes with necrotic processes at the site of injury, which allows you to maximally clean the wound before applying a fresh bandage with ointment.

Children under 1 year of age are also restricted in the use of this drug. When breastfeeding, it should be taken into account that the active ingredients penetrate the woman's milk and then pass into the baby's body. Therefore, for any manifestations of malaise( allergic manifestations, irritations and eruptions) of children of primary school age, it is necessary to switch to the use of another drug with similar characteristics.


  • The agent is not to be used for particular sensitivity to any component.
  • In case of allergic reactions, rashes, itching and burning after the application of the ointment in question, immediately stop using it.

Side effects of

In the presence of high sensitivity to the ingredients of the ointment, there may occur such side effects as:

  • pruritus,
  • burning at the site of application,
  • skin rashes,
  • redness.

In doing so, consult a doctor and stop using the product. Elimination of side effects occurs with symptomatic treatment.

Special instructions

  • Ointment Levosin does not affect the degree of concentration, therefore its use is not limited when working with complex mechanisms and when driving vehicles.
  • Children under 18 years of age are not recommended to use ointments.

Interaction with other medications

Levosin ointment should not be used concurrently with the use of drugs that depress the bone marrow function. These drugs include the following medicines:

  • cytostatics;
  • sulfonamides;
  • pyrazoline derivatives.

Thanks to the feedback of buyers, you can get a more complete impression and the degree of effectiveness of the drug and its contraindications.


  • Most of the customers are positive about the effectiveness of the drug in question. Levosin ointment has a pleasant smell, does not stain clothes, and its effectiveness allows using it even with chronic inflammatory and purulent processes. There is also a possibility of its wide application: a high result with the use of Levosin was obtained with wounds of the skin with ongoing necrotic processes, with abundant secretion of pus.
  • Ease of use by applying gauze dressings impregnated with ointment, in a previously cleaned wound allows you to achieve tangible results sooner. The use of such dressings several times during the day allows several times to reduce the allocation of purulent masses, to clean the wound and stimulate the regenerative processes in the skin.
  • Customers also note the convenience of using aluminum tubes, in which the product is sold: squeezing out the required quantity, it is easier to calculate the available amount of funds. And the cost of the drug should be considered democratic in comparison with analogues having a similar effect.
  • In the joint use of Levosin with other medications of adverse events, most of the buyers were not noted.

Analogues of

Among drugs that have similar characteristics, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Levomekol;
  2. Fustin;
  3. Inflarax.

To say for sure what is better, Levosin, Fastin or Levomekol, is quite difficult. The listed medicines have a disinfecting, anesthetic, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. However, some of them are less effective, and some have a higher cost. Floxal in the composition of Levosil also enters into the ophthalmic ointment.

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