Characteristics of the disease Myopia of high degree and therapeutic measures

1 Diagnosis of the disease and contraindications

Often patients do not suspect the presence of ailment, and only professional diagnosis can reveal it. However, patients already start complaining about the fact that they do not see the transport numbers when they are standing at a stop, they can not immediately distinguish figures on the price tags in supermarkets. Children complain that at school they see badly written on the blackboard, if they sit further than the first desk.

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  • Symptoms of Iridocyclitis, Eye Disease
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High grade myopia can develop for the following reasons:

  • non-observance of eye and vision hygiene;
  • high body fatigue;
  • imbalance and weakness of the accommodation of the eye, that is, a weak ability to see and distinguish objects;
  • weak connective tissue of the eye;
  • is a genetic predisposition.

In such a condition, the patient must clearly know the contraindications:

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  • is prohibited from being bathed in a bath;
  • you can not drink alcohol;
  • people with high degree myopia can not work in some areas of activity, and young people of draft age are not taken to the army;
  • high degree of myopia excludes donation and even childbirth.

However, all this is very individual, so all questions must be discussed with your doctor. A person with this ailment must have eyeglasses or contact lenses, but such methods are not at all therapeutic. With a progressive form of the disease, surgical intervention of is mandatory. Myopia of high degree with astigmatism is none other than myopia, which arises as a result of a genetic predisposition of a person, and sometimes due to any injuries or surgical interventions.

2 Preventive measures against the disease

Before starting the examination of the patient, the ophthalmologist carefully listens to his complaints, and then proceeds on the basis of appropriate examination. Can be used well-known to everyone from school times signs with letters of different sizes, as well as a special ophthalmic tool. The most important method is a skiascopy, which is aimed at studying the ability of the eyes to refract light( or rather, the cornea and the lens).The final stage of the study is the so-called ophthalmoscopy, with the help of which the doctor examines the fundus.

To prevent the development of the disease, you should follow preventive measures. This applies to everyone, especially people who often work at the computer, and children, because they tend to write in a notebook with a low head:

  1. The most important measure is to visit an ophthalmologist every year who can diagnose any changes on time. If the patient began to be disturbed by eye pains, discomfort, and vision becomes worse, the trip to the doctor should be made without delay.
  2. Nutrition is an important moment in the prevention of eye ailments, because a balanced and vitamin-enriched meal can maintain the vision at the proper level.
  3. As a preventive measure, certain exercises should be done to relax the eye muscles.
  4. Good vision is required to maintain normal vision, especially during operation. With poor lighting, the eye constantly strains to distinguish objects, and this negatively affects the eyesight.


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If the visual acuity, even taking into account corrective means does not exceed 0.3 diopters, the patient becomes an invalid for myopia.

3 When a vision impairment is possible

Visual disability can be of several groups:

  1. The first group is assigned if the visual impairment is severe, that is, the person has absolute or almost absolute blindness. Disability in this case is assigned unequivocally, since at such a low level of vision a person is not able to carry out any activity independently, without outside help.
  2. The second group is assigned to the patient if he sees poorly and in most cases needs social support.
  3. The third group is appointed when the patient's loss of vision is more or less moderate, self-care is partially impossible and social support is sometimes required.

Disability is also prescribed for congenital or chronic diseases that are severe. In addition, the material situation of the patient is also taken into account. If such a status is received by a minor child, then at the age of 18 he will need to undergo a second re-examination procedure in order to obtain the status and disability group already as an adult. The whole procedure is not so fast, it will be necessary to visit a doctor, collect a complete package of necessary documents: this is a written application of a disabled person for a second examination, a medical record, and many other documents with signatures and seals.

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From childhood to your health you need to be careful not to get many chronic ailments in the future, including those related to vision.

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