Heart contusion: symptoms, consequences, treatment, diagnosis, prognosis

In cases of closed trauma of the heart, bruises account for up to seventy percent. A heart affected by a stroke, depending on how violent a lesion has occurred, can itself cope with the consequences or need the help of doctors. In any case, it is necessary to get a specialist consultation to not miss the time, if the diagnosis shows the need to undergo treatment.

Features of injury

If a closed injury occurs in the area of ​​the left side of the chest, then the possibility of a heart attack is not ruled out. This problem has such features that it is not always possible to guess about it, the bruise of the heart is determined by the survey. Occurs as a result of application of mechanical force on the chest, which is transmitted to the heart.

The heart is the organ in which the continuous circulation of blood flows acts, the valves operate smoothly, a conductive system operates that transmits impulses from pacemakers to the cameras. The consequences of a traumatic impact depend:

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  • on the strength of this action,
  • what phase of the heart activity was at this moment,
  • direction of the impact.

In some chambers, traffic can get slow, even pause, during a sharp mechanical action. At this time, the flow of blood to the heart continues to flow. Blood in the chambers of the heart with a sharp impact of the shock responds to a hydrodynamic phenomenon, which can create a danger to the health of the heart.

Shock reactions are possible:

  • chamber overflow,
  • their overload,
  • cavity expansion and change in their sizes,
  • compression of departments,
  • cardiac injury,
  • blood flow dissociation,
  • heart displacement,
  • severe functional disturbances can provoke mechanical heart damage:
    • myocardial damage,
    • valve damage.

Classification and forms of

Specialists identify two types of clinical manifestations that can be caused by a stroke in the heart:

  • angina,
  • is infarct-like.

Defining to which clinical form the symptoms of a particular patient can be attributed, gives at once a clue about the tactics of treatment. To exclude the possibility of developing heart failure in an infarct-like case of injury, limit the amount of therapy performed by the infusion method. In the first case, such a restriction is not provided.

Heart contusion can be divided into components:


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • injury of the heart muscles,
  • coronary vessels injury,
  • valves injury,
  • injury combined.

Causes of

A heart attack can occur if there has been a stroke on the chest in the area of ​​the projection of the heart. Such an action is possible:

  • in case of an accident:
    • falling from a height,
    • blow by a blast wave,
    • in case of an emergency - a blow from the handlebars;
    • in production - when working with heavy objects, when there is a tool return or other unforeseen situation;
    • hydrotrauma,
    • stone punch,
  • or as a sports injury:
    • kick in a football game,
    • during a combat fight,
    • other accidental injury.

Next we will talk with you about the symptoms and treatment of a heart attack.

Symptoms of

Heart contusion can manifest itself with such signs:

  • cardiac disruptions,
  • chest pain,
  • heartbeat,
  • dyspnea, in some cases, suffocation;
  • arrhythmias,
  • cyanosis,
  • pains similar to sensations in angina pectoris;
  • enlargement of the heart boundaries,
  • pain factor manifests either after injury immediately, or after several hours;
  • appearance of uncharacteristic noises, bugs are heard;
  • blood pressure lowering for a week,
  • if a papillary muscle disorder occurs, for example, its rupture, then a gross systolic noise will be heard;
  • loss of consciousness,
  • with severe damage to the heart from stroke can develop heart failure with stagnant phenomena.

There may be a violation:

  • cardiac thrombosis,
  • coronary artery spasm,
  • hemorrhage in the heart muscle,
  • rhythm disturbance,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • with minor injuries: microblood infringement, hematomas;
  • when a traumatic impact of great force is possible:
    • valve elements ruptures,
    • heart muscle damage.

There may be indications:

  • cold sweat,
  • anxiety,
  • loss of reason,
  • bloating in the heart area,
  • causeless horror,
  • tingling sensation at the fingertips,
  • pulsation of large veins.

About ECG and other methods of diagnosing a heart attack tell you further.


The expert hears complaints and does drying by the heart work stethoscope. To refine the research:

  • An electrocardiogram reflects the electrical impulses of the heart. If the results of this method show a normal result, then one can be sure that there are no serious negative consequences of a bruise.
  • Echocardiography is indicated in cases where there are signs of a hemodynamic disorder. In situations of injury, a transesophageal study is used.
  • Holter Observation is the recording of heart pulses throughout the day. It gives an opportunity to understand, with what factors the possible deviations from the norm of indications are connected. The patient wears a portable sensor attached to the body and keeps a chronological record of occupations, loads, moods.
  • Laboratory research. Analyzes are carried out for the content of substances that may indicate that the myocardium is damaged:
    • MB isoenzyme,
    • troponin.


To assist a patient with a heart attack, he is placed in a hospital. Treatment takes place in the intensive care unit, unless urgent surgery is required. The treatment program is carried out under close monitoring of changes in the patient's condition.


If necessary, the following measures are taken:

  • to restore the ability of the myocardium to contract,
  • treatment of hemodynamic disorders,
  • antiarrhythmic therapy,
  • metabolism improvement,
  • rehabilitation measures.


Specialists, depending on which violations occurred due to an injury, can designate:

  • drugs that relieve heart pain, it can be:
    • droperidol( with saline solution),
    • fentanyl( with physical solution),
    • omnibody,
    • morphine,
  • antiarrhythmics:
    • isoptin,
    • tracer,
    • panangin,
    • potassium chloride,
  • for heart failure:
    • diuretics,
    • cardiac glycosides,
    • drugs with potassium in their composition.


  • If the heart has suffered mechanical damage to the walls or valve elements, the patient will need urgent operational help.
  • In the case of transverse blockade( complete), measures are performed for pacing.

Folk remedies

With bruises, folk methods are used successfully. Heart contusion can conceal serious threats, so self-medication is unacceptable.

With the permission of a specialist, you can apply:

  • Cold and rest helps the bruised place.
  • Application of plantain helps to remove the consequences of injury.
  • Same, only apply chopped wormwood.
  • Make a solution with laundry soap, moistened in this solution, the bandage is applied to the bruise.

On the potato method of folk treatment of heart contusion will tell the following video:

Prevention of

Prevention of heart contusion with all possible consequences will exclude the possibility of injury to the chest in the heart. It is necessary to observe safety precautions:

  • Drivers always fasten the seat belt.
  • The installers at the construction site should be fastened to the structures to avoid falling.
  • In sports, remember that the heart area must be protected from bumps.

Complications and consequences of a heart attack

Heart contusion is a strong stress for the body. This causes a significant blow to various systems. The consequence of trauma may be symptoms of posttraumatic myocardial dystrophy.

After the injury, such complications can occur:

  • ventricular fibrillation,
  • atrial fibrillation,
  • extrasystole,
  • atrial flutter,
  • ventricular tachycardia,
  • paroxysmal tachycardia,
  • conduction abnormality - atrioventricular block( complete or incomplete);
  • rhythm disturbances can occur in several species simultaneously.

On the forecasts for blunt cardiac trauma, read the last.


If the blow was of little strength, then the heart activity will come back to normal after a while. Experts can determine that, probably, medical measures should not be carried out.

Often when serious injury is received, it is the heart injury that causes death, although it may be undetected. This situation happens in three or four deaths of .After treatment in a hospital, when surgery was needed, if there was a stoppage of blood circulation, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is high, amounts to 88%.

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