Bifonazole: instructions for use, indications, price, analogues

Modern means, actively fighting the manifestations of fungal diseases on the skin, provide both clean skin and rapid elimination of the most characteristic symptoms of these diseases: itching, burning of the skin, rashes of various localization, the appearance of places with intertrigo, deterioration of the hair condition( in case of fungal infectionthe scalp).And among the most effective drugs with antifungal effect, which have proven themselves at both the initial stages of the disease and those who are more neglected, Bifonazole should be given, since its balanced composition, minimal amount of side effects and rapid manifestation of the first results can be considered one of the most importantadvantages in comparison with the analogues presented on the market today.

With the help of this drug, many patients with a fungus of various types quickly and permanently cleared the skin, eliminating discomfort in the form of peeling, itching of the skin, while the long-term result is an important indicator of the efficacy of Bifonazole, which is important in the choice of a medicament for fighting all kinds of fungal infections. The agent in question can be used both in mono-exposure to obtain a pronounced positive dynamics in the treatment of fungal skin lesions, and in complex therapeutic effects.

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Features of the preparation

Modern and effective in combating fungi of any kind, the preparation Bifonazol, offered on sale in the form of several dosage forms, can be called one of the most popular among the analogues: a large number of positive reviews about its use, pronounced therapeutic effect,effective treatment due to the use of similar agents - these qualities are decisive in choosing when buying antifungal agents.

An important advantage of the agent in question is the possibility of obtaining a significant number of different types of fungal lesions when treated with it. Indications for its use should be considered onycomicosis, diaper rash between the fingers and toes, cutaneous candidiasis, as well as candidiasis lesions of the nail plates and the genital area.

Dosage forms

The preparation Bifonazol is on sale in several dosage forms, which allows you to select the most convenient form for use, which will allow you to get better results of treatment. In the drugstores of the city Bifonazol is sold as 6

  • ointment,
  • cream,
  • powdered form
  • and as a solution.

Composition of Bifonazole

Due to its thoughtful composition, the drug has the most obvious positive effect, which persists for a long time. Active substance is bifonazole, which quickly penetrates deep into the affected tissue, eliminating the appearance of the fungus, stimulating the prompt elimination of the most obvious symptoms and the regeneration of damaged cells. An additional substance that enhances the action of bifonazole is urea.


The value indicator is considered one of the most important when choosing a tool with which many buyers are determined when buying. And Bifonazole, having a relatively low price( about 80-150 rubles per package, attracts attention, many positive reviews can be considered additional advantages when using the antifungal drug in question.)

Pharmacological action of

Bifonazole has a high activity level: after a relatively shorttime since the beginning of its use, many have noted a marked improvement in the condition of damaged skin areas, its peeling, itching decreases, pores are eliminatedinfections and other manifestations of fungal infection

Across the membranes of the fungal cells, the active substance disrupts the processes of their vital activity and prevents active reproduction. This allows you to quickly deprive the fungus of the ability to negatively affect the skin, denying its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and nails


Having a pronounced fungicidal effect, the drug under consideration disrupts the integrity of the fungal membranes and penetrates into their cells. The modern approach to the creation of this antifungal agent provides a good result even at the initial stages of the therapeutic effect, and also improves the general condition of the skin.

The perception of the active substance by skin receptors is provided to a high degree, which can be considered an important indicator of the speed of the drug. The absence of negative effects on healthy skin areas allows the use of Bifonazole even when such places are located on the healthy skin area.


To obtain the longest and most pronounced result when using the drug, a certain concentration of the drug should be used, which will provide the most rapid impact on the pathogenic microflora. For different indications, the doctor may vary the recommended concentration of the substance used.


Indications for use Bifonazole should be considered any kind of fungal lesions, which manifest themselves on the skin, and on the nail plate. Diseases that are well treatable with Bifnazol are as follows:

  • candidiasis of skin and nails;
  • dermatitis of various types;
  • hyperhidrosis of the skin of the feet;
  • trichophytosis of the scalp;
  • eczema caused by active reproduction of fungi on the scalp;
  • favus;
  • mycosis condition of brushes;
  • colored lichen.

Bifonazole can also be used in a complex treatment with rubrofitia, microsporia, smooth skin, erythrasis. Complex approach for these lesions with fungal diseases gives a more pronounced result.

Instruction for use

Depending on the diagnosis diagnosed by the doctor-dermatologist during the examination of the affected areas of the skin, a treatment regimen is drawn up which allows the most obvious manifestations of the disease to be eliminated in the shortest time, restore normal skin conditions and prevent relapse of the disease.

For adults and children, the scheme and dosage of the application may be somewhat different.


Adults with a diagnosis of almost any type of lesion prescribed treatment in the form of regular application to the affected areas of ointment or cream Bifonazol, which is not rubbed and left to soak. One-time application involves the use of a single strip of cream or ointment, as well as no more than three drops of the drug solution.

If the nail is damaged by a fungus, carefully clean the affected nail plate, then apply the selected form of the preparation to it and fix the bandage on top. After several hours of wearing a bandage, the nail is cleaned, dried and another layer of medicinal agent is used to completely destroy the pathogenic microflora.

Duration of use depends on impact, for adults it is usually 2-5 weeks.

For children

Due to the sensitivity of the baby's skin, the use of Bifonazole should be limited and carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Duration of use depends on the treatment parameters, it is 2-3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break.

In pregnancy and lactation

Because the active substance does not have the ability to penetrate the blood and the placenta, therefore caution should be exercised in the treatment of Bifonazole. Dosage and duration of use of the drug is determined by a gynecologist.


Contraindications include the presence of individual intolerance to the constituent components of the remedy, the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Also, it should be especially acute when prescribing this drug to pregnant women and to conduct a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects of

In addition to a possible allergic reaction with increased sensitivity of the skin with Bifonazal, rashes on the skin, an increase in its dryness and tightness, the manifestation of itching and burning.

Special instructions

  • Pregnancy, lactation and age of up to six months require increased caution when using Bifonazole. Control over treatment in these cases should be performed by the attending physician.
  • For lesions of fungal diseases of the scalp, a solution of the drug is recommended, which is applied until the characteristic symptomatology disappears completely on the previously shaved area of ​​the skin.

Interaction with other medications

Bifonazole in any of its dosage forms increases its effectiveness in complex treatment. Similar drugs used in parallel, enhance the effectiveness of the impact.


According to reviews of those who have already used the substance in the treatment of fungal diseases, Bifonazole is one of the most effective modern means. Many noted the ease of application, the rapid absorption of the drug, the minimum amount of adverse events and good tolerability of the active components of the drug.

The availability of cost is also an important indicator of the level of demand for a drug. Bifonazole is of low cost, which is also its important advantage. And the durability of the result obtained made this tool the most popular among analogues.


To similar preparations, quickly and effectively fighting with fungal skin lesions, include:

  • Bifosin,
  • Bifosam,
  • Mycospores.
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