Safe pills and other anti-headache products during pregnancy

1 Diagnosis and treatment of

Before prescribing treatment and prescribing the necessary medications for headaches, the doctor conducts not only a diagnosis of the state of health, but also finds out the cause that triggered the headaches during pregnancy. The most common of these are:

  • a change in the hormonal state;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • stresses at work;
  • abnormal weight gain;
  • craniocerebral trauma before pregnancy.

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A qualified answer to the question of how to get rid of a headache while in a position can only be given by a doctor. It is impossible in any case to treat pain during pregnancy on your own. What can help one woman does not always become an effective remedy for another. The situation in women in this situation is complicated by the fact that even a high-quality and effective drug can do more harm than good. In this regard, to eliminate the symptoms of migraine in the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors recommend other, alternative medications for treatment.

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In order for the body to be able to deal with the negative conditions that occur in it, a woman during pregnancy should completely change her way of life - paying more attention to necessary rest and proper nutrition. Sometimes pain in the head can appear as a result of a lack of certain trace elements in the body. So, anemia can develop as a result of lack of iron, so it's worth emphasizing iron-rich foods and incorporating them into the diet.

2 Non-pharmacological agents

There are many remedies that help to eliminate headaches during pregnancy. These include a strong healthy night's sleep for at least 8 hours, an after-noon sleep for 1-2 hours, the correct distribution of physical exertion.

A healthy sleep is the main means in the fight against any ailment. Thanks to him, a person restores the lost strength of the day, strengthens the nervous system. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on the spine, improving the performance of many body systems. This improves blood flow to the brain, which helps improve its oxygen supply. Very often, with oxygen starvation, the neck hurts. Properly planned hours of sleep and wakefulness will help get rid of migraine associated with oxygen deficiency.

Get rid of persistent pain will help adequate physical activity during the period of bearing the child. This can be a specially prescribed complex of exercise exercises, or maybe a special course for pregnant women. Headache during pregnancy often appears as a result of weak blood circulation in the brain, which sometimes causes acute attacks of migraine, so therapeutic exercises and special physical activities help not only to raise the tone of the pregnant woman, but also improve the blood flow to the brain.

Sometimes, the cause of a condition when a headache during pregnancy, there may be increased or decreased blood pressure. With intracranial hypertension, in addition to headache, there may be nausea, eye pain, tinnitus. In this case, doctors recommend to completely abandon the caffeinated products, do weight adjustment and balance their diet, excluding aggressive food, fried and smoked products, replacing them with vegetables and fruits. If the nausea does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor: it may be signs of an organism intoxication due to the infectious processes that have begun in it.


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Headache in pregnant women can sometimes be caused by stressful situations, stress at work. Few women understand that in their position the most important is to bear a healthy and strong baby, and the rest can wait. More often women in position even because of the most insignificant situation at work can be upset until a nervous breakdown. Such things can not be allowed categorically. Excessive unrest is transmitted to the baby, and frequent stress can affect his future mental state or cause premature birth or miscarriage. In this case, you can take sedative medicines on a plant basis - a motherwort tincture, you can drink tea with melissa, valerian( only after 1 trimester).

3 Drug treatment

In order not to harm the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should know exactly what tablets are available during this period and which can not be taken. Doctors recommend paying attention to the fact that almost all medications can pass unhindered through the placental barrier. In this regard, the potent medicines Antimigren, Seduxen in pregnancy, especially in its first months, are contraindicated. It should also be noted that the drugs Sermion, Ergometrin, which include ergot alkaloids, can cause miscarriage. Negative effects on the fetus can be provided by Analgin, Paracetamol, which doctors recommend taking only in the most extreme cases. Great importance in determining what can be taken with pain in the head and what does not, is played by the causative factor that provoked such a condition.

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In case of magnesium deficiency, which is also capable of provoking discomfort, it is recommended to apply Magne B6.In addition, with cold headaches, you can use Efferlangan, Paracetamol, which are given to young children.

