Treatment of gastric ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter. Complex approach to treatment of peptic ulcer

Gastric ulcer is a focal defect that forms on the mucous membrane. The disease is very dangerous, especially during the period of exacerbation. Ulcerative formation can be superficial and deep.

Superficial - affects only the mucous membrane of the organ, not extending deep into the tissues. Eliminates it much easier than a deep ulcer of the stomach. Treatment of such defects can take place without surgical intervention.

Deep abnormalities often affect the abdominal and muscular membrane of the organ, as a result of which all its contents can enter the abdominal space. This is fraught with the development of such complications as penetration( penetration into other organs).Such processes require urgent surgical treatment of stomach ulcers.

What treatment is prescribed for a stomach ulcer?

Pharmacotherapy consists of several directions:

  • Etiotropic treatment of peptic ulcer .Its main principles are the detection and leveling of factors that lead to the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed if the disease is of an infectious nature, or is caused by the development of harmful bacteria Helicobacter. Treatment of ulcers, in this case, is carried out through the use of chemotherapeutic antibacterial drugs( De-Nol, Omeprazole, Labeprazole) in combination with antibiotics( Amoxicilin, Clarithromycin).Metronidazole-based drugs are also used: Metrogil, Clione, Deflamont, Nidazol. If during the diagnosis the bacterium was not found, then antibiotics, of course, are not prescribed. In this case, we need to look for a different cause of the disease( possible errors in nutrition, psychological state, etc.).
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  • Pathogenetic treatment of gastric ulcer .The main goal of this therapy is based on neutralizing the gastric juice, reducing its amount and normalizing the acid balance, since the defect is most often formed in an acidic environment. In addition, studies show that the most resistant to gastric acid is Helicobacter - a bacterium that causes a stomach ulcer. Treatment in this case is carried out with antisecretory drugs( Ranitidine, Famotidine, Omeprazole, Metacin, Gastrotsepin, Fosfalugel, Almagel, Maalox, Bismuth).
  • Symptomatic treatment of .It is prescribed to eliminate the manifested symptoms, which accompanies peptic ulcer. To do this, use antacids( Maalox, Almagel, Fosfalugel), regenerating( Acemin, Sea-buckthorn oil, Gastrofarm) and spasmolytic( No-shpa, Papaverin) funds.

All medications should be administered exclusively by the doctor in charge. The use of any medicine without a prescription or doctor's recommendation can lead to dangerous consequences.

If a conservative complex treatment of a stomach ulcer does not give the expected positive results, then the patient can be assigned a surgical intervention( how exactly it passes can be seen in the photo and video).Treatment after surgery should also be comprehensive.

Diet for complex treatment of stomach ulcers

A very important place in the complex treatment of the disease is diet. She is appointed by the doctor, based on the complexity of the manifestation of the disease. The daily diet should include a lot of protein foods( eggs, fish, boiled meat).Proteins have a natural healing effect and contribute to a rapid recovery process. Eat small meals about 6 times a day.

There are three principles of a properly constructed diet:

  • Thermal restriction of .It is not recommended to eat hot or cold food. It should be slightly warm. This will avoid the defeat of the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach.
  • Chemical limitation .From the daily diet should always be excluded smoked products, strong brews( broths, cabbage soup), spicy spices, sour foods, marinades, fatty foods.
  • Mechanical Constraint .All food should be thoroughly crushed. Rough, hard or dry food should also be excluded from your diet. It is best to cook food on a steam bath.

Protocol for the treatment of stomach ulcers

The rapid development of gastroenterology allowed in the 90 years of the twentieth century to create a protocol for the treatment of stomach ulcers. His long-term development was facilitated by the study of the influence of the Helicobacter bacterium on the onset and development of the disease and its relapses. After the appearance of a single protocol, doctors received a clear algorithm for the use of a complex of various medications, using modern principles and approaches.

The purpose of developing The protocol for the treatment of peptic ulcer is the relief of pain attacks, dyspeptic disorders, cicatrization of ulcerative formations in a very short period.

The protocol of pharmacotherapy shows when and in what dosages it is necessary to prescribe a basic antisecretory drug. The duration of treatment depends entirely on the diagnostic conclusion. To monitor scarring, an endoscopic examination is prescribed, which is carried out every two weeks.

Until recently, it was believed that the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers should be different. When using the protocol it became known that pathological formations are scarred equally. Thus, gastrointestinal ulcers are treated with the same drugs and drugs.

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