The most dangerous pain doctors call this state in the last months of pregnancy, which appears in conjunction with other painful symptoms, such as high blood pressure and protein in the urine. This may indicate a pre-eclampsia - the development of a late manifestation of toxicosis. With this pathology, not only a headache during pregnancy, but also loss of consciousness, convulsions can be observed. Such symptoms can cause the death of not only the child, but also the mother during childbirth.

In such cases, pain can be removed magnesium sulfate and magnesium sulphate. The most widely known and permitted in pregnancy is the drug Papaverin, which helps reduce vasospasm and lower blood pressure, eliminating pain. You can drink with strong pain No-shpu, Platyphylline. With a headache also prescribed diuretic Furosemide. Despite the fact that this medicine does not have analgesic properties in the spectrum of its action, it is prescribed in order to enhance the withdrawal of fluid from the body, which prevents the edema of the brain and eliminates pain.

Headache in pregnant women, which is the cause of late toxicosis, can be removed with a tranquilizer Sibazon. It is an excellent sedative that protects the brain from nervous overexcitation and prevents the appearance of such symptoms as convulsions. Of the means that you can drink at increased pressure, doctors recommend Clofelin, which affects certain brain structures. The drug is not recommended for a long time.

Some medicines and especially those potent drugs that are used only in hospital settings are not recommended to be taken without doctor's permission. What tablets or injections to use, he can say only after a complete diagnosis of the woman's health status.

4 Recommendations of doctors

Along with the traditional methods of treatment of headache, which include taking a remedy allowed by doctors during pregnancy, an important role is played by physiotherapy and the use of traditional medicine methods. The best remedy for a woman in the situation is that which will not harm her and her future child, so doctors recommend that doctors pay attention to activities that promote better health without taking any medications.

Fresh air, which does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the brain, plays a big role in this. When your head often hurts, which can be caused by a decrease in blood sugar, you should not delay a visit to a doctor. Only analysis of the tests can indicate the exact cause of the pain. If it still lies in the violation of the sugar index, you can normalize this state by drinking sweet tea or eating some chocolate.

Migraines, which can often be caused by weather conditions, can be cured by using the simplest means - put a wet compress on the forehead. Today you can buy in pharmacies special painkiller, which is completely harmless to the body of a pregnant woman and has an effective effect.

When the pain is just beginning, it is possible to help yourself with the self-massage of the neck and the occipital part. For a pregnant woman, the best medicine is one that is prepared on the basis of plant components. Decoctions or infusions help not only to relieve pain, but also to remove a number of accompanying symptoms, such as fever, chills, loss of strength. Doctors recommend drinking homeopathic remedies that help to clear the symptoms of a malaise with a cold causing headaches. From such means you can drink teas from thyme, raspberries, broths of wild strawberries.

A good remedy is Balm Asterisk, which has an analgesic composition, quite harmless for a pregnant woman.

They are smeared with circular movements of the place at the temples.

Symptoms of aromatherapy help to remove signs of general malaise. Improve the condition of a sick woman essential oils of chamomile, cardamom, lemon, fir, if the cause of pain in the head was a cold. But do not get involved in this procedure. It is desirable to do it only in the absence of contraindications. A warm bath with the addition of a few drops of oil helps a lot. At an elevated pressure, orange or grapefruit oil helps.

If the reason for the deterioration in health is the intoxication of the body, it is recommended to use as much liquid as possible. This will help to fill the lost fluid during pregnancy and remove harmful substances from the body. In this case, mineral water will help more.

5 Folk remedies

You can get rid of permanent long-lasting migraines by beating a raw egg and adding hot milk to it. Stir the mixture well and drink for 1 time.

The headache can subside if you drink a brewed herbal tea with the addition of honey. You can add mint, which will help to relax and gradually remove the pain. Such funds are used at night.

An unpleasant painful condition in the head helps to calm the lemon rind, which should be applied to the temple with the outside side or fixed with adhesive plaster.

Perfectly helps coniferous bath with salt.100 g of sea salt are put 2 tbsp.l.coniferous extract. Baths are taken for 10 days before bedtime.

What to take back at home with a headache pregnant? If the pain arises because of hypertension, you can improve the condition, drinking before bedtime tea from black chokeberry( 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water).

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